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the proposal of reform of the law on the ports disappoints more than to satisfy the expectations of many
Seminary to Livorno on I decree introduced from minister Madia
February 23, 2016
"The adhesion to a model of more independent government is a trend developing that is interesting an always greater number of European ports. In Italy we are inclining, instead, for a pubblicistico model of governance". It has emphasized the extraordinary commissioner of the Harbour Authority of Livorno, Giuliano Gallanti, in the course of the seminary on I decree of "Reorganization, rationalization and simplification of the Harbour Authorities" introduced from the minister for the Simplification and Public Administration, Marianna Madia, than he has held yesterday in Sala Canaviglia of the Old Fortress of Livorno in the within of the program of encounters promoted from the Livorno Port Center.
The general secretary of the harbour authority of Livorno, Massimo Provinciali, has illustrated the salient points of the legislative provision, that he previews the institution of 15 Harbour Authorities of System (AdSP) to the place of current the 24 Harbour Authorities, a Committee of management in substitution of the Harbour Committees, a president with four-year mandate and greater powers regarding the past that will be named by the minister of understanding with the president or the presidents of the interested Regions, a "Table of partnership of the resource sea" that he will go to replace the current advisory Commission. Moreover territorial Offices to the place of the Harbour Authorities in the ports center of Adsp and a national table of coordination of the called AdSP not to coordinate and to harmonize the strategic choices that the great infrastructural investments concern and those of town-planning planning in harbour within, the strategies of performance of the concessorie policies of the marine Federal property let alone the marketing plans and promotion on the international markets.
Provincial it has evidenced that this implies a reversal to 180° regarding the model of governance statuito with law 84 of 1994, going in the direction of a greater centralization of the powers of coordination of the Harbour Authorities in head to Rome and towards a substantial resorption of the Adsp within a pubblicistico system where the management committees in fact are composed exclusively by representatives of the institutions.
According to Gallanti, "we will not be able to never compete the north-European ports if we reduce our Harbour Authorities to the role of house keeper, of simple administrators of apartment house. The Harbour Authorities must be, instead, of the clusters manager, and move as real logistic systems".
"Not there is doubt - it has agreed professor Maurizio Maresca, by right communitarian expert - than that which we have today is not an organic review of law 84/94, but an attempt of I reorder in which more small are put entirety great Harbour Authorities with Harbour Authorities. Many things are changed by the ‘94 today, in these years have grown more the ports managed as Spa (see Rotterdam). It goes sure said - it has found Maresca - that the current markets, for as they are compounds, cannot more be interfacciare more with of the single Harbour Authorities, but need rapportare itself with of the real harbour systems".
Pier Paolo Puliafito. professor emeritus of the University of Genoa, has observed that the new logistic-harbour systems would have to be able to include also interposing to you and the retroporti, while in the outline of I decree not is for the Harbour Authorities some reference to the possibility, previewed from law 84/94, to participate to society also to the aims of the promotion of the logistics: "on this topic - it has supported Puliafito - I have the feeling that is a strategy deficit. The ports would have to be able to carry out the function of towing inside an integrated logistic chain in which they are ricompresi also interposing to you, but the text only speaks about weak people forms of connection between ports and retroporti, dealing them as if they had to remain the ones distinguished ones from the others. The formulation of article 6, codicil 4, letter f, of the reform - it has emphasized - appears weak person".
For the general secretary of Assoporti, Polo Ferrandino, "appears condivisibile to berth the Adsp to the corridors of TRIES Network. But - it has clarified - if it is worth the classification to all purposes and effects it are descendant of the net of the Transport Network, is not seen which it is the reason that has pushed the legislator to maintain also to the second former classification article 4 of law 84/94".
The president of Assiterminal, Marco Conforti, has evidenced the exclusion of the harbour operators from the previewed Committees of management in substitution of the current Harbour Committees: "we take note - he has specified - than has been a clear political decision: but - it has added - we ask that clear rules settle on as the Tables of partnership must work. It is not right - it has emphasized Comforts - than the terminalisti, that they invest varied of million euro for the equipment of an infrastructure, count how much anyone other".
Wishing the definitive launch of the normative new in harbour matter, the group leader of the Commission Transports and infrastructures of the Senate, Marco Filippi, one is but also wished that "during the distance that will carry to the approval of the reform in Council of Ministers they are made of the corrections". In particular, Philippi has made reference the possibility to make to preside the Table of national coordination from the minister, to the necessity to value the role of Assoporti and to the opportunity to integrate ports, to interpose to you and retroporti in an overall picture.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher