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Belts (Spediporto) call the shippers to pick the challenges of the internationalization
Critics of the operators to the exclusively public order of the governance of the ports prefigured from the hypothesis of legislative reform
March 21, 2016
Certainly it could be said that its vision of the future of the activity of the shipper is yields of own professional history, made of various charges directives in the within of the German and multinational logistic group to hartrodt, included that of managing director of the branch Italian. But still more verosimilmente it can be said that Maurizio Fasce is simply son of its time and he does not have difficulty to recognize which are the challenges that the shippers will have to face in the next few years.
The president of Spediporto, the association of the genoese shippers, does not have hesitations in exhorting the colleagues "to abandon the philosophy of the scagno", of the "little one is beautiful". More rather according to Maurizio Fasce, that it has reached at the end of its mandate and that in the next few days will yield the witness to the new president named from the directive council of the association having decided not to renew own candidacy because the company that represents in Italy has called it to engage for the opening and the management of ulterior international markets, is "indispensable to raise the professional profile of the category". In the course of the today's assembly of Spediporto, Belts weak person has invited therefore the shippers not to take refuge on positions more and more unearned income in order to face the challenges of the internationalization. As those mail from the e-commerce, than - he has remembered - he has involved a radical transformation of the services, above all logistic.
For Belts, the market imposes to the shippers the necessity to innovate the job procedures and to widen own range in order to guarantee to the customers deliveries in any part of the world. The obligation to be confronted with the world is not only worth for the single companies, but it is also a requirement for trade associations more and more calls to compete with international norms that have an important impact on the associates, as that - mentioned from Belts - of the verification of the weight of the container before their cargo on the ship, condition set up, with effect from the next 1° July, from the modifications brought from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to convention SOLAS for the safeguard of the life in sea.
To such purpose Belts the powerful thrust to the internationalization endured from Spediporto in the course of its mandate has rimarcato that is culminated with the election of same the Belts to president of Maritime the Institute of the Clecat and the nomination of the general manager of the association, Giampaolo Botta, to member of the Working Group Sea of BREATHES, the more important table than on the issues marine job to international level. "Never before now - it has emphasized Belts - the representative ability to Spediporto had exited from the national borders".
Certainly it remains also the urgency to be confronted with the national norms, is enforced that of next promulgazione, as that which would have to be shortly adopted for the reform of the legislation on the ports. Given the cloudy hypotheses of reform of law 84/94 formulated previously, up to now - it has admitted Belts - Spediporto was not pronounced because - it has explained - "we would have wasted time". Now that the fogs are thinning and that the legislative project more is defined, Belts has been stopped on the hypothesis of change of the order of governance of the portualità, with a reorganization of the Italian ports established in performance of the so-called "Law Kneading trough" that previews the institution of 15 Authorities of harbour system to the place of current the 24 Harbour and straight Authorities from a president and a Committee of management, this last one - perplexity for the composition of the structure has evidenced Belts manifesting - formed exclusively from representatives of public institutions.
Also specifying that "the harbour reform is a step in the right direction" and that the Harbour form of the Committee, the current directive organs of the Harbour Authorities, "go rethought", also the mayor of Genoa, Marco Doria, on this topic has been said convinced of the "necessity of moments of confronts with the imprenditoria of the field".
It is from seeing if these moments of I confront can be confined to the Table of Partnership of the Resource Sea that would be instituted with the reform assigning to it advisory functions of economic-social partnership. This within is sufficient for the viceministro to the Economy and Finances, Enrico Zanetti, second which in the Table "a coordination point will be found". "The associations - it has specified Zanetti in the course of the public assembly of Spediporto - will have representation in the Tables of Partnership, than - it has emphasized - they will not be pletorici, but substantial".
Of different warning the city council member to the economic Development, you carry and logistics of the Liguria Region, Edoardo Rixi, that the proposal of giving to the Authorities of harbour system the form of limited company rather than of not economic public bodies has restated, so as happened for a long time for Enav, the society that supplies the services to the air navigation. Come Spa - according to Rixi - would be among other things simpler to verify the quality of the economic performances of the Authorities.
Also for the general secretary of the Harbour Authority of Genoa, Giambattista D' Aste, the ports, and in particular that of the capital of Liguria, "do not go encapsulated in logical own of the public bodies", but the social form of the Spa is necessary, "the only model that can traguardare the development".
Also Nereo Marcucci, president of Confetra - General Confederation Italiana of the Transports and the Logistics, has manifested perplexity for the limited opportunities that the reform will give to the economic operators to say theirs in the definition of the strategies of the Italian portualità. "Which rules we give to the Tables of Partnership" Marcucci has wondered that, also acknowledging to the government to have faced and partially resolved some important topics for the harbour and logistic field, has mentioned other obstacles still to level. For Marcucci, in the first place, it is absolutely necessary that the reform of the ports points to a centralization of the decision on the investments. According to the president of Confetra, in fact, the current limits to the possible development of the Italian portualità are yield of a long period in which the investments are dispersed "in thousand rivulets".
One of these rivulets, according to Marcucci, than of it has spoken declaring aware to attract on himself sour critics, is what to its to say it has lead to invest in the realization of the new platform multipurpose about to costruzioine to Vado Ligure (Savona), that it will be managed by the APM Terminals of shipowning group Danish A.P. Møller-Mærsk.
Rather than to criticize or less the observation than Marcucci, we inforMARE limit ourselves to observe that, if badly draft, is not sure a sin of only Italian matrix since in the same analogous chosen years they are assumed in the field of the container, but also in other sections of the portualità, by nations in this field comparable to ours, as Spain, but also by other deductions from some more progressed in the segment of the portualità, as those nordeuropee, and from emergent nations on the marine-harbour market, as those of the North African coastal arc, from Morocco to Egypt. In the current moment of deep economic crisis, also in all these Countries are interrogated to us already in existence on the huge investments carried out and programmed in the ports against a possible decrease or of the question. If Italy has sin, us it does not seem has made it in solitude. Commune naufragium omnibus solacium.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher