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Tests of union between the ports of Civitavecchia and Ortona
Encounter between the commissioner of the Harbour Authority of the Latium port of call and a from Abruzzo delegation
May 5, 2016
Yesterday to Civitavecchia an encounter between the extraordinary commissioner of the Harbour Authority of the Latium city has been carried out, Pasqualino Monti, and an institutional delegation of the Abruzzi Region that is centralized on the possible annexation of from Abruzzo ports to the Latium harbour Network, in order to join Tyrrhenian and Adriatic. The regional delegation from Abruzzo composed era for the Region from Camillo D' Alexander, delegated to the Transports, and by Antonio Nervegna, coordinator of the Commission you carry, let alone from the mayor of Ortona, Vincenzo D' Ottavio, and from the president of Confindustria Chieti-Pescara, Gennaro Zecca.
In the course of the Monti encounter it has evidenced that the union between the ports of Civitavecchia and Ortona would be "an occasion to serve with two ports of call, with two knots strategic the same market, the market of Rome, in not competitive way but in complementary way. We - he has specified - see in Ortona the possibility to ideally join Mare Tirreno with the Sea Adriatic through two ports of call". "I always love - he has continued Monti - to make the example of the traffic from Turkey: today he arrives to Brindisi, in order then to go up on rubber to Civitavecchia in order then to reach Barcelona. While having Ortona as port of connection in the Sea Adriatic with Civitavecchia would be saved about thousand this and freeway kilometers of, he has an important impact because the vehicles that from Turkey they move towards Spain they are an important number".
A road that of the union of the two ports that also Of Alexander has assured of wanting undertakes evidencing the importance for from Abruzzo port of call of such possibility.
Remembering that in the reform of the ports under consideration by the government in reality "the annexation of the port of Ortona and that of Pescara to the Harbour Authority of Ancona is previewed", Monti one has been said "convinced that the ballot in permanent commission State-Regions, that the Latium previews the possibility for the regions to in agreement with choose the region accommodating in this case, will be in favor of Ortona. A concrete choice - it has found - that of the Abruzzi to annex itself to the Latium and therefore to the Network Civitavecchia - Fiumicino - Gaeta".
"I believe that this annexation regarding the amendment previewed in the reform - has concluded Monti - is by now a truth. We wait for that the norm passes in the parliamentary commissions and after the Council of Ministers and will see which it will be the outcome of the distance, but creed will be positive".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher