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Toti (Liguria Region) denunciation "the filosovietico" address given to the reform of the Italian portualità
the assembly of Assagenti to the Palace of Meridiana
May 9, 2016
"This is a very ugly moment for the shipping agents". "When I have begun to work there were 42 genoese shipowning societies. Today us of two are alone". Two phrases are enough these, in the order of Augusto Cosulich and of Lorenzo Banchero, in order to define which is really the current state of the market of shipping in which the genoese marine agents operate and the broker who join to Assagenti, the trade association who today has held own assembly anniversary to the Palace of Meridiana of from Liguria chief town. A perception that is not confined to navigated entrepreneurs of the field like Cosulich and Banchero, than sure has seen better times, but it is common also between the young genoese marine managers: "today - Aldo Negri has confirmed, Young president of the Group of Assagenti - the entrepreneurs a little are discouraged".
If until little years ago to the center of the critics of the marine-harbour operators there were the representatives of the institutions, culprits not to recepire the sollicitations and above all not to put in existence the proposals of the entrepreneurial world, recently is instead the administrators publics to invite the representatives of the companies to believe in the future and to strive for the development. Singular as this reversal of roles has happened in concomitanza with the choice of trade associations to transform their assemblies in talk show, exhibitions in which, so like in salotti the good, all they speak very and nobody say that it thinks. Playing with all trumps in hand for the politicians.
Today the role of the pungolatore is touched Giovanni Toti, from less than a year president of the Liguria Region, that it has exhorted the shipping agents to look with confidence to the future because today - it has emphasized - there are all the conditions because Genoa, its port, and the Liguria in the macroregion with the Lombardy and the Piemonte can be proposed truly like the logistic motor of the economic resumption, of which Toti catches a glimpse already the signs.
Exited from the drawing-room, the entrance hall colonnade of the Coppedè di Palazzo of Meridiana and from Genoa and the Liguria in this case, is not all roses and flowers. Indeed. Toti has been declared doubtful for the "beatification" of the reform of the national portualità under consideration of the government who, according to the president of from Liguria regional agency, goes in the direction of a "filosovietica programming" a lot centralizes the decisional power in the hands of the State and politics, emphasizing still more the value of the political criterion which only principle for the economic resources allocation to the ports.
Al "ban to the pessimism" right launch from the conductor/president of Assagenti, Gian Enzo Duci, Cosulich and Banchero have answered. The managing director of the Cosulich Siblings, has been hardly able to collect the invitation, conscious as it is that the "earthquake" that - like he has remembered - it is scuotendo the market of the marine transport of line is irto of insidie. Cosulich however has confirmed that of the shipping agent is the beautifulr trade "of the world" and that also today there are concrete possibilities for anyone to assert own professionality. Also the president of Banchero Costa does not have intentional to disappoint the Duci moderator specifying that he does not have reason not to consider that "the things do not have to improve" since the market in which agents and broker operate "is cyclical", without to clarify but if we are crossing a microcycle that can be concluded over some years or of a macrocycle that even can last centuries. A collected appeal also from Toti that, also restating that for the portualità is not sure one of the best possible reforms, if only represents an innovation and, like such, a stimulus.
In their videointerventi minister of Infrastructures and of Transports, Graziano Delrio, and presidents of Regions Lombardy and Piemonte, Roberto Maroni and Sergio Chiamparino, have assured that portualità from Liguria is essential for development of macroregion of the north-west and of nation, while in charge of the office of Lugano of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Switzerland, Marina Bottinelli, has illustrated what the Helvetic companies would want and they do not have from from Liguria portualità, first of all an only harbour port of call of reference.
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