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UK Chamber of Shipping, we have taken note of the Brexit, now we go ahead
A little prosaicamente the British association exhorts to act consequently. "Business is business"
June 24, 2016
If we want to be on the plan of the stereotypes, being the island of self control and the politically correct, indeed not there is to wonder of the words with which the UK Chamber of Shipping it has commented the outcome of the referendum yesterday on the belongings of the United Kingdom to the European Union. The association that represents the British industry of precise the marine transport "to remain neutral" on such issue. Discounted, always being to the cliché, than the Chamber the acknowledgment of the decision of British people proclaims also "", that is to exit from the EU, road for which it has been sen with 51.8% of the ballots.
Also wanting to ignore the cliché, it must say that the UK Chamber of Shipping puts us of its a lot seems to feel sorry itself of the set phrases in appealing to the compatriots. "Business is business" is the last meaning of the official notice of the association turned to the other part of Europe and to the remainder of the world.
"The Chamber - the association remembers - has always supported that the field of the shipping is for its resistant nature. The marine transport - the Chamber emphasizes - moves 95% of the commerce with foreign country of the United Kingdom and we do not see as this can change".
"Now - the note continues - we can begin the process of escape from the European Union, but we are still an insulare nation that must make road in the world through purchases and sales, and the field of the shipping is own for this scope here".
From and the Chamber it seems to crogiolare itself in the stereotypes with one (not intentional) sardonic comment on politics: "this of which we need now is to maintain blood cold. We have had the political debate, now it is the moment to think rationally and strategically".
"Al beyond Europe - the Chamber observes - the remainder of the world has recorded a meaningful economic increase, and a argument key of the campaign "Vote Leave" has been that the United Kingdom would have been able to quickly sign agreements of free exchange with the partner commercial of all the world. Now - the Chamber finds pragmatically - the government must act fastly in order to assure that this happens".
The association proposes a "French leave": to exit from the EU without makes a din and jolts. The specific Chamber that "to leave the European Union is a process, not an event, and this process must be managed with attention. The decision of David Cameron not to invoke immediately article 50 - specific the association of the shipping britanni referring to the "included clause of recess" in the Treaty of Lisbon that establishes the modalities for the escape of a State from the European Union - is certainly welcome and for its successor (Cameron has announced today its resignation, ndr) us would not have to be some haste to make it". First of all "- the UK Chamber of Shipping exhorts - we must maintain the nerves solid".
"We consider - it is the prescription of the Chamber in order to tackle to the Brexit - than the government would have to institute a new Commission of Libero Scambio who works with the ministries of the economic Activities and the Inside to the formation of negotiators, than beginnings the procedure of creation of new commercial ties all over the world and that it is ready for negotiates with the remaining members of the EU".
The visas and the working papers, the controls to the frontiers near the terminals you ferry and cruises, the fiscal agreements, between which the tonnage tax, the future of the mission EU Navfor and the collaboration between European Navy in order to contrast piracy and in order to support the activities of aid in the Mediterranean Sea are the issues that, second the UK Chamber of Shipping, the government of London would have to face priority before the escape of the United Kingdom from the EU.
I do not mention to the decades lost from great part of the British community in order to construct something that in less than twenty-four-hour is collapsed. Ban to sentimentalisms, is English.
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