Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the British operators of the transport and shipments manifest worry for the impact of the Brexit on the commercial exchanges of the United Kingdom
While the institutions of the EU speed up London to start ready the recess procedure
June 24, 2016
After the outcome of the referendum yesterday with which the majority of the citizens of the United Kingdom it has decided the escape from the Europe Union, today the institutions of the EU have sped up London to activate ready the recess procedure, while the representatives of the involved British operators more in the exchanges with foreign country have exhorted their government to the caution.
In a statement combined Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament, Donald Tusk, European Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, president of turn of the Council of the EU, and Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the EU commission, has confirmed to attend that now "the government of the United Kingdom gives execution as soon as possible to the decision of British people, for how much painful one can be such process. Every delay - they have found - would end in fact in order to be extended the uncertainty uselessly. The Union - they have remembered - is equipped of rules in order to manage this situation in tidy way. Article 50 of the treaty on the European Union establishes the procedure to follow if a Member States decides to leave the European Union".
"We are ready - they have specified the representatives of the European institutions - to start in fast times it negotiate with the United Kingdom in order to define the terms and the conditions of its escape from the European Union. But until the conclusion of this negotiate the United Kingdom will remain member of the European Union, with all the rights and the obligations that derive some. In compliance with the treatys that the United Kingdom has ratified, the right of the EU will continue to apply itself integrally to and in the United Kingdom until when the country stops of being member of the EU".
"For the future - they have concluded Schulz, Tusk, Rutte and Juncker - we hope that the United Kingdom can represent a tight partner of the European Union and we expect that the Country formulates proposed concrete in such sense. Every agreement that will be concluded with the United Kingdom as country third will have to take into consideration the interests of both the parts and balanced being in terms of rights and obligation".
From the other side of the English Channel the exhortation has reached the government of London to weight all the actions to undertake. Referring to the time previewed for the escape of the United Kingdom from the EU David Wells, director of the Freight Transport Association (FTA), important association that it represents the interests of the British operators of the commerce and the transport, has emphasized that "the government is two in order to guarantee that the conditions currently taxes to other States not members of the EU, as Albania and Serbia, are not taxes to the flows of goods of the United Kingdom. Norway and Switzerland - it has evidenced Wells - have better agreements, but they have accepted difficult conditions, between which the free circulation of the people, therefore this - it has found - will be a difficult negotiation".
"Even if we are exiting politically from Europe - it has continued Wells - this more remains our main market of export and the origin of the elevated quota our imports. We cannot afford that new bureaucratic burdens hinder the efficiency of the destined exports to the destined customers and the goods imported for the British consumers".
"Great Britain - it has concluded Wells - can be outside from Europe, but it is not outside from the market and FTA will be to the head of a campaign on behalf of the exporter and of the importers so that the commercial procedures continue to being simple and the international transport costs they diminish".
Also the British International Freight Association (BIFA), the association to which is under responsibility the representatives of the goods, that is the shipment houses, has manifested worry for the consequences of the outcome of the referendum on the commercial exchanges of the United Kingdom. The BIFA has announced that it will strive so that the escape from the EU does not determine an overload of procedures on the traffics of import-export British. "the BIFA - the general manager of the association has explained, Robert Keen - is a neutral organism and now the modalities will examine with which we can support our associates since the next legislative modifications will become clear between today, the day in which the United Kingdom formally start to the procedure of recess, and the effective date of escape of the nation".
"Today - it has added Keen - the United Kingdom is still a member of the EU and is too soon in order to begin to speculate on on which it will be the result more two-year-old than it negotiate in matter of commercial agreements and circulation of the goods. We - he has confirmed - will make so that those who will be charged of it negotiate recognize the fundamental role that the shipment services of the goods of our associates, included the customs procedures, play in guaranteeing flowing of the commercial exchanges of the United Kingdom with Europe".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher