Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Grimaldi: the EU would have to stimulate the haulers to use the Freeways of the Sea
Moreover, second the managing director of the partenopeo group, would have to be rewarded the shipowners that they invest in green technology. Perplexity on the use of the GNL
June 27, 2016
The European institutions would have to stimulate the haulers to use the Freeways of the Sea. It has emphasized Emanuele Grimaldi, managing director of the partenopeo shipowning group Grimaldi that, with a fleet of beyond 110 ships, is one of the greatest operators than unit ro-ro of the world, in slid the 22 course of IT TRY days held 21 and june to Rotterdam. The event has been organized from the EU commission in collaboration with the Dutch presidency of the Council of the EU and has seen the participation of hundred of European experts in the field of the transports and the logistics.
Taking part to the panel "Motorways of the Sea: towards to detailed implementation plan", presided by Brian Simpson, European coordinator for the Freeways of the Sea, Grimaldi has asserted that "the AdM do not need contributions publics. The European aids - it has supported - would have to go directly to the users of the services. A useful instrument - Grimaldi has explained - could be the ecobonus to European level to distribute to the conveyors, a measure that has had effects benefits in Italy, first Country to it to have adopted, and that it eliminates the risk of distortion of the competition. Moreover the amount of the distributed contribution represents only a part of the monetizzato benefit for the society generated from the reduction of the externalities of the transport".
Sul depositor of the offer, Emanuele Grimaldi has asserted that the European aids would have to reward those marine operators whom they are investing massively in order to improve own environmental efficiency, so contributing to reduce the emissions of the entire system of European transport. "The aids - it has specified - would have to go to those shipowners that they invest in green technology for the existing ships, as the installation of the scrubber, reblading or the silicone painting applied to bottom, actions that reduce the injurious gas emission by the ships".
According to Grimaldi, in future another type of participation to support for the reduction of the emissions would have to be that of the "jumboizzazione" of the ships: their lengthening - it has specified - will allow "considerably to increase to the ability to transport for goods and passengers to parity of produced emissions".
For Grimaldi, instead, I use it of the natural gas liquid (GNL) as alternative to the fuel oil for feeding the systems of propulsion of the ships "is not a valid solution", and it is not - it has clarified - "at least for the time being, for several reasons: economic, environmental let alone logistic. It is not more economic of the fuel oil and neither less polluting, being also it a fossil fuel. Moreover - it has added - the propulsion with GNL implies greater cases for storage and therefore a reduction of the cargo ability. At last, not there is from underrating the burning problem of the refueling, in particular in the Mediterranean".
Emanuele Grimaldi has concluded its participation remembering that the marine transport is the more respectful modality of transport of the atmosphere: "while beyond 80% of the world-wide traffic of goods it uses the marine modality - it has evidenced - the transport via ship represents alone 2.2% of the total emissions of co2. Nevertheless shipping we operate in social responsible way ethically and are, therefore, ready to contribute ulteriorly to the reduction of the injurious gas emissions".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher