Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the port of Livorno has been equipped for the weighing of the container
certifyd hanging is already operating to the Interporto Vespucci and a second one hung will be installed the next week
July 4, 2016
In order to allow with the operators to assess and to certify the weight of the container before their boarding on the ships, as expected from the modifications to the Solas Convention of the International Maritime Organization which took effect slid friday, the port of Livorno has been equipped installing to the Interporto Vespucci a certifyd point of weighing that from today it is operating 24 hours on 24 and directly is connected to the TPCS (Tuscan Port Community System), that is to the devised computerized system from the Leighorn Harbour Authority that favors the interchange of the data between shipping agents, shippers, terminal and customs guaranteeing the control of the procedural and physical distance of goods from the moment in which it leave until the boarding or arrival point.
The hung one is installed in presses of the interchange the west of the Interporto, in correspondence of the connection with the road of great communication FI-PI-LI, and allows with the hauler to hardly obtain in five minutes the verified gross weight of the container (VGM, Verified Gross Mass). The relative data to the container therefore are veicolati through the TPCS and are transmitted to the shipper that it completes the practical one supplying the information to the marine company, the loader and the terminalista.
In order to help to velocizzare the weighing procedure also it is instructd of the personal inside to the Interporto that will be available of who of make every day demanded week, from hours 6,00 to the 18,00, and the saturday from the 6,00 to the 12.00. Sunday not is personal, but the system is however automated and working.
The weighed rate to is of 25 euros (Vat comprised) and can be paid with the automatic teller or credit cards. The possibility is previewed moreover, for who it carries out more weighing to the day, at the end of the month to stipulate conventions with invoicing, conventions that they can preview also of a identification code customer or a badge that are released immediately.
"The which set up vituous distance to Livorno for the certifyd weighing of the container - the managing director of the Interporto has explained, Bino Fulceri - allows us to comply in the best way possible with the new law prescription. Beginning from the next week we will install a second one hung that it will improve the quality of the service".
"The collaboration activated with the Interporto Vespucci for the weighing of the container, the synergies with the Harbour office and the shippers - it has emphasized the extraordinary commissioner of the Harbour Authority of Livorno, Giuliano Gallanti - are the new evidence that Livorno, when it wants, can be a true community". Referring to the Inteporto, Gallanti has evidenced that "the Vespucci has all the potentialities in order to become a logistic lung of the Leighorn port of call: the fast corridor not for long activated, the customs inspections and, last, the services of weighing of the container - it has found - are activities to high added value that make of ours interporto a retroporto efficient".
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