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the Commission Transports of the Chamber has approved of the proposal of seeming favorable to the reorganization of the Harbour Authorities
It is the last passage parliamentarian before the green light definitive by the Council of Ministers
July 8, 2016
Yesterday the Commission Transports, Posts and Telecommunications of the Chamber, as Wednesday the Eighth Commission of the Senate ( on 7 July 2016), it has approved of, with conditions and observations, a proposal of seeming favorable relatively to the outline of I decree legislative on the reorganization, rationalization and simplification of the concerning discipline the Harbour Authorities. Draft of the last passage parliamentarian before the green light definitive by the Council of Ministers.
The outline of I decree legislative among other things previews the amalgamation of the 24 existing Harbour Authorities through the institution of 15 Authorities of Harbour System (AdSP) that they will coordinate with of 54 ports and will have center in the central ports of the transeuropee nets of transport, defined "Core" from the European norm.
The proposal of seeming of the reporter Marco Tullo of the Party Democratic approved of from the Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, relatively to the conservation of the administrative autonomy and financial institution of Harbour Authority already constituted, "evidences the opportunity to preview that, upon request motivated of the president of the Region, to introduce itself within 15 days from the date of effectiveness of the disposition, can be disposed, on the base of objective criteria of appraisal of the same demand, with Prime Minister's decree of the ministers, on proposal of the minister of infrastructures and the transports, a consistent term of delay ofthe autonomy administrative financial institution and of the interested ports, holding however account of the considerations carried out on the point in the opinion of the Council of State and the requirement of a flood and timely performance of the reform".
To such purpose, in the course of the sitting of the Commission, the pidiessina Anna Maria Carloni has found as "in the definition of the action under investigation a complexity element is introduced by the modification demanded from the Conference of the Regions in the within of the opinion of the which unified Conference, relative to the moratorium for the ports already center of Harbour Authority, so as to guarantee the maintenance of the autonomy administrative financial institution and of these same ports for a period until 36 months". The deputy has remembered "that the issue has been object of debate in the course of the examination of the Commission, with the affirmation of contrasting positions strongly" and, taking note that "the hypothesis anticipates as the outcome of a delicate political mediation between the government and the regions", Anna Maria Carloni has been said convinced that, "in the spirit of the reform, they would not have to be introduced elements that of it prejudice the effective application and of it they put to risk the effectiveness" and has judged "however appreciable the modification proposed in the opinion that ago reference to a consistent term of delay for an eventual delay in the start ofthe new system, than therefore can be also inferior to the 36 months, and that it evidences the requirement to hold account of the considerations carried out on the point in the opinion of the Council of State". Carloni has demanded, for the acknowledgment of the delay, "objective reasons of certain validity" and has concluded inviting "the government, that it will have to estimate the motivations adduced from the regions for the demand for delay, lend the maximum attention so that delays in the single cases are granted in which this he turns out indispensable in reason of connected indubitable requirements to the operation of the ports in question".
Analogous worry is manifested by Sandro Biasotti (Forza Italia - People of the Freedom), that it has evidenced the eventuality "that the demands for deferral of the application of the new system are multiplied".
In its participation, recalling the state competence on the ports of national interest, the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Graziano Delrio, has formulated "the engagement to estimate the demands for delay that will be advanced by the Regions on the base of rigorous and objective elements".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher