testata inforMARE
12 January 2025 - Year XXIX
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
12:28 GMT+1
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Original news
Approved of in definitive way I decree legislative on the new governance of the Italian portualità
Confirmed the 15 Authorities of Harbour System. Monti (Assoporti): "to move an administrative and normative car he stops give beyond twenty years is equivalent to move a hard sandstone"
July 29, 2016

Yesterday the government has approved of in definitive way decrees legislative of "Reorganization, rationalization and simplification of the Harbour Authorities", introduced from minister for the Simplification and Public Administration Amministrazione, Marianna Madia, and of simplification of the procedures inside of the ports. "They are - it has emphasized the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Graziano Delrio - two important provisions a lot: on one side a very important simplification, with the Agency of Customs that inside of the ports assumes also all the other administrative provisions with the Only Door of the controls, than therefore becomes - in the spirit of the "reform Kneading trough" - a door that assembles all the administrative procedures and it simplifies them". From here - it has evidenced Delrio - "more possibility for the enterprises, more possibility for our ports to become motor indeed of economic development. It is therefore a reform that aimed to return the "system sea" more able than to promote occupation and economic development in a strongly competitive system".

The minister has explained that "from the other side there is the simplification of the governance: from the 57 ports of national interest - he has specified Delrio - he passes himself to 15 Harbour Authorities; the board of directors (called Committee of management, ndr) is reduced to little units, three or five units regarding the 22-23 members of the former Harbour Committees that therefore determined also conflicts of interest obviously because they were all sat to this table, but above all - on the model of the best nordeuropei ports - it creates exactly a board of directors di with wide faculties and rapidity of decision".

"In this I decree - it has continued the minister - is emphasized a strong centralization of the coordination: we try to coordinate more the potential investments, to make so that the competition between near territorial systems is avoided instead little kilometers and circles, as "system Country", to on hand offer Italy as a great pier in the south of the Mediterranean, with co-ordinate policies of investments and therefore with a cooperation between the systems, a cooperation that are from the side of the portualità and the side of the logistics, tant'è true that the Authorities will call Authority of Harbour System, because we want that the port of Genoa and Savona becomes the port of Switzerland and the south of Germany. Already we have made agreements and we are making agreements and we want that the ports of the Adriatic north enliven the goods of Austria and all the East Europe. Therefore - it has concluded Delrio - there is the ambition to take advantage of our geographic position in order to promote the economic development".

I decree approved of from the Council of Ministers confirmation the 15 Authorities of Harbour System (AdSP) defined in the last version of the legislative provision, with centers in the defined ports "Core" second the European norm, that is the AdSP of the Ligurian Sea Western (ports of Genoa, Savona and Vado Ligure), of the Ligurian Sea Oriental (ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara), of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern (ports of Livorno, Capraia, Piombino, Portoferraio, and Rio Marina and Cavo), of the Center-Northerner Tyrrhenian Sea (ports of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta), of the Tyrrhenian Sea Headquarters (ports of Naples, Salerno and Castellammare di Stabia), of Mari Tirreno Meridionale, Jonio and of the Strait (ports of Gioia Tauro, Crotone [old and new port], Corigliano Calabro, Taureana of Palmi, Villa San Giovanni, Messina, Milazzo, Tremestieri, Vibo Valentia and Reggio Calabria), of Mare Di Sardegna (ports of Cagliari, Foxi-Sarroch, Olbia, Porto Torres, Golfo Aranci, Oristano, Portoscuso-Portovesme and Santa Teresa di Gallura [only commercial dock]), of the Sea of Western Sicily (ports of Palermo, Termini Imerese, Porto Empedocle and Trapani), of the Sea of Sicily Oriental (ports of Augusta and Catania), Mare Adriatico Meridionale (ports of Bari, Brindisi, Manfredonia, Barletta and Monopolies), of the Ionian Sea (port of Taranto), of Mare Adriatico Centrale (ports of Ancona, Falconara, Pescara, Pesaro, San Benedetto del Tronto [excluded tourist dock] and Ortona), of Mare Adriatico Centro-Settentrionale (port of Ravenna), of Mare Adriatico Settentrionale (ports of Venice and Chioggia) and of Mare Adriatico Orientale (ports of Trieste and Monfalcone).

Alle 15 Authorities of Harbour System is entrusted a strategic role of address, programming and coordination of the system of the ports of own area and functions of attraction of the investments on the various ports of call and of connection of the public administrations. The Authorities of Harbour System will have to their inside two only doors. The Regions can ask the insertion in the Authorities for System of ulterior ports of regional importance.

I decree previews that the Committee of management of the Authorities of Harbour System is guided by a president manager, of proven experience in the economy of the transports and harbour and with wide decisional powers. The president will come chosen from minister of Infrastructures and the Transports of understanding with the Region or Regioni interested from the Authority of System.

Regarding the precedence Harbour Committees, the representatives of the operators and the enterprises will take part, instead, of the "Organisms of Partnership of the Resource Sea" with advisory functions: they will be able to participate to the decisional process, but they will not be able more to vote administrative actions.

With the scope to guarantee the coherence with the national strategy, I decree to confirmation the institution of a "national of coordination of the Authorities of Harbour System", institutionalized and presided Conference from the minister, to the aim to define a national programming of the strategic and infrastructural choices and national a harbour Town development plan.

As for the bureaucratic simplification, I decree previews, regarding current the 113 carried out administrative procedures from 23 subjects, the institution of two Doors with the objective to wind down the times of wait drastically. They are the Unico Doganale Door for the Control on the goods, instituted on the base of the simplifications introduced from the Agency of Customs, and the Unico Amministrativo Door for all the other procedures and productive other asset in port not exclusively commercial.

Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti have plaudito to the launch of the provision of reform of the governance harbour: "the provision, containing also important aspects for the labor organizations which the active participation to the decisional mechanisms - they have found the three unions - contains instruments in a position to aligning to us to the advance Countries supporting the actions of development, necessary increase and competitiveness to I throw again of the Italian harbour system". According to Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti, "to avoid ulterior and harmful sfilacciature in our national trasportistico system are the objective primary for reaching and the reform in system optical could have such potentialities".

The three labor organizations have emphasized that "now, as first action, minister Delrio will have to name the 15 presidents of the AdSP new letting out from the sand banks the Italian portualità that give too many years have continued to run aground in commissariamenti that have been a damage for various ports of call, being made us to lose in competitiveness".

Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti have specified that this provision constitutes but only a first step - "after the governance - has specified - it is necessary to continue on the way traced from the PSNPL (Strategic Slowly National Ports and Logistics) adopted from the government. Now it is urgent to continue I confront on the harbour job in order to throw again specialty, specificity and professionality, characteristics on which the efficiency and the competitiveness of our ports of call with a particular look to safety melt. In so far as the table of I confront with the social parts the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports - they have observed - will have formally to be started in order to define eventual modifications to the current orders, also in relation to the evolution of the harbour job, and considered the necessary qualification and specialization of the workers, also under the profile of the access to the forecasts of law in matter of wearing work".

Also for the Association of the Italian Ports (Assoporti), organization that represents the current Harbour Authorities, with the provision fired from the Council of Ministers is completed "the first fundamental step of a reform of the portualità", and is this in itself - it has emphasized the president of Assoporti, Pasqualino Monti - a news of enormous political meaning and great perspectives. To move an administrative and normative car stops gives beyond twenty years - it has added - is equivalent to move a hard sandstone. Now we, administrators and operators will be up to all, to prevent that to the project arrest warrants to the first difficulties and goals instead those results of efficiency and productivity that are essential not only for the logistic system and harbour Italian, but for the entire economy of the Country. The Italian ports and Assoporti - it has concluded Monti - are called therefore to a effort unprecedented of support and intelligent support to the action of the government and the Parliament”.

The National Federation Agents, Raccomandatari Marine and Mediating Marine (Federagenti) has manifested “satisfaction for the approval of hard decrees that it marks the start of the reform of the ports”, but also “worry for the insistent voices with regard to a dismissal in the choice of the presidents that will have to be places to the guide of the newborns Authority of Harbour System and therefore for the risk to be extended the commissariamento of the old Harbour Authorities and to generate situations of operating and decisional stall”. “The first step - it has agreed the president of Federagenti, Gian Enzo Duci - is completed, but now the choices of the new presidents, will have to be coherent with the attribution of great powers to this figure from whose professional ability will derive an important percentage of future success of the port and of the logistic system that on the port insists. And we wish that these choices can be anticipated already in the moment of nomination of the commissioners”.

Between the first reactions of the local institutions to the definitive launch of the provision on the governance of the Italian ports, that of president of the Region Friuli Julia second which the new order approved of from the government “after a wide one and deepened I confront - Debora Serracchiani has explained - panders to the requirements of simplification and velocizzazione of the procedures, that they are by now irrenounceable factors in order to propose itself as harbour large competitors of the hub of the Europe North and the South of the Mediterranean”.

For Serracchiani, “the reduction of the number of the Authorities, integration with the logistic systems and the rationalization of their governance with the new role attributed to the Agency of Customs represents an authentication and vituous revolution”. “Approved of I decree - it has added - now is proceeded quickly to the nomination of the presidents. For the port of Trieste - Serracchiani has restated - the regional administration is ready to giving to the understanding to the government on the name of Zeno D' Augustin (the current extraordinary commissioner of the Harbour Authority, ndr). Ours has been an optimal choice, that it has known to anticipate in the facts the spirit of the reform and is obvious that not is reason in order to change commander when the ship goes in the just direction”.

With respect to the governance only for the ports of Trieste and Monfalcone under the guide of the Authority of System of Mare Adriatico Orientale, Serracchiani has remembered that “the Region has always considered that the port of Monfalcone, to the pairs of that of Trieste, had to be ricompreso in the Authority of System with adapted territorial representation, until from the effectiveness of decrees legislative. In so far as - it has continued - we have moved in confronts of the government and our reasons. We are satisfied not only for the recepimento of our requests by the government, but also for the modalities of the made distance, that they have carried to share these results with the municipal administration of Monfalcone, the special Company of the port and the other institutions of the territory”.
›››News file
MSC presents a new request for the management of cruise traffic in Ancona which includes the construction of a maritime station
The duration of the proposed concession is 35 years.
In 2024, the growth of general cargo in the port of La Spezia more than offset the decline in bulk cargo
The Spice
In the port of Marina di Carrara the annual traffic decreased by -0.4%
Proposal by 47 governments, the EU Commission and ICS for the creation of an IMO fund for the decarbonisation of shipping
It could come into force in early 2027
Strikes averted at US East Coast and Gulf ports
North Bergen/Lyndhurst
Preliminary agreement signed by the International Longshoremen's Association and the United States Maritime Alliance
New annual record for vessel transit through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Port Klang
In 2024, traffic was 94,301 ships (+5.5%)
Filt, Fit and Uilt have called a strike for tomorrow by the workers of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority
MSC, together with Neri and Lorenzini, presents an expression of interest for the Darsena Europa in Livorno
Warriors: in the next few days we will meet the group to talk in detail about the project
Corsica Ferries sells Elba Ferries to BN di Navigazione
I go to Liguria
The fast ferry "Corsica Express Three" has been chartered to the Blu Navy company
In 2024, Ukrainian ports handled a record 97.2 million tons of cargo.
Agricultural products alone amounted to 60 million tons
COSCO, we are not a Chinese Military Company
The Chinese company has specified that the inclusion in the US list will have no impact on the group's global activities and operations.
In 2024, freight traffic in the port of Ravenna was stable
Cruises down -17.7% compared to 2023
US List of Companies Doing Business for Chinese Military Includes Shipping and Shipbuilding Companies
Last November, ship traffic in the Suez Canal decreased by -55.9%
In the first eleven months of 2024 the decline was -49.8%
With over 3.9 million TEUs, in 2024 the port of Gioia Tauro set a new record for container traffic
Joy Taurus
Decrease in cars handled at the Calabrian airport
Assonat and Assiterminal, the cancellation of the measure to increase the fees for maritime state concessions is a good thing
Serra: the TAR ruling reaffirms the importance of dialogue between public administration and users
The duration of the Agencies for the provision of work in ports and for professional requalification has been extended by 18 months
Port State Control Inspections Begin on Eagle S
NATO decides to increase the Atlantic alliance's military presence in the Baltic Sea
In 2024, Tanjung Pelepas Port recorded a new all-time record in container throughput
Iskandar Puteri
Over 12.2 million TEUs were handled (+16.9%)
Works worth over 57 million euros for the energy infrastructure in the port of La Spezia
The Spice
Electrification of the New Cruise Pier and new hydrogen generators
Assologistica, the new rules on reverse charge discipline in the Budget Law are good
Rapid issuance of the implementing provision by the Revenue Agency is hoped for
The electrification of the docks of the ports of Sardinia starts from Portovesme
Almost 52 million euros of works planned
Arkas Line ships to reach India
Turkish company to merge three services in the Mediterranean
Two lanes of ship transit tested in a 10km section of the Suez Canal
They are located in the area of the Little Bitter Lake
Suez Canal Transit Decline Costs Egypt Seven Billion Dollars
In 2024, naval traffic decreased by more than -60%
Port of Valencia, monthly traffic down after over a year of growth
Decrease in volumes in all main product sectors
Underwater cables damaged in the Gulf of Finland at Christmas
Oil tanker "Eagle S" stopped, part of shadow fleet operating for Russia
Cargo traffic at Chinese seaports increased by +3.2% in November
Foreign goods increased by +6.1%. Containers increased by +4.9%.
TIL (MSC Group) - JNPA Agreement for the Construction of Vadhvan Port
The new airport is located on the western coast of India
Shanghai is the world's first port to handle over 50 million containers in a year
SIPG highlights strong productivity gains achieved by introducing automation boost in Yangshan area
Yang Ming to acquire up to 13 new 8,000-15,000 TEU containerships
They will replace 5,500-6,500 TEU vessels that are over twenty years old
Eight amendments to the International Maritime Labour Convention enter into force today
Changes introduced to improve living and working conditions on board ships
Carnival posts record performance for September-November quarter
Revenues increased by +10.0% in the period
Uniport appreciates that the port reform is taking place through a delegated law and trusts (!) in the government's willingness to open a dialogue with the operators
Søren Toft (MSC) is the new president of the World Shipping Council
Vice President is Randy Chen of Wan Hai Lines
"SHIPS for America Act" Introduced, Bipartisan Bill to Strengthen U.S. Shipping Industry
Among the proposals, carrying up to 10 percent of imports from China on U.S.-flagged, U.S.-crewed, U.S.-built ships
In the last quarter of 2024, OOCL revenues grew by +55.0%
Hong Kong
Containers transported by the fleet increased by +6.1%
Medlog signs partnership agreement to build dry port and logistics area in Egypt
The affected area is approximately 102 hectares
Filt Cgil urges to throw away the Antitrust Authority's proposal on port work
D'Alessio: the AGCM has not at all analyzed the real dangers for the integrity of the principle of competition
Strong annual revenue growth for Evergreen, Yang Ming and WHL companies
Revenue growth also accentuated in the fourth quarter of 2024 alone
Industrial reconversion works to begin soon at the "ex Yard Belleli" site in the port of Taranto
The intervention has a value of 135.3 million euros
The Northern Tyrrhenian Sea is the first AdSP to equip itself with the Anti-Violence Strategic Plan
The aim is to prevent discriminatory and violent phenomena within the institution.
Greek Navarino Acquires Dutch Castor Marine
Both companies develop information technology and communication solutions for the maritime sector
The annual assembly of Federlogistica will be held in Rome on January 21st
The theme is: "Intelligent Logistics. If Artificial Intelligence Breaks Into the World of Logistics"
Trade mission in Vietnam by Spediporto, AdSP and Municipality of Genoa
Meetings scheduled in Ho Chi Minh City and Danang
In 2024 Interporto Padova recorded a record intermodal traffic of almost 412 thousand TEU (+6.5%)
Commander Emanuele Bergamini is the new president of USCLAC
Gianni Badino was elected president of the USCLAC-UNCDiM-SMACD unitary union
Tender for the development of cruise activities in the Greek ports of Katakolon, Patras and Kavala
The issuing of concessions with a minimum duration of 30 years is foreseen
The electrification of four moorings in the ports of Bari and Brindisi has begun
Contract worth over 28 million euros
Circle has been awarded the tender for the digitalisation services of the Eastern Adriatic Port Authority
Roberto Spinelli's position in the corruption investigation in Liguria has been archived
Order of the judge for preliminary investigations
Work has begun in the port of Pozzallo on the construction of the new offices of the AdSP of Eastern Sicily
Place the port of Imperia Oneglia under the management of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority
This is requested by the Port Company "L. Maresca" and the Lodovico Maresca Port Workers Company
Interporto Padova looking for a potential partner to participate in the terminal activity
The market research will end on January 31st
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
New logistics company GTS Horizon established in Verona
It was founded by the GTS group and Simone Gatto De Chirico (De Chirico Srl)
In the third quarter, freight transported on Austrian railways increased by +1.8%
In the first nine months of 2024 the increase was +1.7%
Uiltrasporti, the reverse change of VAT in the budget law is good
Verzari: we hope that this measure will be made structural in the future
Circle acquires Telepass Innova's Infomobility and Telematics business units
The value of the transaction is 6.2 million euros
Tender for construction of Albanian port of Porto Romano restarted
The deadline for submitting bids has been set for February 7th.
Eukor secures renewal of contracts for exporting cars from Korea and China
The expected value of the agreements is $4.2 billion.
PSA Singapore Sets New Annual Container Traffic Record
The 40 million TEU mark was reached on December 24th
US-based FTV Capital makes offer to acquire Windward
London-based company develops technological solutions for shipping
American Halliburton buys Norwegian Optime Subsea
European company develops technologies for underwater operations
Grimaldi took delivery of the multipurpose ro-ro Great Cotonou
Next month it will be launched on a new service of the group between China and Nigeria
Federagenti has appointed 24 "ambassadors"
They have been protagonists in the profession of maritime agent for over 60 years
Ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara, over five million allocated for the green transition
The Spice
Funds for the purchase of electric or hydrogen vehicles
In November, freight traffic in the ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado increased by +4.3%
In the first eleven months of 2024, an increase of +1.1% was recorded
In the first 11 months of 2024, traffic in the port of Trieste grew by +6.4% thanks to mineral oils
A decrease of -8.2% was recorded in the port of Monfalcone
Over two and a half quintals of cocaine seized in the port of Genoa
The drugs were inside a refrigerated container coming from Ecuador
Manca (Sardinia Region): Promises of allocation of resources for the Kalport agency not fulfilled
Urgent meeting requested with Minister of Labor
Increases in port fees in the ports of Bari and Brindisi
Leone: we are committed to adopting measures that do not impact traffic and users
Large quantity of cocaine seized in the port of Olbia
39 kilos of drugs discovered hidden in a minivan
From January Hupac will intensify intermodal connections between Belgium and Italy
The frequency of the shuttle train between Busto Arsizio and Padua will also increase
Port of Ancona, provisional concession granted to Fincantieri plant
The new concession will last 40 years
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
The annual assembly of Federlogistica will be held in Rome on January 21st
The theme is: "Intelligent Logistics. If Artificial Intelligence Breaks Into the World of Logistics"
A conference on the implications of geopolitical crises for ports and maritime transport in Venice on Thursday
It is organized by Ca' Foscari University and the AdSP of the Northern Adriatic
››› Meetings File
Iran signs over $1.8b investment contracts with private sector for ports development
(Tehran Times)
North Korean tankers transport over one million barrels of oil from Russia
(NK News)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
In November, freight traffic in the port of Barcelona fell by -3.7%
Container handling is growing (+6.3%), but not the weight of containerized cargo (-6.9%)
Saipem awarded new offshore contract by Shell in Nigeria
For the Italian company it has a value of around 900 million dollars
Rixi briefly illustrates the port reform
Creation of a publicly controlled company to manage investments and represent the Italian port system
Agreement between RFI and RSE for the study of a magnetic levitation freight transport system
Maritime safety, agreement signed at MIT to simplify verification procedures
Inspection and certification activities may be carried out by specifically accredited bodies
In the first eleven months of 2024, cargo traffic in Russian ports decreased by -2.0%
St. Petersburg
Both dry goods (-2.1%) and liquid bulk (-2.0%) are decreasing
Log In acquires 19,600 square meters of space at Interporto Toscano Amerigo Vespucci
Kansas City
It is the fourth acquisition in Italy of the Theoreim group company
Prysmian wins two EPCI contracts from French RTE, potentially worth €700 million
The laying of approximately 640 kilometers of land and underwater cables is planned
Testing of an autonomous port tractor in the port of Wilhelmshaven
It will be launched next year by Eurogate, MAFI, ICT Group and Embotech
Intesa Fincantieri - Sparkle for the protection and surveillance of submarine cables
The two companies will analyze the requirements to improve the security of the infrastructure
Barcelona terminal operator BEST has ordered two new super post-Panamax quay cranes
Barcelona/The Hague
APM Terminals announces completion of work to increase capacity at MedPort Tangier terminal
Wärstilä sells Automation, Navigation and Control System to Swedish investment company Solix
In 2023 ANCS recorded revenues of 200 million euros
Cisl, speed up the choice of the president of the Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea
The Spice
Necessary to implement works and investments
Works awarded for the expansion of the container terminal in the port of Koper
The works will be completed by the end of 2027
Container traffic in the port of Hong Kong fell by -4.2% last month
Hong Kong
In the first eleven months of 2024 the decline was -5.0%
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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