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Saints (Venetian Assoagenti): with the reform of the Venice ports, Trieste and Ravenna must cooperate
Some does not have sense - the president of the association emphasizes - to think that a solo the three ports can completely absorb the traffic of the others
August 16, 2016
With the location of three systems harbour in the northern Adriatic, centralized on the ports of Venice, Trieste and Ravenna, these three ports of call, rather than to fight between they in order to prevail as port of reference for the region, have the opportunity to develop to the respective excellence and strategic potentialities. It has emphasized the president of the Association of Raccomandatari Agents and Marine Mediatori of Veneto, Alessandro Santi, having commented the reform of the system of governance of the approved of Italian portualità in recent days from the government ( on 29 July 2016), thanks to which - it has evidenced - "important are shown new and scenes for national the harbour system".
"We find ourselves of forehead - it has found Saint - to an extraordinary opportunity in order to develop it in strategic way, an optical of national system, returning it finally exactly competitive in the international context and in order to make this is necessary a total appraisal of the current state of the Italian ports, in order to design of the future order. He will be therefore fundamental to characterize the hub strategic functional to the attainment of such objective, being taken into consideration the strengths of our ports, existing infrastructures and the future investments that necessarily will have to be engaged in order to increase the competitiveness of national the harbour system".
"It turns out easy end now too much and "typically Italian" - it has continued the president of Venetian Assoagenti - to fall in an easy rhetorical it turns to favor or to penalize or another port. In this it is perhaps from finding a limit of the reform, that it could have forced towards a greater cooperation between the geographic clusters for a greater efficientamento beyond frontier, therefore towards competitor the international (Mediterranean ports and of the Europe north), avoiding useless indeed counter-productive internal competitions".
"If of the East North, for example - it has observed Saint - not draft, after all, to estimate which it is between Venice, Trieste and Ravenna the reference port "": this appraisal is solo yields of a pure political or quite parochial approach. What it is necessary today is instead to value the specializations and to invest on the strategic excellence of every single port of the cluster".
"Venice for example - it has explained Saint - is recognized leader world-wise of the crocieristica, boasts a role of first floor in the field of the traffic of the goods several and of general the cargo and between the three mentioned ports over it is that with the best performance than increase anniversary in the container. These primates have had to the central position in which respect to other ports of the Adriatic North, to existing infrastructures and the connections with the street nets is found, railway and fluvial that affords to shunt the national and international traffics. Ravenna represents the port leader in the field of the solid bulk is agricultural and food- that irons worker. Trieste has an absolute leadership in the fields of the oil crude oil, as well as of the traffic ro-ro in particular towards the Turkey that derives from historical agreements, it continues aimed investments and establishes quotas prerogatives and opportunity. Some does not have sense therefore - according to Saints - to think that a solo the three ports can completely absorb the traffic of the others. It has instead sense that cooperates entirety in order to maintain and to turn out more competitive producing added value for own stakeholder and the territory".
"This action of strategic programming - it has concluded the president of Venetian Assoagenti - now will be object of the activity of the unit of coordination of the 15 Authorities of Harbour System that will be activated centrally under the direction of the minister and to above of the same ones with the function, exactly, to dictate to the rules and the policies of development and single investment of the AdSP in an optical of total competitiveness, concentrating and rationalizing the use of the economic resources".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher