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Usclac, Uncdim and Smacd speed up the insertion of the marine ones in the category of the wearing work
the three trade-union acronyms ask that it happens in the next law of stability
September 26, 2016
The insertion of the marine ones in the category of the wearing work in the next law of stability. They speed up unions U.S.C.L.A.C. (Trade-union Union Captains Long Corso al Comando), U.N.C.Di.M. (National Union Captains Chief engineers) and S.M.A.C.D. (General staff Abilitato to the Command or the Direction of Car).
In the course of the round table "the wearing work in the marine profession", organized from the three trade-union acronyms that have held friday to Genoa, commander Claudio Tomei, president of Usclac-Uncdim-Smacd, have remembered that, del_resto, "the marine ones were inserted in the first directory of "comprised wearing activity" in decree legislative n. 374 of 1993, and precisely in the Table To of that text. The marine ones - it has specified - are but "mysteriously" disappeared from the same directory at a distance six-year-old, and that is from I decree of the minister of the Job and the Social Security n. 208 on May 19, 1999: this text drafted a list of criteria for the identification of the wearing work that excluded the marine ones". Tomei has specified that "I decree legislative n. 67/2011 have confirmed the interpretation of decree of 1999, holding therefore the marine ones outside: that's why - it has explained - we find ourselves in the current situation".
Tomei has emphasized the necessity "to make up for to what we consider to be an error" and - has added - "we are beating and we will beat ourselves for this until that we will not have reached it". "This situation - it has found - not only damages we as category, but aspects have also a series of negative consequences on many others, to begin from safety of navigation and the environmental protection".
In Italy the marine ones are 30 thousand of which, according to Usclac calculations, about 1.800 they could have use of in 2017 of the granted benefits to who it is comprised in the lists of the wearing work.
"We as Usclac-Uncdim-Smacd - it has concluded Tomei - we represent the commanders and the chief engineers, that is to say the two higher figures able: in reality but this event, and the assertions that we get ahead together with Federmanager, regard all the workers whom they operate on board of the ships, from the officials to the crew: in short we want to protect all the colleagues who share disagiati timetables, heavy conditions of job, labors (mental and physical), fatigue and stress".
"The disparity of enforced treatment between the several categories of wearing work - Mario Cardoni has asserted, general manager Federmanager - is a thematic one that would go rightfully inserted in the ‘package pensions’ to which the government it is working". "The lacked inclusion the marine workers in the category of the wearing work - it has continued - can be considered a "oversight", but it is a situation that goes healed. Favoritisms but the acknowledgment are not wondering for a right: that to the job in conditions of safety for a category of workers often called to face critical situations or of emergency".
In the course of the Devi Sacchetto encounter, author of the book "floating Factories", he has illustrated the conditions of job of the marine ones: "the worker of the sea - he has remembered - weevers a life separated in a space which segregated since weevers 24 hours a day, for weeks or months on a ship that is a place of job and collective life, almost always between single males. The marine ones not only remain operating in order every day of boarding, but they work almost always with forward contracts that to the maximum arrive to the 12 months. The attention to the conditions of this labor usually rises in revolt for shipwrecks abandonment of ships, but their trade is between most dangerous of the world. To the incidents in sea and port to depression and car-isolation join".
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