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the Liguria Region is almost unanimous in rejecting the hypothesis of offshoring of the genoese section of the naval repairs
Manifestation of protest of the workers of the field
October 18, 2016
Today near the center of the regional council of the Liguria a manifestation of the workers of the section of the naval repairs of the port of Genoa has been carried out in order to in recent days protest against a hypothesis of offshoring of such activities thrown again from a interrogation introduced from the advisory group of the Movement 5 Stars that, doing again to the outcomes of an investigation carried out from an adviser of the Committee Opened Port, it had evidenced as the naval repairs situated in the port they would be seriously polluting the city and they would be a source of danger for the genoese ones. With the interrogation one wondered the regional committee if it intends to activate itself for delocalizzare such activities.
The delegation of workers of the naval repairs of Genoa has met the representatives of the committee and of the regional assembly and to the debate the trade-union representatives of category of Cgil, Cisl have participated and Uil, numerous regional councilmen, the city council member to the economic development Edoardo Rixi and the president of the Giovanni Toti committee. This last one has emphasized that "the naval repairs are not touched, is - it has specified Toti - a piece of the history of Genoa, is part integrating of the genoese industry and constitutes a pole of excellence for the city". Toti has remembered that the Region has undersigned with the local institutions "a model of development for the port of Genoa, signing the Print Blue di Renzo Piano with the tombamento of the before area the Yacht club in order to guarantee to the naval repairs the necessary space to the increase and the future development. Regarding me, this committee and this majority - it has assured - sure we will go ahead on this road and certainly this politics will not change for a newspaper article or a motion of the opposition".
Bruno Manganaro, secretary of Fiom-Genoa, has remembered that the field of the naval repairs assures job to beyond 2.500 dependent and a remarkable one induced and is therefore a wealth for the city. "He is not acceptable - the representative of the union has asserted - than someone says that the repairs must be delocalizzate". Manganaro has invited not to use the environmental issue "in cunning way. The atmosphere - it has added - is a serious argument and we are first to want some to speak, but within a serious argument". Manganaro has, therefore, restated that the field of the repairs must be widened and has asked a clear declaration by the council, a formal action with which it is confirmed that the naval repairs remain. Also Daniele Tonni, for the secretariat Uilm Genoa, has asked the Council a definitive engagement in order not to delocalizzare and tantomeno to close the naval repairs. Stefano Menone of the Fiom Cisl has restated that ambient and job can coexist: "to Genoa - it has said - the job does not lack: it must know to take it, to assault it and to develop it".
In its participation the president of the Region, restating that "the Print Blue and the expansion of the naval repairs constitutes a strategic plan for I throw again of the port", it has specified that these will be "the indications that this committee will give to the new president of the Harbour Authority and to the new system governance ch - it has specified - and I hope will be named in the next few days". With regard to the nomination of the president of the new Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Western, that it will manage the ports of Genoa, Savona and Vado Ligure, Toti has hoped "that all are shut as soon as possible the interlocuzioni with minister Delrio and is found as soon as possible of the solutions agreed on the governance of the port. I hope above all - it has continued the president of the Region - than who will go to cover the responsibility of president of the Harbour Authority of Genoa rolls up sleeves and has little hours of sleep for many years to come, because there is from recovering much lost time". Relatively to the nomination of the president of the Authority, Toti has explained that "they are on converses locked with the government, hopes - it has added - that finds squares above all and that able and just people find themselves. From too much time the port of Genoa, but also the other from Liguria ports do not have that sprint that must have: there are firm money in the drawers, contracts to make, concessions to renew and are from putting again in motion a car that is the first industry of the Liguria, but above all the first industry of the Italy North, is in terms from the turnover, is in term of system functionality, because without the ports of Genoa, Savona and La Spezia the markets of the Italy North are one-armed markets".
"We are making pressing on the government - the regional city council member to the economic Development and the ports has confirmed, Edoardo Rixi - for having as soon as possible, hope in the next few days, the new president of the Harbour Authority, since from the end of August commissioner Pettorino, on indication of the ministry, can only proceed in the ordinary administration, blocking in fact the Region in the advance of a plan of valorization of the industrial activities tied to the port. He is unthinkable to Genoa - it has agreed Rixi - to speak about offshoring of sites, but it can be spoken to potenziamento and improvement about the environmental quality, when the necessary resources to the investments are available, without to interrupt the productive cycles that occupation gives. Also in this phase of stall, waiting for the nomination of the president of the port of Genoa, however we have not remained arrest warrants as Region, but - it has concluded the city council member - we have probed the European possibility to implement the deep ones of notices to assign just to investments on the topic of the harbour modernization".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher