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the government assures its engagement for the institution of the Agency for the Harbour Job of Gioia Tauro
the unions express worry and abashment for the declaration of inammissibilità for non involvement of matter of the amendment examined from the Chamber
November 25, 2016
The government confirmation its engagement for the institution of the Agency for the Harbour Job of Gioia Tauro. He has guaranteed the State undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council, Claudio De Vincenti, to the president of the Region Calabria, Mario Oliverio, having assured that the executive will inside introduce in Senate relative a emendativa proposal to the institution of the Agency of maxi the amendment on which the government will ask the confidence and specifying that the amendment is technically valid and very represents the specificities characterized for the institution of the Agency as a result of the job coordinated from the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports and carried out the Ministry of the Economic Development, to the Ministry of the Job, the Sottosegretariato di Stato to the Presidency of the Council, to Ministry of the Economy and Finances, to the E region the Harbour Authority.
In a note, the president of the regional agency calabro has remembered that in the passage to the Commission Budget of to Chamber the emendativa proposal he is of last Monday not examined in the merit of its normative content from the Commission, but is declared inadmissible for matter non involvement. The Agency, on which national government and Region they are agrees - it has specified Oliverio - is not a isolated participation, but must be understanding in a finalized general picture to throws again and the diversification of the port of Gioia Tauro.
Cgil has expressed worry for the outcome of the passage in Commission that has established the inammissibilità of the amendment on the Agency for the supply of temporary harbour job in the port of Gioia Tauro. Emphasizing that "the union, in particular Cgil, has in these months demonstrated a high sense of responsibility and lead stiff a dispute long and complicated to guarantee the maintenance of the occupational levels and the salary of all the harbour workers", Angelo Sposato, general secretary of Cgil Calabria, and Nino Costantino, general secretary of Filt-Cgil Calabria, has remembered that, "after a which lasted argument months, on 27 July Picture has been reached to the subscription of an Agreement of Program that engaged, among other things, the government to emanate, during stability law, a financing of 45 million for the activation of the Agency and in order to guarantee the occupational perspective to the 400 workers declared in esubero from the Medcenter Container Terminal. In this picture - Sposato and Constne have remembered moreover - the union has undersigned with the Company in recent days the agreement for the formation and the ricollocazione of the esuberi in the aforesaid Agency waiting for dry dock, of the railway gateway and other asset".
"This point, in restating our strong worry – they have added Sposato and Constne - we ask the government to respect the assumed engagements is during Presidency of the Council that of Ministry of Infrastructures. We throw again, at the same time, the necessity to activate, returning it, a national table permanent in order to not only guarantee the engagements already established but also in order to on the back preview new investments industrial port of Joy, on the logistics, the Zes and the infrastructuring. The productive future of Joy is the unavoidable objective in order to strengthen the battle for the legality that represents for Cgil to all the levels the daily engagement of all its management teams".
"Cgil - they have concluded Sposato and Constne - continues, therefore, to claim on Joy and the Calabria a particular attention by the national government because the development of the port and the entire area is issue of national importance not more rinviabile and essential thing for the development of Southern Italy".
Surprise for the stop of iter the parliamentarian relatively to costituenda the Agency for the Harbour Job is expressed also by Cisl. The abashment - they have specified general secretary USR Cisl Calabria, Paolo Tramonti, and the general secretary Fit Cisl Calabria, Annibale Fiorenza, is caused mainly by the motivation of "matter non involvement": "this - they have found - worries to us also because it evidences sure bureaucratic superficiality, institutional and parliamentarian who generate distrust and fears of a crisis that finds it hard to find solutions of discontinuity with superficialities of the past. He is unacceptable to have to record the inability, bureaucratic politics and, of centellinare the definition of the propedeutici contents to guarantee normative coherence and sustainability financial institution of an extraordinary and innovative instrument, for time, which weighted and shared from the parts in cause".
"We remain - they have evidenced Tramonti and Fiorenza - very perplexed and disappointed of this block, we hope temporary, that it risks to prejudice the performance of the precise engagements assumed from the national government with the regional government and all the parts that have undersigned, 27th July, the new Agreement of Program (APQ) for which the labor organizations have undersigned a "Protocol of Understanding". Protocollo that takes note of the engagements, assumed from the parts underwriters, between which the institution of the cited "Agency for the Job" of is part pre-eminent and important for the factor job. We attend every constructive stiff initiative with confidence to recover and to exceed "the mishap" happen during Parliamentary commission".
The inclusive APQ and engagements with it sign - they have continued Tramonti and Fiorenza - "remain for us, a serious one and coherent program of a first phase of I throw again infrastructural, for the implementation and the reconversion of new and various productive activities, that they can give overhong to the enormous occupational potentialities and of development of the entire Area and the Calabria".
"All the Parliamentarians, beginning from those calabrians - they have concluded the representatives of the Cisl - we ask able an extraordinary engagement and bipartisan to exceed the palings that they have, in the course of the decades, determined "lacked development a Social Italy" that we want more and more berthed to modern "an Economic System and" that it finds in the "territorial cohesion" the heart button that moves a Country, including and strategic, more and more able to compete, easily, in the within of the markets and the international systems".
Also the general secretary of Uiltrasporti, Claudio Tarlazzi, has defined "worrisome" the failure for inammissibilità of the provision by the Commission Budget of the Chamber, "because - he has explained demonstrates that the importance of the instrument is not understood for throws again harbour of the areas of Gioia Tauro and Taranto, let alone the devastating problem of beyond 900 families that risk to end in a vice of increasing social uneasiness". "We stigmatize therefore - Tarlazzi has asserted - who has made to prevail logical policies strangers to the motivations of the participation. These harbour areas and the workers need of adequate instruments and times so that the necessary processes of industrial reconversion and consolidation of new productive takeovers are completed, giving to alternatives series and of long perspective since the transhipment of the containers it is in irreversible structural crisis. Not to recover this instrument to the Senate would be an ulterior prank for all the system but above all for those territories that ask development and not subsidy".
"Future Sul of the port of Gioia Tauro and its workers - they have denounced the general secretary of Uil Calabria, Santo Biondo, and the regional secretary of the Uiltrasporti, Giuseppe Rizzo - is not the moment to make easy populisms. It is, instead, time of concreteness in order to carry to solution a dispute, that it interests hundred of families calabrians, is the hour - they have agreed - to follow through the programmed choices and of giving contained to the made promises in the past few months. The national government must give the answers attended to how much undersigned only in July slid with respect to the start of the action of the Agency for the Harbour Job. On the esubero of workers, important for associate-economic fallen back dimensions and on the territory - they have added Blond and I raise - we ask a meaningful engagement the political class and national and local leader. In this delicate phase, then, he is determining to communicate with productive and occupational correctness which will be the future trajectories of one of central infrastructures for the economic estate, of the entire region. For Uil Calabria and the Uiltrasporti, now, the national Government must make clarity on Gioia Tauro. The agreement picture undersigned to Palazzo Chigi on 26 July is a good line of departure on condition, but, than the distance of this understanding it is clear and lacking in obstacles of any nature".
"The Agency for the Harbour Job, that it is an instrument previewed from the Agreement Picture of strongly intentional July from the labor organizations - they have continued Blond and I raise - needs of greater attention. This instrument cannot be questioned and must find application reply in narrow times. So as, for Uil Calabria and the Uiltrasporti the national government must make clarity on the Zes that, getting ridded of the alibi of an unfavorable position of the European Union, must find application also in the harbour area of Gioia Tauro. The Council of Ministers, then, must say with clarity which it will be the destiny of the financings previewed for the Calabria inside of the Pon infrastructures and nets. These deep ones, together with those resources put in field from Rome, I am of fundamental importance in order to start to those infrastructural participations that are useful in order to pull outside the port of Gioia Tauro from sand banks of a crisis without end”.
“At last the moment has arrived - they have concluded Blond and I raise - than Italian Railway Net says clearly which it will be its engagement on the infrastructure reggina, for the ripartenza of one I unwind in transit crucial for the goods in the Mediterranean that, from too many years, it is suffering for the stall of the transhipment. For Uil Calabria and the Uiltrasporti Gioia Tauro it needs to find again its European dimension and its world-wide proclivity, must exceed that mono functionality that has ended in order to penalize it and in order to make it cannot more attend than to be connected with the remainder of the world through a net of railway connections modern and efficient”.
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