Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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the point on the topic of the reduction of the emissions of the naval traffic
organized Conference from Propeller Club of Venice, ATHENA and the Foundation and the Order of the Venetian engineers
December 1, 2016
The topic of the reduction of the emissions of means of transport has become more and more central during the last few years in the initiatives under consideration to international level in order to diminish the gas emissions greenhouse and also in the segment of the marine transport the issue is to the center of the attention is of the shipowners that of the ports, above all of those neighbors with urbanized areas.
The argument is, in particular, of the pressing present time to Venice, where the best solutions are looking for and already are introduced measures in order to diminish the impact of the crocieristico and mercantile traffic of the lagoon port. The point on the topic of the produced atmospheric pollution from the naval traffic is made in recent days to Mestre (Venice) from the The International Propeller Club Port of Venice in the course of a specific organized conference with the Venetian Section of the Italian Association of Naval Technology (ATHENA), to the Foundation Venetian Engineers and the Order of the Engineers of the Province of Venice.
Ingegner Roberto Formenti of the Venetian Section of ATHENA has introduced a panoramic one on the state of the international norm on the fight to the environmental pollution by the ships, is regarding the pollution of the sea is for the atmospheric pollution, on the whole of the international norm. In its participation he has remembered as this last one comprised five initially annexed ones in order to contrast the pollution produced in the following cases: for sversamento of hydrocarbons; for sversamento of chemicals; for cargo effect transported in necks or containers; for liquids deriving from hygienic and sanitary premises, from kitchens and the transport of alive animals; for the drainage of refusals generally. To such norms a sixth annexed one has joined then that the atmospheric pollution with reference to the following cases regards in detail: producing that they assault the ozone layer; gas of drainage of the internal combustion engines regarding the oxide emission of nitrogen and sulfur oxides; emission of organic steam from the reserviors of the cargo; emissions from the incinerators; regulations on naval fuel. Then a series of norms is added that refer to the fight to the greenhouse effect, in order to reduce for the how much possible emission of co2 in the atmosphere.
Ingegner Andrea Galuppo of the study of engineering of S.T.S of Marghera has traced a picture of the technical solutions for the reduction of the polluting substances that are currently subject to normative restrictions in marine field by Marpol convention and the several Harbour Authorities and that they regard in particular oxides of nitrogen and sulfur oxides, while limits for the emissions of particulate matter are not previewed. The nitrogen oxide formation is tied to variable of the combustion (the temperature, oxygen, time) and the main methods of discouragement consist in preventing some the formation thanks to the injection of water molecules in the mixture or taking part after the combustion through injection of urea in gases of drainage. The formation of sulfur oxides and the particulate matter is instead direct function of the sulfur tenor in the fuel and the more effective participation is therefore that to use combustible to low sulfur tenor as the marine gas oil (MGO) or the natural gas (LNG); in alternative it is possible "to wash" the smoke of drainage through systems scrubber, solution that affords also the discouragement of the particulate matter.
At last lawyer Marco Seppi of Propeller Club of Venice has carried the attention on two recent sentences emitted from the Court of Genoa (the n. 247 on February 5, 2016) and from the Court of Venice (the n. 2580 on September 20, 2016) with which, in both the disputes, are rejected the oppositions adverse the decree-injunctions emitted from the Harbour offices at the expense of cruise ships in order to have made liquid fuel use with tenor of advanced sulfur to 1.5% in mass. These decrees endorsed the violation of the disposed one of which to article 295, codicil 6, of I decree legislative n. 152/2006 (norm that on April 26, 1999 has understood the European directive 1999/32Ce of the Council) as a sulfur tenor was assessed the having fuel employment advanced at the best prescribed from the norm EU. Moreover the issues of the assimilation, operated from the jurisprudence are analyzed, of the cruise ships to the fleeting ships of line (with consequent application of the limits on the sulfur tenor in the fuel) and the contrast of these norms with the international Convention MARPOL that prescribes a very advanced limit, until 4.5% in mass.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher