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Gentlemen have introduced the team of summit of the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Western
The harmonization of the procedures and the rules in the ports of Genoa and Savona will regard also the rates (canons of concession and harbour taxes). A manager for the airport of the capital of Liguria
March 13, 2017
The issues are many that will have to face the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Western, the agency that this year is subentrato in the management de ports of Genoa and Savona to the respective Harbour Authorities, but in some ways are less numerous than those with which the two harbour authorities little years had to be confronted hardly ago. The problems on the table of the AdSP new, that the reform of the governance of the Italian ports introduced from the government is instituted as a result of last summer, seem to be essentially centralized on the single port of Genoa.
For Savona, they do not seem to be to us alternatives to following the road already traced from the Harbour Authority. The node of the realization of the platform multipurpose, in fact, already is melted for a long time by the savonese harbour authority that has started the greatest harbour project in partnership between private public and with shipowning group Danish A.P. Møller-Mærsk for the realization of a container terminal that will become operating the next year in the harbour basin of Vado Ligure. It will be continued on this tracing - it has confirmed today the president of the AdSp, Paolo Emilio Signorini, having introduced the members of the first Committee of management of the new harbour agency that he sees, beside same the Gentlemen, Francesco Parola which representative of the Region Liguria, mayor Marco Doria to represent the Metropolitan City of Genoa, Cristoforo Canavese as exponent of the Municipality of Savona and the captain Domenico Napoli in dresses of representative of the Marine Authority.
If for Savona-Go the future is already approximately delineated, for Genoa the scene is more complex. In the field of the container, in these days the formation of the operators has been defined to great lines who will manage these traffics on the docks of the capital of Liguria, granted that to these the contracts of concession in expiration are renewed. In the past deep weeks the Infracapital and InfraVia have tightened an agreement in order to buy the Group Harbour Investments (JEEP) and will so enter overbearing in the capital of the main terminaliste societies that manage the two container terminal of the genoese port of call, that is the SECH and the VTE, this last one controlled from group PSA of Singapore. In the same days the shipowning group Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) has tightened an understanding in order to acquire almost half of the capital of Ignazio Messina & C., the genoese shipowning society that manages a terminal for several rotabili and goods in the port of the chief town. Moreover MSC is partner of the Group Harbour Investments in the within of the Bettolo Consortium, than from some the management of the new container has been adjudicated adjacent terminal to the SECH that is rising with the filling of Bettolo Descent.
Gentlemen have confirmed that also in this case it will be continued on the traced road, but accelerating the times: remembering that the allocation of the terminal of Bettolo Descent goes back by now to 2008 and that but up to now the contract is not defined neither stipulated, the president of the AdSP has specified that the issue will be on the table of the next reunion of the Committee of management, therefore between about a month, interval that Gentlemen he has defined adapted to mark the rhythm the encounters of the organ of the harbour agency at less than urgent cases that demand a timelier solution.
Cristoforo Canavese, speaking about the possible margins of increase of the ports of Genoa and Savona in the segment of the container, has found that an increment is likely in the next few years pairs to 1,5-2 million teu. If this, as presumable, is true - it has emphasized Gentlemen - integration of the genoese offer with that of the platform multipurpose of Savona "is justified".
Commenting the income of the deep ones in the capital of the JEEP, Gentlemen have asserted that "the problem is not the JEEP, but are the genoese operating historians who are passing the hand", as - it has found - "not only need wider shoulders from the financial point of view".
If other topics to face for the future of the genoese port of call, as that of the section of the navalmeccanica, are not remembered in the course of the presentation of the new Committee of management, Gentlemen the intention has mentioned that of the Christopher Columbus airport having confirmed to privatize the agency that already manages it proclaimed from the precedence authority, but being announced also the purpose to place it meantime under the guide of an expert manager of the field.
An other topic - it has specified Gentlemen - is also that of the standardization of concession contracts, in order to return more transparent luminosityen and the terms of the conceding and concessionary relationship between.
That the amalgamation of the Harbour Authorities of Genoa and Savona has introduced the necessity to conform procedures and rules has remembered it also Francesco Parola, clarifying that this will happen also for the rates, that is mainly for the canons of concession and the harbour taxes.
Beginning to illustrate the agenda of the new Committee of management, Gentlemen have evidenced the necessity, to which the reform of the governance of the Italian ports has come encounter, to characterize on the national territory the main harbour systems to introduce on the world-wide market to interlocutors which China. If, as has confirmed Gentlemen, the topographical denominations of Genoa and Savona little are known by the Chineses, it remains to wonder with who these will have believed to speak when the president of the Authority of Harbour System has met them in its recent mission in China, where regarding Genoa and Savona the Western toponym Ligurian Sea are more indecipherable unknown person much and.
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