Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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To Rome the summits of the Confitarma have met the general secretary of the International Maritime Organization
Started the procedure for I renew of the presidency of the Italian shipowning confederation
April 12, 2017
Today to Rome the Shipping council of the Italian Confederation (Confitarma) has examined main the thematic ones of interest of the field and has named In Of Alesio, Giuseppe D'Amato and Alcide Ezio Rosina which members of the Commission of designation in sight of I renew of the presidency of Confitarma, starting therefore the iter for the election of the new confederal president, procedure that will place side by side that of I renew of the Council. The Commission of provvederà designation to then collect the candidacies to the presidency through the consultation of the associates, subjecting them to the Council which will vote to secret scrutiny the nominative case to propose the assembly.
Al term of the reunion is taken part Kitack Lim, general secretary of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), accompanied by Simona Vicari, State undersecretary to Infrastructures and the Transports. In its speech of welcome the president of the Confitarma, Emanuele Grimaldi, has emphasized that the meaningful improvements recorded in the performances of the marine field are legacies mainly to the application of Conventions IMO: "in the majority of the world-wide markets - it has found - sub-standard is time extremely difficult for the ships to navigate avoiding detainments and endorsements. The Conventions of the IMO have carried to the progressive transformation of the marine transport, than today it is modality of the surer, efficient and respectful transport of the atmosphere".
Restating that the IMO is the better center in order to establish effective rules and to guarantee the parity of conditions for all the marine operators, Grimaldi has remembered that the new regulations involve huge investments for the shipowners. For this - it has observed - the Countries members, also applying with the just rigor the new norms must make it in realistic way: "the shipowners - it has specified the president of the Italian shipowning confederation - do not intend to avoid the application of the new norms for the protection of the atmosphere, but they must be put in condition for being able to make it".
Grimaldi has asserted that, in this context, the governments must take to a clear position regarding the performance of the new limits for the sulfur content in fuel to marine use or the eventual local exceptions to the Ballast Toilets Management Convention, that september 2017 will take effect the 8, even if still is not ratified by Italy. Regarding the introduction of measures in order to reduce the emissions of co2 - it has specified the president of the Confitarma - the shipowners are in favor of the introduction of norms to total level to the aim not to create with norms only regional distortions in the markets: "the objective - it has emphasized - is to introduce simple rules taking into consideration the operating requirements".
The general secretary of the IMO has manifested appreciation for the job carried out from Italy within this agency of the UN, remembering that it has the task to promote the sure marine transport, respectful of the atmosphere, efficient and sustainable and that the activity of the 172 Member States is constant and very intense in order to reach the consent on total normative regimes that can then be implemented in uniform and effective way. Beside the traditional arguments legacies to safety and the formation of the marine staff - Kitack Lim has remembered - the IMO is developing also to new topics as the cyber security and the Arctic Code, always in the optical of a global approach in order to characterize the best solution. The activity of harmonization of the norms to the aim to reduce the gap between the normative new and the operating truth is in fact fundamental, taking into consideration the requirements of the industry.
After to have remembered that Italy is member of the IMO from 1957 and that in 2015 is reelected in the Category To of the executive Council, Simona Vicari has remembered the relief that has the economy of the sea for Italy with a production of goods and services pairs to 35 billion euros the year and has drawn the attention on the fact that is one of the least fields in which the occupation he has remained stable in spite of the crisis of the last years. It has then emphasized as Italy is between the States that have ratified the greater number of treatys currently in vigor in the marine transport and that "it wide possesses a fleet renewed and technologically advance, that is guarantee of safety of navigation and protection of the marine ecosystem".
Moreover the undersecretary Vicars has evidenced the requirement of a corrected international regulation for all this that concerns to the safeguard of the atmosphere, having restated that in order "to get ahead these important projects and in order to throw again the Italian marine transport the contribution of all is necessary the involved parts, from the administrations to the operators of the field until trade associations, because only the union of the forces and the community of the objectives, will allow with our system Country and the shipping national, to strengthen the leadership of Italy to European and world-wide level, a role of which our Country must be very aware and proud".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher