Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In the first trimester of the 2017 increase of the results of the Maersk group is stopped by the decrease in the segment of the container
Maersk Line has closed the period with a net loss of -66 million dollars
May 11, 2017
In the first trimester of this year the recorded economic results from shipowning group Danish A.P. Møller-Mærsk has shown an increase with revenues that have been attested to 8,96 billion dollars, with an increase of +5.0% on the first trimester of 2016, an EBITDA that is piled to 1,71 billion dollars (+6.8%), an operating result of 700 million dollars (+42.9%) and a profit clearly that it is gone up of +12.9% to 253 million dollars.
the improvement of the economic performances has been yields of the rise of the results marked from the division of the group that work in the segment of the energy, while in the field of the transports and the logistics, that it constitutes the second division in which recently is subdivided the group, the results have evidenced a bending caused mainly from the deterioration of the results achieved from Maersk Line, the navigation company that work the marine services of containerized transport of the group.
In particular, in the first trimester of the 2017 revenues totaled from Maersk Line is increased of +10.4% reaching a value of 5,49 billion dollars, progression that is produced mainly by the increment of +10.2% of the containerized cargo volumes that are transported by the fleet, results pairs to 2,6 million container from 40 ' (feu) regarding than less 2,4 million feu in the first trimester last year, and from the increase of +4.4% of the medium value of the hires, with a medium rate for container feu that it has turned out pairs to 1.939 dollars regarding 1.857 dollars in first three months of 2016. Particularly emphasized (+23%) it has been the medium increase of the hires of the services of East-West line, in particular - it has specified the Danish company - of the services between Asia and Europe while those for the America North have remained unchanged; vice versa the hires of the services north-south have shown a produced medium bending of the -4,3% above all from the contraction of the rates of the services with Africa and Oceania, with hires of the services for the regions of center-western Asia and the Latin America that have turned out instead unchanged.
Such positive effects are counterbalanced by important increase (+79.8%) of the cost of the fuel, with an average price of the fuel that has turned out pairs to 320 dollars/ton regarding 178 dollars/ton in the first trimester last year. In the first trimester of this year Maersk Line it has recorded an EBITDA of 436 million dollars (- 10.3%), an operating result of sign negative and pairs to -42 million dollars respect to an operating profit of 16 million dollars in the first trimester of a 2016 and economic result clearly of sign negative for -66 million dollars (the fifth consecutive quarterly data of sign negative) respect to a profit clearly of 37 million dollars in the first three months last year.
the consistency of the fleet of Maersk 31 Line to past March was of 639 portacontainer for a cargo ability total pairs to 3,24 million container from 20 ' (teu) (+8.1% regarding the first trimester 2016), of which 284 ships of property (for an ability to 1,90 million teu) and 355 ships to chartering (1,34 million teu). Moreover the company under construction has in pocketbook others 27 portacontainer of the total ability to 386 thousand teu that they will be taken in delivery in the course of this year and 2018.
Also APM Terminal, the society that manages the container harbour terminals of the Danish group, has recorded an increment of the volume of transactions and a bending of the results. In the first three months of this year the 75 terminals managed from company (72 in the first trimester of 2016) have enlivened a containerized trade pairs to 9,4 million teu, with an increase of +8% approximately regarding 8,7 million teu in the first three months last year that it is produced mainly by the acquisition of the terminals of the Spanish Grup Marítim TCB. The revenues are increased of +4.8% attesting itself to 1,01 billion dollars. The EBITDA has been pairs to 169 million dollars (- 3.0%), the EBIT to 112 million dollars (- 8.9%) and the profit clearly to 91 million dollars (- 15.7%).
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher