Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Friday a meeting of Propeller Club of Venice on the topic "Euradria: beyond the container"
It is organized in collaboration with ATHENA and the University of Trieste
May 17, 2017
The The International Propeller Club Port of Venice has organized for next friday a meeting on the topic "Euradria: beyond the container". The encounter, organized in collaboration with the Italian Association of Naval Technology (ATHENA) and the University of Trieste, will hold to hours 15 near the hotel Bologna Best Western of Mestre and will see for the first time with in quality of relatori the presidents of the Authorities of Harbour System of the Sea Adriatic Northern and Oriental, Pino Musolino and Zeno D' Augustin.
They are moreover in program the relations of vice-president of Federagenti and president of Venetian Assoagenti, Alessandro Santi, on "Potentiality of an integrated logistic system in the northeast", of the director of the UNICER, Mazzino Bogi, on "the data to the port of Venice from the metropolitan city and the railroad", of Giorgio Trincas of the University of Trieste on "gigantism in the transport container" and of Giovanni Faraguna, director of VEMARS, on "E-Navigation - communication port-ship and ship-ship".
Anticipating the topics of the encounter, president of Propeller Club of Venice, Massimo Bernardo, it has evidenced as for the adriatic portualità the moment has reached to look to the future: "new air between the two Authorities of System is breathed - it has found -. Between that of the Northern Adriatic, Venice, and that of the Adriatic Oriental, Trieste, begins, in the respect of the single roles, a common distance: projects and realizations that would have to be completed in a logic of concertazione and sharing framed in the same systemic vision, that of "range" from which it cannot be excluded the entrepreneurial world that is what it manages ships and it produces traffics".
"The reform harbour not for long started - it has agreed Alessandro Santi - is having as first effect the necessity to rethink and to redefine not only the relationships between ports first competitors, but also of all the logistic system to they correlated. Integration between terrestrial ports and logistic nets becomes a point of carried out regarding the formulations precedence. The cluster of the high Adriatic, with the main ports of joined Trieste and Venice to the system of interposing to you, represents a logistic system from the enormous potentialities for the strategic positioning in the within of the nets TRIES and for the vicinity to the national and European productive areas. If from a part it is comprehensible that this implies some difficulty, is necessary to sift of the opportunities and to define of the consequent strategies for being able to participate to the total logistic competition".
"Besides the container - it has specified president of the Authority of Harbour System of the Sea Adriatic Orientale, Zeno D' Augustin - it is strategic logic that the port of Trieste is getting ahead. The giuliano port of call has a characteristic all its, that it is that of being a continental railway gateway. A data a lot important is that Trieste, as Venice, has the possibility to make trains with shape PC80, and therefore trains with semitowings. Not to case two third party of our trains, those intermodal ones, is legacies to the Turkish semitowings, and a third party to the container. If this logic of the continental gateway has a its natural vocation for the field of the semitowings, we cannot think that it is alone the container the towing of the activities of the giuliano port of call".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher