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the ulterior efficientamento of the logistic chain passes unavoidably and intransgressibly through the digitalisation
Conference to Genoa of C.IS.Co. in order to celebrate the 50° anniversary of own foundation
June 27, 2017
When they take care of marine shipments, today the operators of the logistics would have to begin to more be interested to the "yield goods" rather than, as he still happens, to the "yield ship" in order to estimate the efficiency of the supply chain. In the same way community logistic, when it analyzes the commercial traffics that pass through the ports in order to estimate of the fluidity and the consistency, would have to not only examine also the volumes and the quality of the traffics of data and exchanged information and, as up to now, the volumes of enlivened traffic of the goods. Shortly: they would not have to be counted only the container that is passed through the harbour ports of call in order to judge if the marine logistic chain is working as must.
Suggestions, these, proposed today by Giampaolo Botta, general manager of the association of the genoese shippers, in order to exhort to continue to head at the innovation to the aim to return more efficient services to the goods and therefore to the customer. A road that passes unavoidably and intransgressibly through the development and I use it of the digitalisation and information the technology in order to return the logistic activities more productive and competitive. In order to make an example - it has clarified - he is more and more indispensable to refer to the million tens data that are exchanged annually through E-Port, the Port Community System of the port of Genoa, rather than to only consider of the total of the tons and the teu in order to estimate state of health of the harbour port of call of the capital of Liguria.
An analysis, that of the representative of Spediporto, shared from all the other relatori of the "Container Digitalization Conference", one of the events organized from C.IS.Co. (Council of Intermodal Shipping Consultants) in the within of "Genoa Shipping Week 2017" in order to celebrate the 50° anniversary of own foundation that has carried out this afternoon to the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa.
If transported cargo tons and volumes have been and will be still parameters necessary in order to plan the activity of the haulers, also this segment of the logistics will have to use more and more the new computer science technologies in order to simplify the job and to return the service more effective. Giuseppe Tagnochetti is convinced some, from Liguria coordinator of Trasportounito, second which the road haulage is one of the fields that could draw more advantage from the digitalisation, process to which - it has admitted - initially the section has been approached mainly in order to fulfill to normative burdens. The opportunities are numberless: putting in net the areas of pause and parking for the trucks (taking note once and for all - sure Tagnochetti has been said - that the traffic centre to Genoa will not never make) to communicating beforehand the arrival of the heavy vehicles the gate ones of the harbour terminals.
Bartolomeo Giachino, president of the spedizionieristico group Saimare and former undersecretary to the Transports, have exhorted Genoa to assume the role of front man in the debate on the logistic efficiency, but also of the dialogue with the countries of the Africa North and of the Neighbor and Middle East on whose development the occasions of increase of the city port are centralized. Evidencing the importance of the digitalisation for progress of the entire Italian national logistics, Giachino has launch a torpedo against who, in 2012, it has ditched General Consulta for the Road haulage and the Logistics, that it is suppressed with I decree on the spending review, decision - it has emphasized - with which it is made "an enormous damage" own in consideration of the fact that, for example, the topics and the problems of the digitalisation would have found in that center the place of confront ideal between the interested parts.
In its Douglas Owen participation, general secretary of the Bureau International DES Containers ET du Intermodal Transport (bic), organization non-profit that he has which referring in Italy the C.I.S.Co and that he is presided by Giordano Bruno Guerrini, general secretary of the C.I.S.Co., has illustrated the initiatives of the bic in the field of the digitalisation stopping itself in particular on the database BoxTech, created for sharing and information dissimation of data and on the container.
Lorenzo Greco, commercial responsible for DXC Technology, society been born from the fusion of the division Enterprise Services di Hewlett Packard (HP) with CSC, has announced that friday is constituted newco the Logistic Digital for the management of National the Logistic Platform, activity that in the past few months is entrusted for 20 years to ATI constituted by HP Enterprise Services, MAKES Service and Vitrociset and that over such period - has specified Greek - he will be realized with an investment of 70 million euros.
Alberto Pera, responsible marketing of Maersk Italy, and Stefano Ottonello of the Ships, the marine agency that represents in Italy the shipowning group Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), has introduced the solutions and the systems of information technology that the respective shipowning companies offer to own customers. More ingrate the task for Pear, since just today the website of the group leader Maersk Line has gone in tilt because of I attack hacker that has hit society and agencies in numerous parts of the world and that have put out of service the computer science system of the company of Danish navigation that they give various hours is inactive.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher