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Confitarma, the Marebonus regime for the transfer of the goods from the road to the sea could reveal a failure
the Confederation denunciation that, with a restrictive interpretation of the program, 90 million euros of investment of the armament would remain you deprive of compensation
September 18, 2017
The Italian Confederation Shipping (Confitarma) fears that sussista the risk of a failure of the Marebonus, the regime of aids in support of the intermodal transport of goods road-sea that has the scope to short promote the modal transfer of the transport goods from the road to the marine transport beam, regime that is approved of by the EU commission with decision on December 19, 2016 as considered compatible with the home market in compliance with article 107, paragraph 3, letter b), of the Treaty on the operation of the European Union.
Confitarma has evidenced that, as a result of a question turned from the Ministry of Infrastructures and of the Transports to the EU commission, the interpretation will be decisive for the success of the Marebonus that will be given to the term "used aid" in the decision on December 19, 2016 with which the Commission it has authorized the incentive.
"The decision - it has explained the Italian shipowning association - on one side previews the obligation for the shipowner to at least overturn 70% of the "aid" to the haulers; from the other it previews that the same "aid" cannot exceed the amount of the investments supported from the shipowner for being able to make to approach the haulers the incentive".
"Considering that the Marebonus is turned to the road haulage and that the shipowners do not have any to benefit if in order not to compensate the demanded investments second - it has found the Confitarma - the logical interpretation, from always supported from Confitarma, the navigation companies must be able to recover the cost of the investments carried out for being able to approach the Marebonus, "overturning" to the haulers at least 70% of the received contribution. Practically, considered 128 million euros allocated, the shipowners would have to invest not less than 38 million euros in order to activate the incentive of 90 million euros in favor of haulers (70% of the contribution), with a compensation not more than 38 million euros (30% of the contribution) for the carried out investments".
"Instead, second the literal interpretation, more restrictive - it has still found the Confederation - the entire contribution received from the navigation companies is considered "aid" and therefore, in order to guarantee to the same haulers 90 million euros, the navigation companies would have to very invest for improvements of the existing services 128 million euros, that is the entire appropriation previewed for the Marebonus, recovering to the maximum 38 million euros. If so graves would remain you deprive of compensation very 90 million investments that the armament would have to support for being able to allow with the road haulage to have use of the incentive".
"Such hypothesis - the Confitarma has denounced - is not only unjust but also incoherent with the indications of the EU commission".
The shipowning confederation has specified that in the question turned from the Italian Ministry to the EU commission formally it is asked for being able itself to concern to the shared logical interpretation with Confitarma. "Today - the Confitarma has announced - not it has been still some reply".
Confitarma therefore has invited the Ministry to speed up the answer of Brussels and has wished that this can reach before the emanation of decrees. "Only as a result of the reply of the EU commission - it has emphasized the Confederation - will be understood if the Marebonus will be an effective incentive or if, instead, it will be a completely inapplicable instrument".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher