Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In Italy the traffic of the goods is growing, but the national system of the transports is suffering
Particularly serious the state of the road haulage, plagued from offshoring and colonization
October 9, 2017
During the last few years the traffic of the goods in Italy is growing and is passed by 413,1 billion the tons for kilometer of 2014 436,5 million to the t-km of 2015 to go to 439,6 billion the t-km estimated of 2016, to 444,6 billion the t-km previewed of 2017 and to 448,3 billion the t-km it attended for 2018. It evidences the last relationship on "Analysis and forecasts for the transport goods in Italy" realized from the Office Studies of Confcommercio in collaboration with Isfort that is introduced today to Cernobbio (Como) in opening of the third International Forum of Conftrasporto-Confcommercio.
The study finds that, if the good news is the increase of the traffic goods in Italy and the supported rhythm of development of the intermodalità, that bad one is that of this traffic other nations are taking advantage more and more. "New phenomena are recorded in transport - Confcommercio and Isfort explain -: the offshoring abroad of many enterprises (above all of the road haulage) and the contemporary colonization of the field (from the streets to the harbour ports of call) by foreign companies and groups, that they abroad pour the wealth produced in Italy and risk to relegate to the borders of the empire traced from the Way of the Silk transforming an opportunity to us in a damage".
Referring to the road haulage, the specific study if "that a part of the Italian enterprises has delocalizzato, maintaining the property in all or partially of the companies of road haulage, or it has simply abandoned the Country in order to work with laws and costs of other economies it does not make too much difference. It is in the presence of a net loss of a productive field: after the deindustrializzazione that it has invested strategic fields of the Italian economy, how much as soon as seen - the relationship evidences - it appears as an ugly symptom of de-terziarizzazione, also regarding it a particularly important field for the operation of the entire national productive system".
If Confcommercio-Isfort speaks also about colonization of the system of the transports, in particular relatively to the road haulage, taking part to the Forum the president of Conftrasporto and vice president of Confcommercio, Paolo Uggè, has denounced the removal from the Italian ports of possible investments foreign countries: "in Europe - it has asserted - the port of the Chineses risks to become the Pireo. We are to the absurdity. Unfortunately the cases of Naples and Taranto speak clear. Colossus as MSC and COSCO - it has explained - wanted to invest there, but for the Italian disputes have renounced. The Way of the Silk is an enormous opportunity. We risk to lose it if we do not move quickly and with decision".
Opening the work of the Forum of Cernobbio, the president of Confcommercio, Carlo Sangalli, it has remembered that "a year it makes, here to October, we sighted the resumption, than today confirmation a little more solid of the waits. Today - it has observed - we can speak, therefore, of resumption, but of a resumption, unfortunately slow and partial as confirmed from our Office Studies that have see again to the rise of some tenth of point forecasts on GDP and consumption for 2017 and 2018. An increase with an internal question still far weak person and from that rhythm around 2% that would allow a faster resorption of unemployment, an appreciable reduction of the area of the absolute poverty, a vigorous recovery of the productive activity in the Italian regions that more they have lost during the crisis".
Referring in the specific one to the topic of the transports, than - it has rimarcato - they are "a strategic asset for Italy", the president of Confcommercio has found that, "interested from timid signs of resumption, they have been demonstrated indeed able to absorb put up traffics. Nevertheless - it has emphasized Sangalli - all this is not transformed in greater wealth for the economy. The crucial point is that to benefit of these found again traffics and, above all, of their future increase they are not and they will not be our enterprises and our Country, but the foreign operators. In fact, in ten years the value of the international transportation of goods in Italy has grown almost four billions of euro, while the Italian enterprises of the field have lost beyond a billion and means of euro".
"The transports - it has continued Sangalli - are, unfortunately, more and more in the hands of the foreign enterprises. In particular, the enterprises of the Countries of the East Europe are putting in crisis our transport on rubber and today they have in hand beyond the half of the international market in Italy. In this context of "solid colonization" our entrepreneurs in order to survive and to continue to operate on the domestic market are forced to delocalizzare. An offshoring that penalizes the internal yields, reduces the innovation rate, prejudices the perspectives of integration of the system with the remainder of Europe and the world. To go up on the dock they are, once again, our structural weaknesses. I refer to the infrastructure deficit and the excess of bureaucracy and fiscal pressure, factors that penalize and return our enterprises less competitive. Pack-saddles to think that for via of bureaucratic diffuseness and implementations, the Italian enterprises of navigation and road haulage forgiveness altogether beyond a billion of euro per year in terms of gain and turnover".
In particular, Confcommercio and Conftrasporto specify that "given that the Italian enterprises spend, regarding the average of those of the Countries competitor, 52% in more of the days dedicated to the bureaucratic implementations" and, specifying that in their survey effectives supported from the enterprises and those indirect legacies to administrative inefficiencies are brought back the data of the direct costs, "in the difference between consistent time, with a efficient administration, and effective, experienced "in the field" from the enterprises - Confcommercio and Conftrasporto clarify - for those of navigation (fast ferries and means) the accumulated delays generate a damage of 140 million euros tothe year, while for those of the road haulage the damage in terms of lacked turnover is of 790 million euros and exceeds 260 million in lacked gain".
"Then - Sangalli has said - it is necessary to speed up well and because we risk to lose an entire section that is of fundamental importance for the economy and the perspectives of increase of the Country. The priorities to our warning are clear: a contrast more hard to the treacherous competition and the social dumping goods in foreign market in the road haulage; the application of the principle "who less pollutes less wage" for a more sustainable transport; the boosting of the intermodalità; the full performance of the strategy of participation "To connect previewed Italy" for the field and of strategic the national Plan of the portualità and the logistics".
Today Confcommercio and Conftrasporto have advanced a series of demands to the institutions for the support and I beginning from throw again of the field of the transport "modifications to the "package introduced mobility" from the EU commission last month of May, in order to introduce more effective dispositions than contrast of the treacherous competition and the social dumping goods in foreign market, subordinating priority any form of ulterior liberalization of the cabotage activities, to a necessary riallineamento of the differentiated conditions of context (state treasury and social security firstly) in which they are found to operate the enterprises of the continent"
In topic of rate making of the use of infrastructures, Confcommerci and Conftrasporto ask "complete and efficient application of the principle "who more pollutes more wage" to all the users of the same ones, with mechanisms rewards them for the more sustainable solutions of transport and rapportando the generated environmental damages, to the entity of the transported one, holding in consideration the impositivo system altogether weighing on the various operators".
The General Confederation Italiana of the Enterprises and the Confederation of the transport companies invites also to the "definition of a new European instrument in order to stimulate the arranged transport on the road" and to the "release of the system of the exceptional transports in Italy" with "national uniform criteria for the release of the authorizations, potenziamento of the organic ones of the technical departments, cadastre of the roads, computerized procedures and only doors".
Moreover the "full performance to the organic strategy of participation in the field "is sped up To connect Italy", promoted from the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports for a sustainability of mobility, to achieve within politics that points priority to increase accessibility and connectivity of the territories, rewarding the more sustainable solutions of transport, among those that succeed to satisfy with effectiveness and efficiency, the requirements of the question (intermodalità, cure of the iron, cures of the water, systems of fast transport of mass in the cities)".
The list of the demands includes a "coherent strategy of performance of Strategic the national Plan of the Portualità and the Logistics and the consequent reform of the “governance harbour” with the full operativity of the National Conference of Coordination of the Authorities of Harbour System, and of the involvement of the representatives of the operators, in order to guarantee the original national vision of the reform”.
Confcommercio and Conftrasporto exhort also to “determined perseguimento of the fixed objectives from Directive DAFI for the spread of infrastructures for alternative fuel, for a development, technologically neutral, of the various feedings alternatives available for the various types of transport” and to the “reform of the system of administrative implementations at the expense of the carriers also in safety topic, in order to return it effective and not merely bureaucratic/formal, coherent with practical the international ones, prorated to the effectives it risks, not discriminatory and respectful of the requirements of operativity of the enterprises (Reviews, Certifications of railway and marine safety)”.
At last, in topic of rail shipment the “concrete adoption is demanded, also in Italy, of the module of crew to “single agent” exceeding the going back praxis to the age of the steam trains of having two operators assigned to the conduct of the train (to the age, exactly, the machinist and the stoker) now technically more not justified, efficientamento of the activity of railway maneuver and potenziamento of the intermodal terminals”.
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