Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In the third trimester the traffic of the container in the German harbour terminals of Eurogate is dropped of the -3,2% and in those Italians of Contship Italy of -6,1%
Altogether the terminals that are under responsibility of the Eurokai German have enlivened 3,7 million teu (+0.3%)
November 15, 2017
In the third trimester of this year the traffic of the container enlivened in the harbour terminals that are under responsibility of the German group Eurokai, than work in the field through participated the Eurogate and Contship Italy of which it stops 50% and 66.6% of the capital, has remained almost unchanged being piled to 3,7 million teu, with an light increase of +0.3% on the period July-september of 2016. This stability of the traffic is assured by the increase of the volumes enlivened from participated that the work in the Moroccan port of Tanger Med, where the traffic has been of 369 thousand teu (+20.7%), and from the participated one that work in the portuguese port of Lisbon, where handling has totaled 54 thousand teu (+4.5%), but above all from the acquisition, through the participated Eurogate, of the management of the Cypriot port of Limassol, where the containerized trade has been pairs to 91 thousand teu.
These increments and the acquisition have compensated the decrease of the traffic recorded in Germany and Italy. In particular, in the German ports 6.1% are enlivened 2,0 million teu (- 3.2%) and in those Italians than less 1,2 million teu (-).
In Germany, where Eurokai work through Eurogate, if in the port of Bremerhaven the traffic has marked an increment of +4.5% attesting itself to 1,4 million teu, in the port of Amburgo is dropped of the -22,6% coming down to 439 thousand teu, while in the port of Wilhelmshaven he has remained stable being piled to 156 thousand teu (+0.1%).
In Italy, where Eurokai is present through the participation of control in Contship Italy, the total decrease of the -6,1% of the traffic is generated by the contraction of the -14,5% of handling of containers to the Medcenter Container Terminal (MCT) of the port of Gioia Tauro that has been pairs to 585 thousand teu, to the reduction of the -31,0% of the traffic to the Cagliari International Container Terminal (CICT) of the port of Cagliari where the total has been of 101 thousand teu and to the decrease of the -14,6% of the traffic enlivened from the Terminal Container Ravenna (TCR) in the port of Ravenna that has been pairs to 42 thousand teu. Such bendings entirely are not compensated by the important increase of +25.4% of the traffic to La Spezia Container Terminal (LSCT) of the port of where they are enlivened 356 thousand teu and from the rise of +6.3% of the traffic to Salerno Container Terminal (SCT) of the port of Salerno where the total has been of 74 thousand teu.
Down it has turned out also the traffic enlivened in the Russian port of Ust-Luga that has been pairs to 21 thousand teu (- 11.1%).
In the first nine months of the 2017 enlivened total containerized trade from the harbour terminals of the Eurokai group it has been of 10,9 million teu, with a contraction of -2,1% regarding the almost 11,2 million one teu in the period January-september last year.
In Germany the traffic is piled to 5,9 million teu (- 8.0%), of which 4,2 million teu enlivened in the port of Bremerhaven (- 0.8%), 1,3 million teu in the port of Amburgo (- 25.4%) and 388 thousand teu in the port of Wilhelmshaven (- 5.6%).
In Italy the total has been 3,6 million teu (- 5.4%), of which 1,8 million teu enlivened Gioia Tauro (- 11.1%), almost 1,0 million teu to La Spezia (+18.0%), 350 thousand teu to Cagliari (- 28.0%), 231 thousand teu to Salerno (+12.4%) and 137 thousand teu to Ravenna (- 10.0%).
In the first nine months of this year the traffic enlivened in the port of Tanger Med has been pairs to 1,0 million teu (+22.7%), in the port of Lisbon to 153 thousand teu (+45.3%) and in the port of Ust-Luga to 56 thousand teu (- 6.9%), while the containerized trade in the port of Limassol, than still was last year not managed by the Eurogate, society participated to 50% from Eurokai, the total has been of 256 thousand teu.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher