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The plan "To connect Italy" assigns 49,5 billion euros to throws again of the logistic system of Southern Italy
Delrio: "we are trying to recover the accumulated gap in the decades precedence"
February 1, 2018
"We have put in field infrastructural investment programs for Southern Italy that are worth altogether 49 billion euros, of which 36 billion available". It has emphasized today the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Graziano Delrio, taking part to the convention "the logistics for the development of Southern Italy" near the Union industrial of Naples. Of almost 49,5 billion euros totals, 21,0 billion (12.1 available ones) are for the railway field, 14,1 billion (12.1) for the metropolitan cities, 11,9 billion (9,7) for the street and highway field, 1,5 billion (1,5) for the airports and 957 million (862 million) for the ports.
"We are trying - it has evidenced the minister - to recover the accumulated gap in the decades precedence, the results will be seen fully in the next few years". Delrio has specified the resources re-enters within "Connecting Italy", new the slowly strategic one from 126,3 billion euros, of which about 94,2 billion already financed, promoted from the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports for mobility of the Country.
In the course of the convention it is observed that the creation of a system of the transports and the serious logistics wants to say to accelerate the run-up of Southern Italy and that something is moving in so far as: between 2014 and 2017 transport fleeting and goods it is increased to a greater speed regarding the increase of the GDP.
In particular, if in the Gross Domestic Product period the 2014-2017 Italian has grown of +3.6% and that of single the Southern Italy of +3.9%, in the segment of fleeting the aerial transport the traffic in Southern Italy has recorded an increase of +20% (+16% the total Italian data) and a +9.4% (+8.5%) in that of the marine transport, of which a +2.3% (+7.6%) in the crocieristico section and a +20% (+10.7%) in the other sections. Moreover an increase of +10.4% (+12.9%) of the railway transport fleeting in terms of train-km and a rise of +9.3% (+10.1%) of the highway traffic in terms of vehicle-km is achieved.
Relatively to the transport of the goods, in the period the 2014-2017 aerial cargo in Southern Italy has marked an increase of +1.1% (+24.2% in all Italy) in terms of tons, the marine transport goods a +7.2% (+7.1%) in tons, with the traffic of the rotabili in increase of +17.9% (+20.7%) and with the containerized trade that a decrease of -12% (+8.9% in all Italy) determined essentially from the -22% of the traffic of transhipment has accused while in the ports gateway it has grown of +32% (+22.2%). Moreover the railway transport goods has marked a +10.3% (+11%) in terms of train-km and the highway transport a +12% (+12.9%) in terms of vehicle-km.
About the total resources pairs to beyond 49 billion euros for the infrastructural investments for Southern Italy are specified that 1,5 billion for the aerial transport are for new connections and new tracks, while about 21 billion the destined ones to the "cure of the iron" are destined to carry Alta Velocità from Naples to Bari, Salerno to Reggio Calabria, to Messina-Palermo-Catania, Bologna-Shape-Bari and in Sardinia Cagliari-Sassari-Olbia. Also the new Battipaglia-Potenza-Metaponto connections, the potenziamento Taranto-Metaponto-Sybaris-Paola and Sybaris-Catanzaro-Reggio Calabria are inserted between the priorities of the government for the potenziamento of the railway net. And then there is the "cure of the water" with 957 million euros in order to finance increase, maintenance operations ability, digitalisation, last mile and environmental sustainability in the ports of the South where it journeys 46% of the traffics totals. Moreover I throw again of the competitiveness of the ports of the regions of Southern Italy passes also from Special the Economic Zone with simplified fiscal regime, bureaucracy zero and guaranteed effective logistic services. About 12 billion for the roads and the freeways they are from assigning to new routes and to the potenziamento of existing infrastructures, but also to modernize the infrastructural system of the roads with intelligent structures: the first participations are on the A2 Freeway of the Mediterranean that will become the first Smart-road of Italy.
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