Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Last year the port of Livorno has enlivened 33,7 million tons of goods (+2.7%)
In the ports of the Tyrrhenian Northerner the traffic has been of 41,1 million tons. Introduced the European project Gramas for the forecast and the management of the sand fill of the ports
March 22, 2018
Last year the port of Livorno has enlivened 33,7 million tons of goods, with an increment of +2.7% regarding 32,8 million tons in the year precedence. The Authority of Harbour System of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern has announced that altogether last year the administered harbour ports of call from the agency, that is Livorno, Piombino, Capraia Isola, Portoferraio, Rio Marina and Cavo, have enlivened almost 41,1 million tons of cargos recording a substantial one held of the traffics regarding 2016.
Substantial held - it has specified the AdSP - that is determined in good part from the traffic of the rotabili that confirmation a true bench mark for the entire harbour system of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern and that is piled to beyond 20,4 million tons (+7.4%). In the single port of Livorno the rotabili have been beyond 14,4 million tons (+16.2%) for a total than more 450 thousand commercial means enlivened (+15%), new record for the livornese port of call.
The harbour agency has announced moreover that relatively to the traffic of the container, that is present single in the port of Livorno, the 2017 have concluded with an light bending regarding the year record of 2016 when the traffic had reached quota 9,2 million tons with a handling of containers pairs to 800.475 teu. The AdSP has specified that the decrease is from chargeing to the decrement of the transfer traffic. Down (- 1.3%) also handling of container empty, while the full containers have grown of +1.3%.
Last year in the port of Livorno handling of new cars of factory has marked a new record exceeding for the first time the threshold of 600 thousand enlivened unit (+10%). Down, instead handling of the forest produced ones in the Leighorn port of call that has been attested 1,58 million to tons (- 16.8%).
Altogether in the 2017 ports of the harbour system of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern they have recorded a traffic almost nine million passengers of the ferries and 734,499 crocieristi, for a total of 9,7 million passengers (+1.3%). In this Piombino field it has totaled 3,3 million passengers of ferries (+4.2%) and 5,895 crocieristi. To Livorno the passengers of the ferries have been 2,5 million, volume of analogous traffic to that of 2016, and the crocieristi little less than 700.000 regarding 808 thousand in 2016. The ports of Portoferraio, Rio Marina and Cavo, in theirs with, have enlivened a traffic of 3,1 million passengers of the ferries and 29,824 crocieristi.
In the 2017 ships that have scaled altogether the ports of the system of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern they have been 36,128, with a bending of the -0,6% abundantly compensated from the increase of the tonnage of units (+4.3%).
While this morning to Piombino it is introduced the European project Gramas that involve the ports of Piombino, Livorno, Savona and Saint Tropez and the whose scope it is the creation of a system of monitoring for the forecast and management of the sand fill of the ports that allows to program the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance operations of the backdrops.
The Authority of Harbour System of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern, that it has cured the project and of is front man, has illustrated the activities previewed for next the two years. The model of monitoring of which the development will be demanded, making use of appropriate technological installations in the four ports (sensory and meteografiche stations), will systematically guarantee the reproduction on maps 3D of the evolution of the backdrops, producing bathymetric cartographies updated on previsional maps 3D and given on the able Newtonian phenomena to interfere on the variations of the levels of water of the harbour basins. This will allow with the involved ports to manage immediate maintenance operations.
To the experimentation and validity of the installed innovative system in the four ports it will make followed the definition of a combined action plan for the management of the phenomenon of the structural sand fill thanks to which the exchange of information produced from the system will be guaranteed also beyond the end of the project and will for example favor ulterior actions of cooperation as the possibility to activate other innovative solutions to common requirements on the topic of the climatic change.
The total budget of the project piles to beyond a million euro and is financed to 100% from the transboundary program Italy Francia Marittimo that aimed to realize the objectives of the Strategy EU 2020 in the area of the Mediterranean center-northerner, promuovendo an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive increase.
The Authority of Harbour System of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern has specified that the system of monitoring of the backdrops financed with integral Gramas totally in the platform of monitoring and control MONI.C.A. (Monitoring and Control Architecture), implemented from the Direction European Development, Programs and Innovation of the AdSP, important factor of competitiveness for the ports of system for the verification in continuous of the operating conditions of the ports of call and that it will be able so to grow ulteriorly thanks to the obtained European financings.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher