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Encounter of the AdSP of Mare Adriatico Centrale with the neoparlamentari which elected in the Marche
Faced the topics of the portualità
April 16, 2018
Today near the Authority of Harbour System of Mare Adriatico Centrale an encounter with the neoparlamentari which elected in the Marche centralized on the issues of the portualità and in particular of the marchigiani ports of call of Ancona has been carried out, Pesaro, Falconara Marittima, San Benedetto del Tronto of directed competence of the AdSP, that it administers also from Abruzzo ports of call of Pescara and Ortona.
Evidencing that the harbour system of the Central Adriatic enlivens more than million than fleeting ones, nine million tons of goods and occupy some eight thousand people, the president of the AdSP of Mare Adriatico Centrale, Rodolfo Giampieri - it has emphasized that it is "a system that has as priority objective that to create job and occupation. A virtual dock - it has explained - of 215 kilometers between Marche and Abruzzi, in the heart of the Ionic Macroregion Adriatic, now inserted in a cross-sectional connection with the Tyrrhenian Sea to which we are working with the Authority of System of Civitavecchia in order to promote a corridor privileged between Spain and the Balkans. A project - it has added Giampieri - that it stretches to create the premises in order to increase the competitiveness, of the enterprises, of the productive opportunities, tourism working more and more on the topic of the sustainability, indispensable element for a harmonic increase".
To the deputies and the Giampieri senators, with the general secretary Matteo Paroli, to the technical leader Gianluca Pellegrini, in charge of the Development and the promotion, Guido Vettorel, has illustrated the specializations of every single port of the Authority of System, with the participations in course and the perspectives of development, that they comprise also the improvement of the recovery port-city. "The harbour system - it has evidenced Giampieri - is a great engine of the economy of the sea. The management that we get ahead is born from the will to value every single port of call in an optical integrated, exceeding the bell towers and working on the development of infrastructures of our competence and the harbour services in pragmatic way and attempts to the necessities of the enterprises and the workers".
To the parliamentarians the topic of the simplification has been subordinate, in order to avoid delays in the answers to give at the market. To such purpose the summits of the AdSP have specified that not draft of a separated element, but it is a determining factor in the objective to create diffused wealth, job and occupation.
To conclusion of the reunion it has been decided to promote encounters periodicals on operating topics and realizes, for being all updated on the developments of the strategies of the Authority of System.
To the encounter they were you anticipate, for the Committee of management of the AdSP, the commander of the marine Direction Marche, rear admiral Enrico Moretti, Giulio Piergallini, representative of the Region Marche, and Alessio Piancone for the Municipality of Ancona. They have participated, for the Movement 5 Stars, the senators Rossella Accoto, Donatella Agostinelli, Mauro Coltorti, Giorgio Fede, Sergio Romagnoli and the deputies Mirella Emiliozzi, Paolo Giuliodori, Martina Parisse, Roberto Rossini, Rachele Silvestri, for the Pd deputy Alessia Morani, the deputies Giorgia Latini and Tullio Patassini for the Alloy, Francesco Acquaroli for Siblings of Italy and Andrea Cecconi (Mixed Group).
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher