Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Intermodalità and marine transport for giving impulse to the competitiveness of the South
Conference of ALIS on the development of Southern Italy and I throw again of the agricultural and food- row
July 17, 2018
"Thanks to the marine intermodalità, the transport costs have been pulled down until to a 30-40% regarding the modality tuttostrada. It absolutely must internationalize itself and to have visions that involve more markets. Thanks to the intermodal instrument various entrepreneurs are making it. And the investments are being multiplied. For example, today beyond 50% of the transports between Spain and Italy the row happens by sea with a remarkable saving for all". The president of the shipowning group Grimaldi has said, Emanuele Grimaldi, taking part to the conference on the topic "the development of Southern Italy and I throw again yesterday of the agricultural and food- row through the sustainable intermodal transport" held to Manduria (Taranto) and organized from A.L.I.S. (Logistic Association of the Sustainable Intermodalità).
The governor of the Region Apulia, Michele Emiliano, has aimed the finger at the necessity to defuse the do-nothing policy procured from the excessive bureaucracy: "the new government - he has asserted - tip a lot on the lowering of the fiscal taxation. In reality the enterprises want a strong simplification in the first place. In order to make a public work today they want ten years medium to us, where in the remainder of Europe of it they are enough half past three. Instead we have a code of the contracts that is a catastrophe. The true problem - it has concluded Aemilianus - is that in order to exceed all this there would be need of a strong political cohesion".
To the conference they are taken part, between the others, the undersecretary to the South, Giuseppina Castiello, the general manager for the vigilance on the Harbour Authorities, Mauro Coletta, the presidents of the Authorities of Harbour System of the Sea Adriatic Southern and of the Ionian Sea, Ugo Patroni Griffi and Sergio Prete, Pasquale Casillo, president of the Casillo Group, and Francesco Sciaudone, managing partner of the Grimaldi Law firm.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher