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Convention to Livorno in order to promote the synergies between the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ligurian Sea
Rixi: I believe that the Tirrenico arc can make system and characterize common policies that they carry to characterize new basins of traffic
December 7, 2018
"More two-year-old from the effectiveness of I decree legislative 4 August 2016, n.169, that it has changed the face of the 24 Harbour Authorities transforming them in 14 Authorities of System, has arrived the moment to equip the Authorities of Harbour System of new instruments of governance and to take advantage of the potentialities that the single ports of the tirrenico arc are able to develop in order to offer an adequate logistic offer". The president of the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern, Stefano Corsini has asserted, opening today to Livorno the convention from the title "a project of collaboration between AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea and From Liguria", centralized on the role of the AdSP new and on the synergies that can be created with the objective "to make system" reaching to a competitive model towards the ports of the Europe North, that it is promoted by Federmanager Livorno, Liguria and Rome.
About the hypothesis of collaboration between the harbour authorities of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ligurian Sea and the question if the Genoa ports, Livorno, Civitavecchia, La Spezia can or they cannot represent great, polyvalent unicum on the total market, the president of the AdSP of the Center-Northerner Tyrrhenian Sea, Francesco Maria Di Majo, has answered positively: "the four harbour systems - it has asserted - not only can, but they must be able to develop to new synergies that carry them to having a unitary position on a series important topics, to begin for example from that of the application of the regulations and the norms". Of Majo it has made reference particularly to the challenges placed from the regulations EU 2017/352 of the European Parliament and the Council, on February 15, 2017, that it institutes a normative picture for the supply of harbour services and common norms in transparency matter financial institution of the ports, than - it has found - "must be able to be faced by the Italian ports, and in this case, from those of the Tyrrhenian Sea and From Liguria, in uniform way".
Specifying that "I decree legislative 160 has changed in best the system of governance of the Harbour Authorities", president of the AdSP of the Ligurian Sea Orientale, Carla Roncallo, it has supported that "now draft to look at themselves ahead and to estimate if, on some topics as that of the promotion, they cannot be found new alliances that they allow us to make system in the international fairs. I find - it has added - the final objective of this distance very interesting, that it is that to attract new traffic, becoming still more competitive regarding the ports of the Northern Range".
"The increase of the traffics on the basin of the Mediterranean, the Way of the Silk and the development of the Countries of Africa - it has observed in its participation the vice minister to Infrastructures and the Transports, Edoardo Rixi - places new challenges to our ports. The synergy of the Harbour Authorities will be determining in the next few years. Creed - it has agreed Rixi - than the Tirrenico arc can make system and not only characterize common policies that they carry to characterize new basins of traffic, consolidating so the ability to market penetration in Padania, but also Oltralpe".
The vice minister has stopped himself also on the issues of the administrative simplification, evidencing that "the AdSP must have the possibility to make the investments in fast times", and of the national marketing, wishing that the Italian ports move in unison and not in competition from each other, let alone on the topic of the concessions and the possibility of they easy revocation if of not satisfactory performances: "it is clear - he has emphasized - than to hold firm a concession that does not give nothing is a damage for a national economy".
Sul topic of the transformation of the Harbour Authorities in Spa, Rixi has asserted that "or we in Italy say that the ports have various instruments regarding those of the not economic public body or will be always in suffering". For Rixi the not economic public body is "a photographic" structure that "he analyzes if at a particular time they are respected determined parameters and if the procedure is correct", but the true objective to traguardare is not that to realize the best procedure without then to succeed to realize the work, but to succeed to realize the work with a procedure that allows to make it. "The Spa public - it has explained - are more flexible. It is clear, are in love with not the model limited company. But to me it interests to succeed in to reach the result, that it is that of having mechanisms more flexible than management of the priorities inside a mostly public perimeter".
On the issue of the presumed aids of State to Italian Harbour Authorities on which the soon European Union it could be expressed, Rixi has specified that the government has "a interlocuzione opened with the EU. But - it has added - if the EU commission had at the end to emit the verdict and to consider the Harbour Authorities as enterprises shopkeepers economic activities, we would find ourselves in the condition more for not being able to finance more the Harbour Authorities".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher