Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Spediporto, collapse of Morandi Bridge has had indeed an impact on the activity of the shippers, but there are also other reasons of worry
Blow: the port of Genoa in last the 10 years had grown of 65%; this year we will close less with the sign
January 4, 2019
Collapse to Genoa of the highway bridge Morandi, happened to half August, has had indeed an impact negative on the activity of the shippers of the capital of Liguria. It emphasizes the genoese association of Spediporto field, specifying that the sign less closes the year of the port of Genoa and that the data found from the association "do not leave space to being interpreted: we had hoped - the president of Spediporto explains, Alessandro Pitto - in a small recovery to year-end coinciding with the period of peak season of the marine traffics, than traditionally it is to December, but it has so not been. The data supplied to December from our associates - Pitto specifies - confirm a very bad closing unfortunately with -2%. Fortunately the export, that it has recorded a +6%, always in December, it has mitigated since it could be very more negative".
"The nexus of causality with collapse of the Morandi Bridge - confirmation the general manager of the association, Giampaolo Botta - for us obvious and is tried by the numbers. Ours it was a port of call that in last the 10 years had grown of 65%, this year we will close less with the sign. Lasciamo that is the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Western to make official given and to volumes of the losses, because we are right that he is so, but we are a lot worried. The November month it had made to hope in a little one but meaningful resumption, against a -9% about in the imports, the export with a +8.96%, had given a blow of kidneys to the port of Genoa that had closed the month of November with a total almost +2%, the data but it has not been confirmed to December".
The association of the genoese shippers moreover evidences that to worry the category it is not only the impact negative determined from collapse of the highway viaduct, but also "the international scenes that show a stopped total economy in. From the war of the custom offices, got ahead from the USA government, to the delicate one in Europe with the Brexit - Spediporto emphasizes - the question marks are numerous and sure they do not favor the optimism".
"Just yesterday - Blow finds - the data of the port of Antwerp have arrived that has closed the year with new an important record of increase of 5.5% in the traffic containers and a more general +5.8% in the tons confirming themselves by now as one of the more important world-class player and confirming as true pulling ahead engine the economy of entire Belgium"(on 28 December 2018). "Genoa - Blow observes - could be for Italy, what Antwerp is for Belgium, but must push all in the same direction and to have courage to complete chosen of carried out".
"We must have the courage - the general manager of the association continues - to pull down the wall of the bureaucracy, than it does not want to say to deny the role of Public Administration but to modernize of the culture. Citizens and enterprises must be the first customers of the Italy Company. Our administrations, from the Municipality to the Region, passing for Chamber of Commerce of Genoa and AdSP of the Ligurian Sea Western, have made and are making a lot, but we must find unit of attempts and objectives as in the days following to collapse. Also we are worried by the burst of strikes that could ulteriorly funestare this beginning year. From next week forward the initiatives of protest, lawful and legitimate, but attention not to prime ulterior elements of international uncertainty on our port will be many".
For Spediporto, the Genoa bill and the Law budgetary, recently launched from the parliament and the government, "offer interesting instruments of innovation". "We must return - Blow asserts - to from abroad attract investments through modern politics of simplification to the business. In January - Blow concludes - we have on the agenda to formalize a project of ZLS integrated with the Franca Urbana Zone and the retroporto, we will ask mayor Bucci maximum attention on our ideas, while Spediporto continues the Class Action against Freeways for Italy".
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