Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Minister Toninelli attacks Tirrenia hardly, accusing it to use the money publics in order to increase the gain and in order not to reduce the rates
Its - it has replied Vincenzo Onorato - is a declaration of who it does not know and it has not taken the information, pure campaign and electoral demagogy
January 17, 2019
In sight of the regional elections in Sardinia, than they will carry out next 24 February, the minister of Infrastructures and of the Transports, Danilo Toninelli, today to Cagliari in order to support the candidates Luca Caschili and Franceso Desogus, it has hardly criticized the business strategies of the company of Tirrenia navigation of the Honored group Shipping, than work marine services from and for the island. Such strategies - according to the minister - aim to assure benefits to the company rather than to the citizens in spite of the State it has undersigned in a 2012 convention with Tirrenia turns to guarantee the marine connections between the Sardinia and the continent being assured the Italian territorial continuity, contract that - Toninelli has remembered - allows with Tirrenia to receive 72 million euros of contributions annually publics, money that - for the minister - the company does not use in order to reduce own rates how much in order to increase own gain.
A warning: we almost bring back exactly the declarations of the minister, with the accusations turned to Tirrenia to maintain the rates of own services of marine transport skillfully high, in order not to denature the vehemence (the enthusiasm, as the television personage Crozza would say Toninelli alias) of the denunciation of the minister, even if this can cause to the reader some difficulty because an always necessary mediation between word and text lacks almost and because well-known Toninelli has some difficulty to speak approximately. A virtue, this last one, if the eloquio flowing it is used in order not to say what it would want or would have to say.
"The marine territorial continuity - Toninelli has remembered - is from years in the hands of the Tirrenia company that it has a concession by the State, and from the State it has had 72 million euros. Because we have given to them to him. Because the State has given to them to him. Because it pulled down the prices and it afforded to the Sardinian citizens of being able to return at home or being able to return in peninsula or on the place of job with of the fixed a ceiling price prices, as they make all other the inland one. As they make all the other not isolani Italians. Well - it has emphasized the minister - the prices are not correspondents to the aids that are given and nobody - of the State, from who there was before to the MEF and of who it preceded before the undersigned to the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports - has gone to ask never nothing. They have left a monopoly in hand to a private one. And it is always so: I have inherited always equal dossiers. Public affairs or money publics given to a private one who then cared themselves some highly. And because it was cared some highly, because made all what it wanted? Because the State not was to control it".
"Now - it has continued Toninelli - the State is returned, and in the convention that will expire the next year, we will rewrite it and who will win this convention will have the concession to make a service of social usefullness, that it is that of territorial and marine continuity: to pull down the prices and to diminish the gain, because it will not be more a concession, as always, as also that for the freeways, balanced totally in favor of the concessionaire. This is the change. We give yes to money publics to the private ones, than legitimately they must earn to us, but they do not have to then make all what they want, when they want, because they know that a State controls them".
"The State - it has still evidenced the minister - is returned, manages directly what it can manage and what will give to the private ones in concession, will control them; it will go to make the fleas. It will control the budgets. And if, as it has happened with Tirrenia, that it said: but to we they are not enough more 72 million euros to us, but I must raise the prices. Nobody, above all to who it preceded the Ministry of the Economy, has gone to control it. And in all probability these gripes that carried to justify their increases of prices did not correspond to the true one. Today the State is returned and if the Sardinia became in the next weeks the first Region governed from the Movement 5 Stars these appropriations of public affairs made from prenditori of State would be ended".
If to someone it can it does not like the elocution of Toninelli, to Vincenzo Onorato, president of the Honored one Shipping, group possesses is the Tirrenia that the other companies of navigation Moby and Toremar, not like rather that which considers to be the incompetency of the minister. "Its - it has replied Honored - is a declaration of who it does not know and not has taken the information, pure campaign and electoral demagogy. Regarding the monopoly - she has explained - she does not know that on the lines for the Sardinia other four companies operate: Large the Navi Veloci, Sardinia Ferries, Grendi and Grimaldi. The Tirrenia rates are moreover not established by we, but by the convention signed with the State, and often they are very beneath of the fixed limits from the same one".
"Al minister Toninelli, to whose impreparazione we are accustomed for a long time and on the issues more varied - has added Honored - I say, because it is obvious that it does not know it, that for Honored Shipping, of which Tirrenia takes part, 5,000 people, all Italians work and by far represent the first national truth in occupational terms in the traffics for the islands. The council moreover to include in the provisions for the yield of citizenship the 50,000 marine unemployed Italians at home thanks to policies confirmed from its predecessors and that they serve the interests of the lobby of the shipowners to which also Mr. Toninelli seems to answer. Anyway from its ministry the controls depend also on the laws to protection of the marine Italians who come systematically disregarded from the shipowners. When then it goes in Sardinia - it has concluded Vincenzo Onorato - memories also of ours 500 people, all Sardinians, that they work every day on and for the island".
In the course of its mission in Sardinia, today Toninelli has met also the regional secretary of the Uiltrasporti Sardinia, William Zonca, with which the topic of the marine transport from and for the island is faced between the others, with the representative of the union that has asked the minister to take part on the system of the Tirrenia-Cin convention that - it has specified - does not produce positive effects, neither economic neither tourist for the island.
Emphasizing that the transports cover for the island a fundamental importance, Zonca has expressed satisfaction for the first step on the aerial territorial continuity, but - it has specified - on condition that Alitalia puts on sale tickets immediately. Moreover, with regard to connections airplane, Zonca it has asked the minister to make spokesman, with minister Di Maio, of the worries exposed in reference to the situation of the airline Airitaly so that there is a fast convocation near PUT waves to avoid that the carrier disengagements from the base of Olbia.
Zonca has delivered also to minister Toninelli a dossier on the Port Channel of Cagliari restating the necessity of the urgent opening of a table near the MIT in order to analyze the situation of Cagliari in the European scene and to give clearer perspectives on the future of the workers. "The minister - Zonca has announced - has confirmed its engagement and its attention having announced that he will convene the Contship group (that manages the container terminal of the port inhabitant of cagliari, ndr) already the next week".
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