Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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New denunciation of Filt Cigl, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti for the gravity of the crisis of the container terminal of Cagliari
Zonca (Uilt): the consequence of this disaster is that beyond 700 workers between directed CICT/Contship, indirect and induced, they will be fired or they will have to appeal to the social shocks-absorber
April 1, 2019
The Sardinian representations of Filt Cigl, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti more and more are worried for the risk that the activity of the container terminal to the Port Channel of Cagliari, that Container is managed by the Cagliari International Terminal (CICT) of the group Contship Italy, for a long time in strong decrease and reached by now critical levels, can be definitively stopped transforming in a disaster the already most serious crisis.
Al term of an encounter to Cagliari with Cecilia Battistello, president of Contship Italy, and with Oscar Serci, vice-president of CICT, the representatives of the first two unions, Massimiliana Touch, general secretary of Filt Cgil Cagliari, and Corrado Pani, regional secretary of Fit Cisl Sardinia, has announced that Battistello has explained that Contship Italy has gone to any length in the interlocuzioni had with the companies of navigation Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) and CMA CGM so that was found an agreement in order to throw again the industrial port of Cagliari and to bring back the containers, but that you it has not been understanding. Battistello has specified that in the next few days the terminalista society will try to speak newly with the company of German navigation Hapag-Lloyd so that solutions are found in order to continue to make to arrive the ships in the port of call inhabitant of cagliari.
From part its Uiltrasporti Sardinia has remembered that "the Hapag-Lloyd, the main naval company that work in the Port Channel of Cagliari, has decided to cancel the port of call inhabitant of cagliari from own routes", specifying that they are destined to disappear the lines MCA with Canada, MGX with the Gulf of Mexico and the United States Orientals, MPS with the Western United States, LEX with the Mediterranean Orientale and Egypt.
"As union of the transports - the representatives of Filt Cgil and Fit Cisl to conclusion of the encounter have asserted - we strongly denounce the attitude held in all these months from Contship Italy, but above all we stigmatize Hush and the indifference which showed from our politicians that literally have taken no notice to think and to reason to I throw again of the Port Channel. For a long time we had denounced the crisis and we asked with force aimed participations. The memory remembers us that the last encounter was in December 2017 promoted from the mayor of Cagliari Massimo Zedda to the presence of Region, Camera, Confindustria and Harbour Authority and that did not find reply and continuation if the usuals does not proclaim from election campaign".
"With these declarations of the number one of Contship Italy - they have continued Massimiliana Tocco and Corrado Pani - we cannot exclude that the industrial port of Cagliari you set off on the slow total and debacle. We are able to not to confirm - they have specified the representatives of Filt Cgil and Fit Cisl - than the Hapag-Lloyd customer go off from Cagliari because we do not have official replies least of all elements who confirm this, so as definitive declarations by the president of the Authority of Harbour System, Massimo Deiana. However as labor organizations to protection of the 700 workers engaged in the terminal of Cagliari and to the aim to prevent until fine the lay-offs, we are ready to activate to us in immediate with the demand for encounter to the prefect of Cagliari forwarded in the day (the friday yesterday, ndr) and at the same time to formulate a demand for urgent encounter to the minister Salvini who will reach 2 Cagliari next April".
Also Uiltrasporti Sardinia has asked to meet the Matteo Salvini deputy prime minister in occasion of its visit in the Sardinian chief town. "The Port Channel - it has emphasized the regional secretary of Uiltrasporti Sardinia, William Zonca - risks to close down hardly between thirty days in deafening Hush institutional and the political one. The island will be cut outside by the markets with devastating repercussions in the import/export of own enterprises. We by now contest with force the unforgivable attitude of Contship management, absent with guilt from too much time. We also denounce that which by now is an obvious escape of Contship and the parent company Eurokai, than for sixteen years have taken advantage of and squeezed the Sardinian truth carrying at home important profits budgetary without to complete some important investment on the port and leaving in state of abandonment a terminal that today risks to being invendibile because of the unforgivable infrastructural deficiencies and to commercial promotion of which the majority shareholder is guilty. An all although contract of localization of beyond 60 million euros undersigned with the institutions in 2006, than would have had to carry to term within the 2010 (date many times over postponed until 2019) and would have afforded to the Port Channel inhabitant of cagliari to equip itself of most modern and adapted infrastructures that would have allowed it to work with the ships of new generation that a terminal of transhipment would have to be able to receive. We must deduce that between the more important economic-commercial truth of the South Italy it has remained in nanny in order too much time of a German public-private subject, intentionally held hostage and put outside market slowly, for the benefit of other foreign truths controlled by the same subject. The consequence of this disaster - Zonca has denounced - is that beyond 700 workers between directed CICT/Contship, indirect and induced, they will be fired or they will have to appeal to the social shocks-absorber. Draft of the social emergency of an entire territory that cannot be ulteriorly ignored".
For Filt Cgil and Fit Cisl, Touch and Breads have evidenced that "on the dramatic dispute of the Port Channel of Cagliari and the 700 families of workers who operate to you between directed and induced it has reached the moment that all assume own responsibilities and raise the head and the voice against who it has caused this scempio. It is - they have concluded - necessary to prevent once and for all that the terminal container becomes one of the many incomplete cathedral in the desert and to ask for the serious danger that happens the umpteenth bag snatching to the damages of the Sardinia and of the Sardinians who work to us removing they dignity and future".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher