Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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11 and 12 june to Rome will hold the "national Conference navigation, ports and logistics"
The initiative is promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports
May 20, 2019
Next 11 and 12 june to Rome, near Centro Congressi Angelicum, will hold the "national Conference navigation, ports and logistics", event that falls back in the within of the "National Conference on infrastructures, the transports and the territory", the series of encounters that is promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports with the involvement of the community tied to the portualità, the marine transport and the intermodal logistics. The thematic ones under investigation in the next encounter will be those of the "commercial and geopolitical Scenes, opportunity of increase", the "normative and regolatoria Simplification", of "Navigation and logistic efficientamento" and of the "Job, Atmosphere and Safety".
21 the 20 encounter follows that realized and March slid on the aerial transport and the airports. The conferences have been programmed from the Ministry with the scope to realize reunions articulated in thematic tables to which the best national and international truths participate that can give a constructive contribution in the drawing up of a new national strategy. Al term of the conferences comes in fact written up a final report that will constitute the base in order to elaborate the national strategy in every within.
For every conference it is previewed that every topic object of the job tables comes subordinate to the activated about a month before event and opened public consultation to stakeholder, operators of the field and to anyone, also between the citizens, it wants to express an opinion or to give own contribution with respect to the thematic ones and to the objects of argument.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher