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Switzerland-Germany agreement in order to increase the ability to the transalpine traffic goods railway
In period 2015-2050 a triplicazione of the world-wide question of transport is previewed goods and passengers
May 22, 2019
To Leipzig, today in the margin of the International Transport Forum (ITF), the ministers of the Transports of Switzerland and Germany, Simonetta Sommaruga and Andreas Scheuer, have undersigned a regarding ministerial declaration the drafts of access in Germany to New transalpine railroad (NFTA), the great Helvetic infrastructural project that previews the widening of the two railway aces on the transalpine director north-south through Switzerland that is centralized on the realization of the three new galleries of base of the Lötschberg, of Saint Gottardo and of Ashes with work that is started in 1999 and that they have carried on December 9, 2007 to the commissioning ofthe gallery of base of the Lötschberg, on June 1°, 2016 to the inauguration of the gallery of base of Saint Gottardo, with the gallery of base of the Ashes that is previewed will be completed the next year.
The objective of the which signed combined declaration from the governments of Switzerland and Germany is that to assure greater abilities to the railway traffic until goods the line of the valley Rhenish between Basel and Karlsruhe will not be quadruplicated, participation that the current forecasts will second not be completed before 2041. Between the concrete measures summoned person figure the potenziamento of the infrastructure with the effettuazione of participations of smaller entities and the improvement of the management of the traffic goods.
It is previewed that such initiatives will allow to increase of about 50 trains to the day the ability for the traffic goods railway between Karlsruhe and Basel, that is the main director of German access to the railway cross-sectional new alpine Alptransit, carrying it from current the 175 trains to 225 (total of the two senses of march over 24 hours).
Moreover, in order to stimulate the international traffic goods railway in the drafts of access north to Alptransit, the following measures are agreed: widening of the Stoccarda draft - Zurich in order to allow the transport you of containers, container and semitowings to high profile, returning it "an alternative rightfully" in case of congestionamento or interruption in particular of the draft of the Valley Rhenish ("that of Rastatt of 2017 - remembers today in the signed ministerial declaration - in fact it has shown that the current drafts alternatives for the railway traffic goods are insufficient); ulterior harmonization of technical requirement and the operating standards in order to facilitate the transboundary traffic mainly, for example through the uninterrupted employment of the system of control of the march of trains ETCS; involvement of France, by Switzerland and Germany, so that also the draft north-south on the other depositor Rhenish (Metz - Basel) is widened so as to afford you transports to high profile, widening for which Switzerland previews the realization of two galleries in the region of Basel.
In declaration ministerial specifies moreover that "for how much concerns the access drafts south to Alptransit, to the current state of the forecasts the abilities for the railway traffic is sufficient to mean and long term, also because Italy very arranges three aces of access (Novara - Domodossola - Sempione, Luino - Bellinzona and Milan - Uproar)" and that "the work of potenziamento in course will allow, in 2020, the entrance according to the so-called ‘corridor of 4 meters’ and, consequently, the transport of cargos to high profile on the drafts Luino - Bellinzona and Milan - Uproar".
"Thanks to the measures contemplated in the ministerial declaration - it has emphasized Simonetta Sommaruga, in charge of the federal Department of the atmosphere, the transports, the energy and communications (DATEC) - we can put on sufficient ability for the traffic goods". "In this way - it has added - we strengthen Swiss politics of transfer of the traffic".
German minister Scheuer has remembered that the railway traffic goods is the support column of the system of transport of Germany. Every year - it has evidenced - Germany invests 5,5 billion euros in the potenziamento and the modernization of the infrastructure let alone in a technique of command to the vanguard. Every single transport carried out on track and not on the road allows to reduce the emissions of co2. In order to return cleaned and respectful the transport goods still more attractive, of the climate we collaborate intensely with our partner European. To care - it has found Scheuer - it is above all the New transalpine railroad to carry out a first floor role. Until when the line between Basel and Karlsruhe it is not quadruplicated, we have come to an agreement ourselves with Switzerland on numerous measures that afford, from now, to increase to the abilities and the interoperability and to strengthen in sustainable way the traffic goods in Europe".
While in the course of the work of the International Transport Forum the challenges and the problems that will have to be faced in the next few years, against a total question of transports are examined destined to triple continuing to grow dramatically in next the thirty years. In particular, 2050 are previewed that - second the projections of the ITF - the question of world-wide total transport fleeting will triple between 2015 and going up from 44 trillions to 122 trillions of passenger-kilometers. Also the world-wide question of transport goods is previewed to triple itself from 108 trillions of ton-kilometers in 2015 to the 351 million one t-km in 2050.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher