Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Saturday the initiative promoted from Legambiente in order to evidence the necessity of the modernization of the railway line Pontremolese
Roncallo (From Liguria AdSP Oriental): the potenziamento of the line would represent that quality jump on the intermodal transport that would be of enormous aid in order to increase the traffics
May 30, 2019
Legambiente has organized for next saturday a day dedicated to the Pontremolese Railroad and its connection towards Brenner with the scope to restate the usefullness of the work of modernization of this railway director and - it has explained the association enviromentalist - in order to be confronted with on the advantages that it would involve for the atmosphere, the climate and for the local development, facilitating pendular, favoring tourism and simplifying the displacement of goods on the Tyrrhenian-Brenner axis. The program previews the travel in train of two symbolic caravans from Emilia Romagna and the Liguria for giving appointment to Pontremoli in Tuscany.
In order to evidence the necessity of the modernization of the railway connection the Spezia-Pontremoli-Parma and its connection towards Verona and Brenner, Legambiente has launch also a Manifesto in favor of the line: in order to emphasize the urgency of participations of modernization of the line to the aims to reduce the times of distance for the people and to favor the more modern convoys goods, to complete the railway connection towards Brenner in order to join via iron the flows of people and goods between Tyrrhenian and the Europe Center-North.
To the saturday caravan they will be you anticipate, between the others, the member of parliament Andrea Orlando, the president of the Interporto of Parma (CEPIM), Luigi Capitani, the president of the Province of Parma, Diego Rossi, the president of the Union of Montana Lunigiana Municipalities, Roberto Valettini, and representatives and candidates of the Municipalities long the line and the Park Tosco Aemilianus. Moreover to the initiative it has joined also Carla Roncallo, president of the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Orientale: "for the ports of and naval of Carrara - it has emphasized Roncallo - the potenziamento of the Pontremolese would represent that quality jump on the intermodal transport that would be of enormous aid in order to increase the traffics. The Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Oriental, that I represent, joins with enthusiasm to this initiative promoted from Legambiente, time to throw again once again the attention on the necessity to carry to term the modernization of the railway line the Spezia-Parma, the so-called Pontremolese. Draft of an just initiative, than ago to comprise as it is being spoken about an intentional work indeed from all, than beyond to having undeniable benefits under the trasportistico profile seen the efficientamento of the transport of the goods and the people with railway modality, will carry certain benefits also to the atmosphere, having unloaded remarkablly the highway tracing of the CISA today congested from the heavy traffic and contributing to stop progressive depopulation of an outback, undoubtedly very beautiful under the profile landscaped and cultural, but undoubtedly today difficult to live in the daily paper, for who it must use of public transport in order to approach the services of Parma or Spezia".
"Useless to evidence - it has added Roncallo - as for the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Oriental and for its ports of and naval of Carrara, the potenziamento of the Pontremolese would represent that quality jump on the intermodal transport that would be of enormous aid in order to increase the traffics, towards the east north of the country but also towards Germany, containing the effects negatives on the atmosphere that a consisting increase of the harbour traffic could instead determine in case was not only advanced on rubber".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher