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The last analysis of the BIMCO on the shipping containerized does not leave space to positive illusions
In the first trimester of this year the container transports by sea have marked a modest increase of +0.5%
June 12, 2019
In the first three months of the 2019 transported number of container by sea it has recorded a rise of +0.5% regarding the same period last year, with an increase of the enlivened volumes that it has turned out pairs to 191 thousand teu, a trend of increase that are decidedly inferior to that of the slid years, with a progression of marked +6.6% in the first trimester of 2017 and one of +3.6% in the first three months of 2018.
A rate of growth, that of the first trimester of the 2019, that it constitutes an element of criticality for a field, that of the shipping containerized, that it is accustomed to elevated development trend very more. It emphasizes the last analysis of market on the field of marine association international BIMCO, that it remembers as this section has gotten used to increments anniversaries to two figures marked in many of the years of the period 1999-2007, period in which the medium increase has turned out of +10.2%, and to increases more contents, but also always supported, between 2012 and 2018, when the medium increase has been of +4.3%.
The analysis finds, in particular, that in the first three months of this year the volumes of containerized marine transport left from the Far East are only increased of +0.5% (64,000 teu in more), increase that positively is influenced by the 273,000 teu in more directed in Europe (+7.1%) and by the 84,500 teu in more directed in North America (+2.0%). The document evidences that if on one side is very positive to record an increase of the relative question to these traffics long-range, vice versa is disappointing to find that the hires from Far East to Europe are for transport not increased, with rates that have followed the same constant trend last year maintaining to January and February, period followed from a decrease in freedoms of expression and April. The analysis observes that the value of 743 dollars/teu of the hire relative ad to this market 24th May constitutes a not gainful level for the companies of navigation, although in May a rise of the hires has happened. The hires ad for transport towards the coast oriental and that western one of the United States, instead, have turned out medium in increase respective of +7.7% and +22.7% relatively to the January-April period of this year regarding the correspondent period of 2018.
The volumes of containerized marine transports for the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East instead are dropped of the -10,1% (189,000 teu in less regarding the first trimester last year) so as that from the Far East to the Central and Southern America, that they have marked a bending of the -9,9% (87,000 teu in less). In light decrease (- 0.2%) also the containerized traffics intra-asiati us, contraction - the analysis of the BIMCO signals - that it reflects a weakening of the volumes enlivened from the supply chain in the region that is in recent months yields of a minor number of new orders for the export of goods received from the Asian producers, reduction - specific the relationship - than in the next few months will have an impact on the volumes of exports.
As for the evolution of the fleet of portacontainer, the BIMCO considers that in the entire the 2019 fleet it will only grow of +3.1%, percentage that would be second the more lowland never recorded.
Relatively to the next course of the market of the total contianerizzato marine transport, the BIMCO believes that the expectations of increase of the question are insufficient, also in consideration of the adopted protezionista approach in confronts of world-wide the commercial exchanges, with a weak person increase in the next trimesters that - second the association - would have to bring back the field of the containerized marine transport to record margins negatives.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher