Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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It continues the bending of the commercial exchanges with foreign country of the economies of the G20
In according to trimester the exports they are dropped of the -1,9% and the imports of -0,9%
August 29, 2019
In according to trimester of this year value of the commercial exchanges with foreign country of the nations of the G20 it is continued to diminish. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develop (OCSE) has announced that in the period the variations destagionalizzate and expressed percentages in American dollars indicate a contraction of -1,9% of the exports and decrease of the -0,9% of the imports, with a value of the exchanges in export that is piled altogether to 3.635, 7 billion dollars regarding 3.707, 1 billion in the quarter precedence and with a value of the exchanges in import pairs to 3.683, 6 billion regarding 3.717, 0 billion dollars in according to trimester of 2019.
The OCSE has evidenced that the exports are diminished of the -5,3% in China, coming down to the level more low from the fourth trimester of 2017, and the -1,1% in the USA, reaching level more low from the first trimester of 2018. The imports of the two nations light have grown going up respective of +0.6% and of +0.3% and this - it has specified the international organization of economic studies - as a result of a resumption of the bilateral commerce USA-China that could be determined from it I accumulate on 10 May of escorts before the effectiveness of the decided tariff measures from the United States and of the measures of retaliation applied by China from on 1° June. The OCSE has specified that in according to trimester of the 2019 exports and American imports for and from China they have grown respective of +2.7% and +0.2%, but has turned out remarkablly inferior to the peaks recorded in the third trimester of 2018 with a +17.4% of the exports and a +10.7% of the imports.
In according to trimester of this year European Union it has recorded decreases of the -1,7% of the export and the -2,3% of the import. In particular, France has marked a decrease of -0,3% of the exports and bending of the -0,7% of the imports. Contraction also of the export and the import in Germany, with variations respective of the -3,0% and of -1,7%. In Italy the imports are diminished of the -0,6%, marking the fifth consecutive quarterly decrease, while the exports have shown a modest increment of +0.1%. As for the United Kingdom, economy that on how endures the impact of the continuous uncertainties of the Brexit, the exports are diminished of the -7,1% and the imports have recorded a decrease still marked of -12,6%.
Relatively to other main markets, the OCSE has announced that the exports of Russia are diminished of the -7,4%, although the increase of the prices of the crude oil and that also the exports of Saudi Arabia are diminished in meaningful way of the -3,5% with a decrease of the imports that has been pairs to -11,5%. In Korea the exports are diminished of the -1,6%, the third party consecutive quarterly decrease, and now they are inferior of the -12,3% regarding the recent maximum recorded in the third trimester of 2018. In Argentina the imports are diminished of the -6,4%, attesting itself to an inferior level of a third party regarding the more recent maximum levels, as the Argentine weight has been disparaged of the -12,5% regarding the USA dollar (of the -86,7% in last the four trimesters). Also the imports of Turkey are diminished in meaningful way (- 6.4%), since the Turkish Lira has continued to disparage itself (of the -9,5% regarding the USA dollar in according to trimester of 2019). The OCSE has evidenced at last that only some economies of the G20 have seen to increase the exports of goods in according to trimester of 2019: Australia (+6.3%), Canada (+6.4%), Mexico (+2.4%) and Japan (+0.2%).
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher