Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Shortly the destiny of the container will be decided terminal of the Europe Dock of the port of Livorno
Corsini: "with the planning of the public works very started, it is time to dedicate to the realization of the terminal container"
October 11, 2019
The Authority of Harbour System of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern us new evidence, with all the intentions to succeed to find subjects disposed to invest in the new container terminal that will be realized in the within of the project of the new Platform/Europe Dock of the port of Livorno. Beyond two years the project had ago not provoked the interest of the operators, so much so that the harbour agency, then called Harbour Authority of Livorno, was forced to postpone many times over the term of presentation of the questions of participation to the appropriate contest and successively to rewrite the project.
Today the harbour authority has announced that within the half of the next month the temporary grouping of enterprise composed from F&m Engineering, Haskoning-Dhv Nederland, Hs Marine and G&t will deliver the preliminary project for the realization of the marine structures of defense and the previewed dredgings of public competence from the first phase of performance of the Europe Dock, than also the geognostiche, geophysical investigations and environmental of the area they turn out in advanced state of completion: after the operations of war reclamation, with the effettuazione of almost the totality of the previewed boreholes, and that the necessary investigations to the planning of phase 1 of the Europe Dock turn out however completed all, that it includes the previewed realization of the container terminal. The agency has specified that moreover they are in state of advanced development the technical and scientific activities in collaboration with ISPRA and ARPAT finalized to the procedure of deperimetrazione of Until sea of the port of Livorno, deperimetrazione that will allow with the AdSP to make reference to the normative new simplified on the dredgings and on handling of the marine sediments of which to I decree ministerial 173 on July 15, 2016.
The AdSP has specified that regarding the terminal containers, on 30 November the temporal window will be shut that on hand have the private subjects interested in order to introduce a complete proposal of all the elements to guarantee of which to art. the 183 of the Code of the Contracts, and that, to that date, the AdSP will insert the work in the triennial programming and will proceed independently.
The president of the Authority of Harbour System, Stefano Corsini, manifest confidence on the good outcome of the plan: "with the planning of the public works very started - he has emphasized - it is time to dedicate to the realization of the terminal container. The Authority of System is ready to take the reins of the initiative".
In a moment in which the main alliances between containerized companies of navigation they are selecting in which world-wide ports to centralize the ports of call of the ships in order to realize ulterior economies of ports of call taking advantage of the always greater ability to theirs portacontainer, as would seem to demonstrate to the current trend of increase of the traffic of the containers in the connected ports best to the main markets of reference or in the harbour ports of call in which these same marine companies they carry out important terminalistiche activities, the port of Livorno seems to find itself of forehead to a junction: to conclude with success own development plan in the containerized field being assigned to the management of the new terminal to a primary investor/international operator, or to reorganize own ambitions being been satisfied to continue to be, in the segment of the container, also an important regional port.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher