8.45-10.15 |
General Assembly - Classified to the members of Europlatform |
10.00 |
Registrazione and Welcome Coffee |
10.20 |
Salutes of welcome and introduction |
Luigi Capitani (President CePIM Parma) |
Cesare Azzali (Director UPI) |
European logistic platforms in the context of the Silk Road: Criticality and Opportunity |
10.30 |
The point of view of the institutions |
Paolo Ferrecchi (Director Generale Emilia-Romagna Region) |
11.00 |
The perspective of the academic world |
Francesco Timpano (Prof. Dipartimento di Economic Scienze and Social DISES - Faculty of Economy of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart to Piacenza) tbc |
11.15 |
Mauro Calzetti (CePIM - Marketing Manager) |
11.30 |
Trend and perspectives of the logistics in Italy and Emilia-Romagna |
Andrea Bardi (ITL - Director Generale) |
11.45 |
Europlatform Members |
Pablo Hoya (President of EUROPLATFORMS) |
Kent Bentzen (Vicepresident EUROPLATFORMS) |
Manuel Francisco Martínez (General Secretary of EUROPLATFORMS) |
12.45 |
Conclusion works |
Luigi Capitani (Vice president UIR) |
13.00 |
light lunch |