Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Started the search of the new operator who will manage the container terminal of the port of Cagliari
The concession question will have to reach the AdSP within next 28 February
December 6, 2019
The Authority of Harbour System of the Sea of Sardinia has published the public warning for new former concession art. 18 to the Port Channel of Cagliari, in order to characterize the new terminalista that will manage the container terminal of the port of the Sardinian chief town after 10th September the agency has revoked the licence of enterprise and the concession to the Cagliari International Container Terminal (CICT) of the group Contship Italy(on 10 September 2019).
The compendium to consent in concession is constituted by 1.600 linear meters of dock, with depth of the backdrop of -16 meters and with the possibility of lengthening so as expected from the Portuale Town development plan, and almost 400 thousand pictures of large square on which they are you anticipate six cabins electrical workers, three manufactured destined ones to offices, canteen, dressing rooms, warehouses equipments let alone a Point of Inspection Borderer. The invitation to introduce request of specific concession that the compendium has crane and means of handling of property of the Industrial Consortium Provinciale of Cagliari (CACIP) that, upon request of the highest bidder of the concession, in case considered suitable, they could be object of a purchase or lease to agree itself with the CACIP.
The AdSP has evidenced that ulterior strengths for the new management will be the connection to Special the Economic Zone of beyond 1.600 hectares, for whose institution is waiting for the signature of decrees institutive, and the Franca Doganale Zone interclusa, on which is on the participations of perimetrazione and infrastructuring of the first six hectares. Not last, the vicinity of the service of bunkeraggio operated from the Saras for the refueling of the fuel to the ships in transit in the south-western Mediterranean. Moreover interlocuzioni between Sardinia Region and Ministry of the Economic Development for the reproposition of Contratto di Localizzazione are opened, that it will go signed with the new terminalista, finalized to support the investments for the purchase of new equipments.
The concession question will have to reach the AdSP of the Sea of Sardinia within next 28 February and will be published for 60 days. Within such term also other interested subjects will be able to in competition introduce of the requests or eventual observations and oppositions. In case more proposed the agency, with the nomination of an appropriate commission, it will characterize that most suitable one through a criterion of appraisal of the requests based on a scale of 100 points totals that will be subdivided in: 35 points for the Operations plan and organizational, (strategies times to the increment of the traffics, development plan, quality and variety of the offered services; migliorative managerial proposals, possession of adapted suitable technical and organizational equipments to satisfy the requirements of the productive cycle); 35 points for the Plan of the investments (programs of adaptation, requalification, maintenance, potenziamento, improvement of the technologies; guarantee of the widest conditions than approached the terminal for operators and users; environmental sustainability and technological innovation). Others 25 points will regard the occupational Plan, inside of which the new concessionaire will have to guarantee a number of consistent working unit to the concession, with a premialità for the resorption of the greater force coming job from the terminalista stopped one. Not last, with 5 points, the criterion of appraisal on the actions of promotion to the internationalization and diversification of the offer of the harbour port of call.
The duration of the concessorio title could not exceed the 50 years neither be subject to renews automatic rifle and will have to be indicated from the petitioner on the base of own technical-economic appraisals and successively estimated from the Authority of Harbour System.
The amount of the canon anniversary will be pairs to 2,16 million euros, to which a variable part subject to reduction in dependency of the enlivened volumes of traffic from the new terminalista will join: in particular, to the canon a quota will be addition pairs to 1% of the turnover in case of inferior handling to 400.000 teu, a quota pairs to 0.5% of the turnover in case of advanced handling to 400.001 teu, while a variable quota canon in case of traffic will not be applied advanced anniversary to 600.000 teu.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher