Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Introduced to the CNEL the sixth edition of the Relationship on the economy of the sea
Mattioli (Federation of the Sea): that tied to the sea is a truth that would demand a more effective and coherent attention on the political and administrative plan
December 12, 2019
Treu has emphasized that "the value produced from the economy of the fallen back meaningful sea and its associate-economic importance with the occupational ones of the marine cluster, is directed that induced in the remainder of the fields of our economy, they are indispensable factors for the development of the Country. The Relationship - it has added the president of the CNEL - evidences the strategic relief of the marine field and, on the base of a careful examination of the data, confirmation the development and the reached successes, indicating also the challenges that they must be faced is in Europe that in the Mediterranean, in a particularly delicate historical phase as is that current one. Not to forget - it has found Treu - that this field is cross-sectional to many others and in some cases indispensable".
Treu has restated that, in order to realize the opportunities, he is fundamental to invest in logistics and on the ports, strategic nodes of the Italian infrastructural system, is to local level that national, and has remembered that own for this the CNEL has introduced three bills on the logistics, been born from along cycle of auditions with the 34 more representative organizations. "To aim at the logistic system legacy to the economy of the sea - it has explained - it means to overseas strengthen the offer of our Country on the front of the export and crocieristico tourism. Therefore to favor the development also at the level of the territories".
"That tied to the sea - it has agreed the president of the Federation of the Sea - is a truth that for its relief and its integration would demand a more effective and coherent attention on the political and administrative plan, issue how much never felt between the subjects private publics and who in it operate by when the marine competences progressively are dispersed between more ministries, compromising the possibilities of elaboration of national politics of the field and of a its promotion in European within". "Not to case - it has observed Mario Mattioli - a decided process of normative modernization of it has assured the competitiveness and favorite the development, with the reforms of the harbour system in 1994 and 1998 of international mercantile navigation. Such reforms have freed resources and carried huge investments, with fallen back positive for all the marine cluster".
"The impact of the activities tied to the sea - it has continued Mattioli - very goes beyond the aspects more closely legacies to their logistic dimension and touches directly the entire national, agricultural and industrial apparatus productive, so much so that to the marine cluster pairs to 2% of the GDP total and to 3.5% of its are attributed to goods and services for a value not state member, with purchases of goods and services in the remainder of the Italian economy that annually grazes the two third party of the value produced from the same marine activities. The auspice of the Federation - it has concluded Mattioli - is therefore that also in Italy, beside the strengthening of the attention dedicated to the sea, detailed list with coordination powers is reached the institution of an administrative unit, so that a chain of command very integrated ports to a greater effectiveness in the adoption and the performance of the decisions in marine field (between these firstly a bureaucratic simplification) and is able to make it in consistent times to characteristic the European and international standards of this world".
The contained analyses in the sixth edition of the Relationship on the economy of the sea are reported to three years 2015-2017 and certify the progresses carried out from the single sections that compose the Italian marine cluster. The Federation of the Sea has evidenced that the Relationship precedence (published in 2015 and reported to years 2011-2013) looked to a Country still heavy involved from trails of the deep crisis from which the entire World tried to free itself, while in the following years the world-wide commerce and the GDP of the great Countries are returned to grow giving back to breath and perspectives to all the system.
The Italian marine cluster confirmation in fact one of the more dynamic fields of the Italian economy. In three years (2015-2017) it has grown in value of +5.3%, contributing to the GDP national for 34,3 billion euros. Also the direct occupation has grown (of +5.7% altogether) and the cluster today absorbs a total occupation (between direct attache's and induced) pairs to about 529 thousand man-work unit (2.2% of the force job of the Country).
Industrial the marine cluster maintains to a remarkable balance between its members. In terms of value of the production 41.9% are attributable to the marine transports (12,3 billion euros), 22.1% to the harbour logistics and auxiliary services (6,5 billion euros), 20.7% to the navalmeccanica (6,1 billion euros), 9.4% to the shipbuilding one from diporto (2,8 billion euros), 5.8% to the peach (1,7 billion euros).
78.9% of the generated value come from the productive activities in sense own (the marine transport, shipbuilding the naval one and from diporto, the harbour logistic activities, the peach); 13.6% are generated instead by institutional activities (Harbour Marina Militare, Guard Costiera, Harbour offices, Authorities). To this a 7.5% determined from the expenses join ulterior on the national territory of diportisti and croceristi.
The impact on the Italian economy of the marine activities goes beyond the aspects more closely legacies to their trasportistica dimension and involves directly also the productive, manifacturing and terziari fields, of the economy. Industrial the marine cluster spends annually in purchases of goods and services about 20,5 billion euros.
To more general level, the marine activities anticipate an elevated level of integration with the remainder of the national economy. It demonstrates the fact that every 100 euros invested from the subjects of the marine cluster generate a multiplying effect of 226 euros, while every 100 new places of work in the marine activities determine 173 in the economy.
For how much it concerns the division of the directed occupation, 33.3% are employed in transport marine, 22.3% in the harbour logistics and auxiliary services, 19.7% in the peach, 15.9% in the navalmeccanica industry and 8.8% in the shipbuilding one from diporto.
In last the three considered years (the 2015-2017) value of the production has grown above all in navalmeccanica (+9.5%, but naval shipbuilding +46.2% only considering the greater one) in the shipbuilding one from diporto (+14.2%) and in harbour logistics (+5.7%).
On the other hand, the occupation has shown the more meaningful evolutionary trends in marine transport (+8.1%) and in harbour logistics (+6.3%).
The value of the production for man-work unit in the marine cluster is of about 206.000 euros/year, with a productivity of 259.000 in transport marine euros, 204,000 in the harbour logistics, 269,000 in the navalmeccanica industry (than in the greater yards it is almost 500,000 euros), 220,000 in the nautical one from diporto and 61,000 in the peach. Advanced significants to those of the great national economic branches of reference: transports and storage 165,000 euros for attache', manifacturing industry 282,000 euros for assigned and agriculture 48,000 euros for attache'.
Also the added value for man-work unit in the marine cluster, pairs to 72.000 euros/year, is advanced to that of fields as the constructions, the commerce, textile and feeding.
In the second part of the today's morning a round table centralized on the study has carried out itself "Fifty years of marine economy in Italy: evolution and perspectives between XX and XXI century" that represents a meaningful one frescoes historian, focussing the unavoidable role of the Italian shipowning industry in the productive balance of the Country, reconstructing the economic and occupational value of our shipbuilding one and describing the evolution of the national portualità in the European trasportistico system and the scenes of the globalization, as of that of the nautical one from diporto and the peach.
They are taken part to the round table, lead by Giorgio De Rita, general secretary of the Censis: Lucio Caracciolo (Limes), Francesco Dandolo (University of Naples), Luigi Giannini (Federpesca), Carlo Lombardi (Federation of the Sea), Roberto Perocchio (Ucina), Giovanni Pettorino (general Commander Corpo Harbour offices - Guard Costiera), Gianpaolo Polichetti (Grimaldi Lines).
“If it is looked at to Italy of the late sixties perhaps and it is confronted with the current one - it has found Mario Mattioli in the course of the round table - can calmly be asserted that in these fifty years very many (almost all) is changed, at least on the political-social and economic plan. What we find again unchanged is but sure the fact that, today as then, in Italy plays a strategic role to the aims of the development our marine economy, dates the wide dimensions its and of induced its, the important role that it covers the sea for the logistics of the people and the goods, the pronounced dependency from marine supplyings of the manifacturing industry, strong crocieristico and nautical tourism, the role of fishing, the prevailing peninsular nature of the territory, the importance of the cities of sea. Hence the great interest of the Federation of the Sea for the project of the Censis to deepen the nexus between national the marine activities and our associate-economic development. An interest that has been translate in reality also thanks to the participation of the shipowning groups of Amico and Grimaldi and Nautical Ucina-Confindustria, finding then an ulterior motivation with the venticinquennale of the same Federation”.
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