Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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To S. Stefano Magra has become operating Centro Unico for services to the Goods of the retroporto of
To days the signature with MSC, Royal Caribbean and Costa Crociere for the management of the terminal breaks and to the start of the project of the new station cruises
December 17, 2019
Yesterday to Santo Stefano Magra Centro Unico for services (CUS) to the Goods of the retroporto has become operating of the port of. The CUS, first of the sort in Italy in which from now on all the controls on the goods to exclusion of those having from the judicial authority and of those carried out from the competent organs for safety of the State and from the police forces will be carried out at the same time, is introduced today by president of the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Orientale, Carla Roncallo, to the representatives of the institutions and the members of the harbour community.
Roncallo has evidenced that, with the realization of the CUS, the agency, besides to work in the track of the dispositions of the law of reform of the 84/94, it has understood ready various communitarian norms that shortly will take effect and that they strongly head, among other things, on the efficientamento of the controls to the goods that they condition in meaningful way the efficiency of the Italian ports. The reform law - it has remembered - institutes, in fact, the Unico Doganale Door and of the controls that the competence of the relative controls to all has the implementations connected to the income and expenditure of the goods in or from the national territory. To this EU 625/2017 joins to the recepimento by our Country of Regolamento of execution whose taken effect, previewed three days ago, then it is sli of some months and by virtue of which are established requisitioned minimums and adequate equipments for the check points borderers relatively to the control of the goods fresh, perfectly respected from the CUS of S. Stefano Magra.
Inside of the CUS they will operate the Agency of Customs, the Customs corps, the Marine Health (veterinary, phytopathologist), the Forest Police officers, the Police of Frontier, Age Control. The Center is equipped of covered spaces for the opening of the containers, of modern cells refrigerator, a molecular scanner of new generation supplied from the Agency of Customs and of a mansion for the offices where all the interested subjects have found space.
The operations of transport of the goods from the port to Santo Stefano, with corridor controlled from UIRNET, and handling of the goods subject to control is entrusted to La Spezia Port Service, truth of reference of the majority of the operators spezzini in the field of the logistics.
Roncallo has emphasized that from today the goods to the retroporto will be therefore possible to free areas in the port of being transferred in efficient and sure way, with a remarkable gain also in terms of time, visa the certain efficientamento that will be achieved in the control operations.
In occasion of the today's guided tour to the CUS, in the spaces taken leasehold from owner RFI, are illustrated by the president of the AdSP and the general secretary, Francesco Di Sarcina, also the activities carried out from the harbour authority in 2019 and those in final integrity. In particular, it is specified that by now the structure of the Document of Energetic and environmental Planning is almost defined, fundamental stage in order more and more to start the transformation of the port in key "green", with particular reference to the reduction of the emissions of co2. The Document, that it will be introduced to January, affords to introduce initiatives, also infrastructural, fundamental for a true quality jump in the management of the environmental members, as for example the implementation of the GNL for launches uses in port. To this end it is signed in these days, the protocol for the promotion, the spread, the realization and the social acceptance of a distribution network of the natural gas which liquified between Liguria Region and numerous others enters, between which the AdSP of the Liguria Oriental. Objective of the DEASP is that to estimate the current situation of the ports of and naval of Carrara being studied the energy requirement of the internal activities to the interested marine Federal property, this to the aim to propose a series of technological solutions that allow to reduce the employment of primary energy to parity of offered services, privileging the mainly respectful technologies of the atmosphere.
Roncallo and Of Sarcina has remembered that, in so far as, an important step on the environmental front era already completed to October with the signature of the agreement in order to reduce the impact of the emissions in atmosphere by the cruise ships of Royal Caribbean, Costa Crociere, MSC, AIDA, Azamara and Celebrity Cruises, that they will have to use a fuel with percentage of inferior sulfur to 0.1% before the income in port.
The Document of Strategic Planning of System is adopted in July of this year from the Committee of management of the harbour agency, after to have obtained the favorable opinion from the four interested town councils. Now it is waiting for improvement of the understanding between Liguria Region, Tuscany Region and Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports.
The plan of rationalization of the societies participated from the Authority of Harbour System continues moreover: it is announced, in fact, than the quotas the participation of the AdSP in society LSSR La Spezia Shunting Railways, pairs to 20% of the share capital, placed on sale with procedure of public evidence, could be yielded to January being reached a supply and demand.
In occasion of the presentation of the CUS also the forecasts of the traffic enlivened in 2019 from the ports of the harbour system are announced - La Spezia and Carrara - with a traffic containers would have to be attested altogether to about 1,485 million teu, with a light bending due to the decrease of the traffic of transfer in the port of. The traffic fleeting in transit records a total of 648 thousand fleeting, with an increment of +30% on 2018. The total traffic of the goods is attested 18,7 million to tons (+2.2%). La Spezia is stable with 15,7 million tons and Marina di Carrara reaches three million tons (+20%).
The harbour agency has remembered moreover that on the front of the cruises, obtained by the three companies the assent of the commission Antitrust, between two days the actions with MSC will be stipulated, Royal Caribbean and Costa Crociere for the management of the terminal cruises break and to the start of the project of the new station cruises of.
The authority has evidenced also the news of little weeks ago the news that on 19 December will leave the reservations for the first travels of the new ships, still under construction by Fincantieri, of the company Virgin Voyages that it has chosen to make to climb regularly, beginning from May 2021, the port naval of Carrara to the ship Valiant Lady that leaving from Barcelona will touch Ibiza, Tolone, Ajaccio, Cagliari and the port of call Apuan.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher