Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Adjudicated to Genoa the execution of the new participations on the harbour practicability
Participations of the value of about 130 million euros
February 3, 2020
Today the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Western has adjudicated to the temporary grouping of enterprises with front man the Pizzarotti & C. Spa the execution of the contained street works in the extraordinary program of urgent participations for the resumption and the development of the port of Genoa, for a total amount of about 130 million euros. The RTI has the task to manage the definitive and executive planning let alone the realization of the street participations. Such work previews the elevated extension of harbour and the accessory works let alone its modernization; the new practicability of connection Saint Benigno and Calata Bettolo; the complete realization of the road "the Arrogant one"; the car park of West; the new Bridge of the Pope and the below dredging; the mass in safety of the viaduct Pioneers of Italy; the static consolidation of Bridge of the Thousands.
The AdSP has remembered that the planning of the new practicability has seen in a propedeutica phase the predisposition of a Study of Harbour Practicability as expected in the "extraordinary Program of the participations" of the agency, study that is realized through appropriate models micro simulation of the traffic and sees represented the current scene with the main potentialities and criticality and defines the future subdivided participations shortly period, inferior temporal arc to a year that previews participations of identifying and reorganization of the practicability in order to eg. answer to the main current viabilistiche criticalities (redesign of the accesses Ferry-Cruise area; rotatory redefinition Libya Bridge), in medium period, with a temporal horizon 1-2-year-old for the elevated modernization of harbour and the practicability of connection Saint Benign, and in long period, with a temporal horizon of beyond two years that it previews: harbour elevated extension and new passage of West; car park of West; complete realization Arrogant Road; new Bridge of the Pope; mass in safety via Pioneers of Italy.
If the current scene sees the transit of 7 thousand heavy vehicles to the day through crosses of the port of Genoa, the scene of medium period previews the every day transit of about 9.600 trucks.
"The complex of works - the president of the AdSP has explained, Paolo Emilio Signorini - is destined to modify not only the harbour practicability, but also that city one because, creating ignited corridors and dedicated to the heavy traffic, will allow a greater fallen back fluidificazione of the traffic with positive for Genoa and all the citizenship".
To the today's presentation of the new participations on the harbour practicability they have participated also the president of Region Liguria Giovanni Toti, and the mayor of Genoa, Marco Bucci. "Today - it has emphasized Toti - it is an important day that it demonstrates the effectiveness and the efficiency of the which set foot in structure of the local institutions in order to use the deep ones allocated after the collapse of Morandi bridge and confirmation that give a great tragedy have been shared with more force and cohesion transforming a terrible event in an improvement and rebirth opportunity. The fact that in a year and means have been gone to the award of works that expected from much time and that we have a company that it will make beyond 100 million work in port is the demonstration that has had large-capacity to react to which it must be added, besides the reconstruction of the same bridge, the work of practicability already made and the compensations that the enterprises have arrived punctual in a year to all that have a damage quickly, the support to the road haulage that works on the port. To demonstration of the great cohesion and the ability to react using happened how much as propulsive thrust for our city and the competitiveness of our port that is fundamental for the entire North the West".
"This - it has specified mayor Bucci, that he is extraordinary commissioner for the reconstruction of the viaduct on the Polcevera - is the first participation of the commissioner second the law 130 that regards the bridge not directly, but the practicability of the city and the port. I must make mine compliments to the team of job and commissioner Rettighieri that have gone fast and have assigned the work. Draft not only of the way of Arrogant, but of all elevated harbour that goes from the Spider until the airport, a practicability that is not alone goods, but that it can be used also from the citizens if us of were need. They are participations that when we will be to full regime, when we will have the bridge that is the freeway, we will have Esplanade Canepa and Guido Rossa and Arrogant and the Elevated one we will be able to finally give those answers to the practicability and to mobility of which we need".
In charge of the performance of the "Extraordinary Program of urgent investments" of the port of Genoa, Marco Rettighieri, it has evidenced that "thanks to the job of team and to the ingegneristiche ideas improvements are introduced, round and new areas lung. With of the works it will afford to facilitate also the highway accesses. Genoa deserves a harmonic project that is not limited to resolve the single inherent complexities the traffic generated from the harbour operations, but that it looks to the total well-being of the city improving the practicability and the vivibilità of Genoa".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher