Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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To ulterior January rise of the increase of the goods last for the Suez Canal and directed towards Asia
Accentuation of the trend negative of the volumes of the goods on board of the ships directed to north
February 20, 2020
Last month the volume of goods transported from the ships that are journeyed in the Suez Canal has marked an increment of +9.7% the graces to an amazing increase of +31.8% of the cargo volume on board of the ships that they have crossed the directed channel Egyptian towards south, not inusuale for the channel but however in January much important rise during the last few years and inferior only to the increase of +47.9% recorded in January 2012. The decided leap forward of the goods directed towards Asia has more than compensated equally decided decrease of boarded cargos on the ships directed to north of the channel that are diminished of the -11,6% regarding January 2018. In order to find a rate emphasized decrement more it is necessary to return to November 2009 when a bending of the -25,0% then consequence of the most serious repercussions on the world-wide commerce of the crisis was marked total economic-financial institution burst hardly little months before.
To January 2020 the channel is crossed altogether by 1.645 ships, 8.5% in more regarding January last year. On board of these ships there were a total of 89,2 million tons of goods regarding 81,4 million in January 2019, of which 52,5 million tons on the ships directed to south and 36,7 million tons on those directing to north.
The important increase of the cargo volumes directed towards south is determined mainly by the consisting increase of +72.1% of the goods with origin from the America, market that three months give have newly begun to pump traffic flows towards Suez after ten months of stasis or reduction of the volumes. The increase also is hauled by the greater coming volumes from the ports of Black Sea (+92.0%) and from those of the Mediterranean, in particular from the ports of call on the northern coasts of basin (+44.5%) and from those on the coasts orientals and Southeasterners (+19.2%). From the other part of the channel the regions that more have benefitted than this increase of the flows of goods have been southern Asia (+65.4%), Red Sea (+60.0%), the Far East (+57.0%) and Australia (+41.0%).
As for the flows of traffic in the direction south-north, between the consisting markets of origin more the decrements are recorded by the Far East (- 36.1%), from the Arabic Gulf (- 39.0%) and by southern Asia (- 27.8%), while between the destination markets the more important bendings are totaled by the America (- 44.6%), from northern Mediterranean (- 19.2%) and from the Baltic Sea (- 12.5%).
Relatively to the goods in transit in the Suez Canal and directed to south, last month the greater cargo volumes were constituted by goods in container with 19,9 million tons (+7.9%), minerals and metals with 6,0 million tons (+116.9%), crude oil with 5,6 million tons (+72.1%), cereals with 4,4 million tons (+69.4%), fuels with 3,9 million tons (+44.1%), coal and coke with 2,1 million tons (+11.5%), fertilizers with 1,8 million tons (+9.8%) and naphta with 1,6 million tons (+47.7%).
As for the goods on board of the ships journeyed last month in the consisting channel and directed to north volumes than the more loaded were constituted by goods containerized with 22,6 million tons (- 0.5%), crude oil with 2,7 million tons (- 43.9%), diesel oils with 2,5 million tons (- 32.1%), natural gas which liquified with 1,7 million tons (+13.0%), gasolines with 1,4 million tons (- 20.8%), chemicals with 1,1 million tons (- 16.3%) and produced in metal with 922 thousand tons (+5.6%).
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher