Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The British logistics exhorts the government of London newly "to wake up itself" and to prepare itself truly for the Brexit
The Freight Transport Association emphasizes the necessity that the requirements of the field are considered priority
March 17, 2020
The United Kingdom, in spite of the measures more decided in order to contrast the spread of the coronavirus on the British ground announced yesterday by the prime Minister Boris Johnson, is still the only European nation not to have assumed drastic initiatives in order to impose limitations to the circulation of the citizens to the aim to contain the contagion. Limiting itself, as it has yesterday made the Prime Minister, to suggest to those who they manifest symptoms, as fever high and persistent cough, and to their relatives to remain at home and to the others not to carry out not necessary travels, the United Kingdom - except its government, than also in this case not manifest fears - it seems to continue to being more worried for the effects of the escape of the nation from the European Union that has had effect slid the first February.
Or at least this is the impression provoked from the little attention that the British field of the logistics and transports turns to emergency COVID-19, not becoming account - it seems - of potential the devastating impact of the sanitary problem on the companies of the section. Field of oltremanica that rather fears the isolation of the island and the consequences that of it they will derive if the United Kingdom will not obtain turned out positive from the next negotiations to set off on the relationships between the EU and the United Kingdom, than by Brussels aims to agree an agreement of free exchange.
The Freight Transport Association (FTA), that it represents great part of the British companies of the transports and the logistics, up to now has been shown less worried regarding the others correspondents European associations, of the effects of the epidemic on the operators of the field, but it does not save exhortations to own government so that it negotiate with the EU in matter of bilateral exchanges after the Brexit are not underrated and, in particular, are held on account the priority necessities of the industry of the logistics.
The last sollicitation has reached today. "The companies associated to the FTA - it has emphasized Pauline Bastidon, responsible for the European policies of the Freight Transport Association - have the responsibility to assure that the activities, the industry, the houses and the schools of the United Kingdom are provisioned with the essential produced ones of which they need in order to work. Without an agreement on the transports, at the end of the period of transition (that 31 will finish next December, ndr), we would have to face heavy restrictions to the logistic movements, with only a number much limiting of permissions in order to approach at the market of the EU, serving less of 5% of the traffic through the English Channel, available for operators in the within of authorizations CEMT".
Bastidon has evidenced that the associates to the FTA "at the end attend meaningful changes of the period of transition". "Without guarantees for the transport of the goods for street, railway and aerial way - he has added - our associates and their colleagues of the EU simply will not be able to operate through the frontiers without drastic restrictions. An agreement for transport - it has found the representative of the Freight Transport Association - is not a luxury, is absolutely vital and asks the negotiators to assign priority in the negotiations on the future relations to the aim to avoid the abyss".
Moreover the FTA has accused the government of London not to have made a lot in order to do so as that the companies are ready to face the Brexit, and now the companies - it has specified Bastidon - are found of forehead to a truth that is very various from that which they had been prepared to face in 2019. "The government - he has added the responsible for the European policies of the FTA - must recognize it, supply operating details and make clarity in the short time possible and to work with the industry in order to assure that the preparation can be most adequate possible, with minimal interruptions to the flow of the goods. Moreover in it negotiate the government must make its part giving priority to the fields, as the transports, for which an agreement is absolutely essential. Not to make it could put to risk the supplying chains".
Chains of supplying that, as other European Countries are noticing, in these days are placed to risk from a crisis that unfortunately is not possible to face for legal way.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher