testata inforMARE
21 November 2024 - Year XXVIII
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
14:17 GMT+1
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As the personal doctor and the forces of safety - ECSA and ETF emphasize - in these critical moments the marine ones are working essential things and are need that the governments recognize them as such
The two organizations ask the EU and the Member States extraordinary measures so that the shipping European it can exceed the serious crisis caused from the emergency coronavirus. Proposals of the Confitarma to the Italian government
March 18, 2020

Because of the emergency for the spread in Europe of the Covid-19 the European section of the marine transport risks to collassare and in order to avoid it the urgent is necessary adoption of legislations and specific initiatives. They have emphasized today the European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA) and the European Trasnport Workers' Federation (ETF) evidencing that it is basic to assure that the marine industry of the European Union is able to carry out its crucial function for the economy and the citizens of Europe. The association of the European shipowners and the European union of the workers of the transports has rimarcato the necessity to guarantee that essential assets, energy, food, medicines and many other goods produced outside from the EU can be delivered at the market European, to its citizens and its industries, and that they can be transported in possible the more fluid way between the Member States of the EU. If this will not be guaranteed - they have found the ECSA and ETF - many chains of supplying will endure serious consequences or will go encounter to a block total being profitable the provoked economic impact from the crisis still more important regarding how much already it has not happened.

Based on such considerations the ECSA and ETF have invited the EU to support this field and its workers with measures and set in action detailed lists that - the two organizations have restated - must be adopted with the maximum urgency.

The ECSA and ETF have explained that the measures adopted up to now from the States of the EU in order to limit the circulation of the people to the aim to reduce lessened the risks of infection, although comprehensible, are having serious repercussions on the circulation of the marine ones and have specified that also the closing of the ports represents an important factor. The two organizations have emphasized that it is all-important that the ships can berth where necessary and that the members of the crews can be embarked or disembark from their ships facing the minor possible number of obstacles, displacements - they have specified ECSA and ETF - than instead are becoming more and more difficult. The two organizations therefore have asked that it is guaranteed the flexibility and the assistance necessary in order to guarantee that the marine ones can continue to carry out own job and have the permission to leave from their houses and to re-enter to you. Such fine ECSA and ETF have asked that the marine ones are exempted by the prohibition to the effettuazione of disposed travels on a national level. Moreover two organizations, even if they have not express asked not to force the marine ones that at home returns to observe a period of isolation, have exhorted to dealing them "pragmatically". Own as the personal doctor and the forces of safety - they have clarified ECSA and ETF - in these critical moments the marine ones are working essential things and is need that the governments recognize them as such and assure they a particular attention.

Between the other problematicità created from the emergency coronavirus to the marine transport, there is also - they have specified the ECSA and ETF - that relative one to the maximum duration of the periods of boarding of the marine ones. On they demanded, or for the absence of the crew that them would have to replace or for the absence of flights airplane from their port of disembarkation previewed to their the marine ones country of origin - they have clarified the two organizations - could have to on board pass more time of the ships than established from their employment contracts or previewed from the national laws that apply the international Convention on marine job (ILO-MLC, 2006). In the light of that ECSA and ETF they have asked that the States of flag and landing place apply a pragmatic approach to such situations and, estimating case by chance, to light of the implications of the pandemic and bearing in mind that the ships must navigate on board with a crew full, they allow with the members of the crews to remain on board of the ships for a reasonably advanced period to theirs previewed turns of service.

An other problem evidenced from ECSA and ETF, than last week already was placed to the attention on a national level in Italy from Assarmatori, Confitarma and Federagenti(on 12 March 2020), it is that of the certificates of which they must be in possession the marine ones. These last ones - they have explained - because of the restrictions to the travels can be forced to on board pass more time of the usual of the ship as they are not authorized to disembark. Moreover some institutes of formation have suspended the activity in order to contain the spread of the virus. This - they have observed ECSA and ETF - can therefore involve that the marine ones cannot carry out the formation necessary in order to obtain a delay of their certificates, with the consequence that could reach expiration. Also in this case the ECSA and ETF have invited the States of flag and landing place to apply a pragmatic approach extending at least three months the validity of the certificates, measure - they have specified - than for being effective would all over the world demand the involvement of the regional regimes of Port Are been Control.

The ECSA and ETF have demanded also specific measures of support and safeguard of the occupation in consideration of the fact that, because of the remarkable impact negative of the limitations to the travels on the activities of marine transport of passengers and of the reduction of the marine traffic of the goods, the navigation companies have had to adapt their operating activities and their costs reducing also the staff is of earth that sailor.

The ECSA and ETF have invited also to take in consideration the difficulties determined from the restrictions to the travels to the activity of the inspectors who, for law, must lead controls on board of the ships and have exhorted the authorities to preview for these personal exonerations regarding determined analogous measures to those which the two organizations have sped up for the marine ones.

Besides problematic the relative ones to the staff who work in the field of the marine transport, the ECSA and ETF they have put in evidence also the impact that the Covid-19 emergency has on the operating activities of the shipping, beginning from the certification of the ships that is returned more difficult by the remarkable reduction of the availability of dry docks caused from the precautionary measures in order to contain the virus. Also in this case ECSA and ETF at least three months have asked flexibility the States for the EU having proposed the extension of the validity of the current certificates, measure also this - they have specified - than for being effective would demand a global approach.

ECSA and ETF have asked moreover lines guide clear and coherent in order to allow with the cruise ships, than they are not authorized to berth in the ports of some nations, of being able to enter in their port of origin in Europe. to disembark to passengers and crew affording their repatriation.

ECSA and ETF have at last asked that the EU commission and the Member States supply assistance financial institution to the companies of the field of the shipping, that particularly is hit by the crisis. According to the two organizations, the financial institutions of the European Union would have to be supported from a normative picture adapted to level EU in order to resolve the immediate problems of liquidity of the shipowners and - they have found - the package of measures approved of last week from the European Central bank would have to be applied without delay to the aim to allow with the banks to continue to finance the marine field. Moreover, for ECSA and ETF, the support of the EU would have to cover also the financing of the investments that will be essential so that the field can be resumed over the long term. ECSA and ETF have asked also a flexible application for the guidelines in matter for aids for State the marine transports so that such aids, as for example the regimes for the reduction of the costs of labor, can be guaranteed so that shipowning and marine companies can face the current extraordinary situation.

While in Italy the Shipping president of the Italian Confederation (Confitarma), Mario Mattioli, has sent to Paola De Micheli, minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, a letter, that we publish below, in which illustrates some proposals of the Confederation so that the Italian marine section can exceed the obvious difficulties taxes from the Covid-19 emergency.

Covid-19: Confitarma proposals for the Government

today, with all national the productive woven one, the entire world of shipping - from the crocieristica, to the transport of goods and passengers, involving also the harbour services - the weevers with extreme worry evolving itself of the serious Covid-19 emergency also for the impact that it is having and it will continue to having on the Italian socioeconomic system.

The exceptional situation determined from the epidemiologica emergency that is forcing the shipowning enterprises finanche to the arrest warrant, partial or total, of the ships of own fleets demands the location of first and urgent measures of extraordinary support to the section. As famous, the transport in general terms, and that marine one in particular, covers a vital importance for the operation of the economy and in order to assure the indispensable refuelings of which our Country it needs: from the liquid raw materials and solid ones to the finished product ones that they feed our economy above all, assuring our subsistence in this period of tightening and necessary restrictions to ours normal style of life.

In particular, for the traffics of cabotage and the connections with the greater and smaller islands, the ships and their crews are the first, indispensable one, ring of the logistics of the assets first necessity, comprised food, drugs and sanitary equipments. Logistics that, above all today, cannot afford absolutely some interruption.

For these reasons, in confirming beginning right now our complete availability to continue in the action which convinced of support the Administration, we consider opportune to subject to Its attention the requirement to adopt quickly from the following measures:
  1. Exceptional participation of support to the yield in favor of all the marine communitarian Italians and involved in situations of suspension or reduction of the working activity because of the arrest warrant of the ships. Such measure would have to integrate the resources of the Bottom of Bilateral Solidarity of Marine Field (SOLIMARE), allowing the overcoming of maximal the business ones of uses of Deep saying.
  1. Al fine to support the marine connections that, although the decrease of the traffics and the fleeting restrictions to the transport, continues to guarantee supplying of goods, feeds and strategic medicines and producing for the Country, wishes participations turns to the cost reduction of landing place of the ships, circumstance that is already verifying in other Member States of the EU. Between these, in the first instance the temporary exoneration, to make given from the adoption of the restrictive measures adopted by the Government, the payment of the rights and other harbour burdens and, in addition, the compensation total, or at least partial, of for services harbour expenses (technical-nautical services) and of hold. The foretold measures would have to be applied to the ships in service of national cabotage, ro-ro and ro-ro pax employees also on lines of international freeways of the sea that scale Italian ports. At last, it would have to be previewed the temporary exemption, partial total or, from the payment of the concessori canons of the terminals that operate the foretold traffics.
  1. Extension, for a period of twelve months, to the ships enrolled in the national freshmen and that they carry out compatible activities with the communitarian Guidelines in matter of aids of State to the marine transports, of the exoneration from the deposit of the social insurance and charitable contributions of which to the art.6 of the decree-law n. 457/97 enacted n.30/98.
  1. Financings until three years to be worth on Working funds Warehouses and Loans (CDP) and with State guarantee of last request directly distributed from CDP or the Agent banks according to a convention, in order tackling to the increase of the operating costs of management, generated are as a result of operating difficulties placed from the States EU or extra EU to the ships of Italian flag and with Italian and/or communitarian crews, are of ships in la-up (outside service and/or “to the anchor”). Such proposal takes cue from the DL (so-called Decrees “Italy Cure”, while it is written about to publication) that it previews the support to the liquidity of the enterprises hit from the epidemiologica emergency “Covid-19” through financings by CDP, also in the guarantee form c.d. “first loss”.
  1. Suspension, to the aim to adapt to the plans to the changed contingencies, relative to any pleading, communication, implementation inherent to 161 former procedures art. and 182/bis Bankrupt Law, justified with the impossibility to respect the terms previewed from the law being the process of review of the plans and the difficulty of elaboration of the same ones.
  1. moratorium to standstill of 18 months on all the exposures financial institutions sterilizing the possibility of acceleration and others remedies of the backers.
It is also signaled that Confitarma has been activated with ABI (supplying ready informative to Confindustria) to the aim to adopt an agreement outline that it previews how much follows:
  • “crystallization” (forbearance) of the current agreements in being according to art. the 67 of the Bankrupt Law (Agreements of Restructure of the Debit) for the duration of 18 months. This would avoid to the enterprises that are respecting the original Plans of being newly classified between the NPLs/UTPs positions, or of having to face, in a context of extreme uncertainty, ulterior and heavy burdens connected to eventual the immediate new asseveration of the Economic-Financial Plans;
  • agreement that replies in the maximum principles the enforced “Agreement for the stipulated and which postponed Credit” between ABI and Confindustria and that the right of “extension” of the current hypothecating financings until a maximum of 100% of the residual duration of the same ones (with the validity of the below guarantees allows compatibly with the enterprises of the field). Such mature right for those enterprises whose positions are not classified between the NPLs/UTPs (former Deteriotated Credit).
On aforesaid last the two points, than they do not involve a directed normative engagement, the maximum support is demanded so that it can be reached as soon as possible to a formal agreement with ABI and/or the main Bank Groups.

At last, before ringraziarLa for the attention that it will want to reserve us, I consider opportune to with her share a last reflection tied to the necessity of traguardare the end of this serious emergency. I know well that It and all our Government, firstly President Conte, is already working in order to contain the most possible effects of the crisis, and to such fine, affords of formularLe the auspice that can take part in fast times the communitarian approval to renews of the regime of aids to the marine transports KNOWS 48260 (2017/NN). Our enterprises and all the logistic system would draw a great giovamento from the positive definition and in times breviums of such distance.

With the wish that this serious moment that our Country is crossing passes more in a hurry possible, I confirm to Them newly, Mrs Ministra, the full availability mine and of the Italian armament that I represent to put up with all how much She will consider opportune and necessary.

My more sincerely yours,
Mario Mattioli
›››News file
New historical record of monthly container traffic in the port of Long Beach
Long Beach / Los Angeles
In October, strong growth in Los Angeles climbing activity.
ZIM records excellent quarterly economic performance driven by noli uptick and activity with Latin America
ZIM records excellent quarterly economic performance driven by noli uptick and activity with Latin America
The fleet transported a record number of containers
In the third quarter, the Viking cruise group's revenues grew by 11.4% percent.
Los Angeles
Increase of 14.3% of turnover generated by ocean cruises
Signed the final agreement on the contract of port workers
Italian Antitrust initiates an investigation into SAS (MSC group), Moby and Large Navi Fast
According to the AGCM, competition restrictions may have occurred as a result of the 49% acquisition of Moby's capital by SAS.
T&E highlights the need to also count the well-to-tank emissions for LNG used by ships
T&E highlights the need to also count the well-to-tank emissions for LNG used by ships
Total greenhouse gases produced would be more than 30% higher than those considered by the FuelEU Maritime Regulation
DFDS and Ekol are rethinking and agreeing on the sale of the Turkish company's international network to the Danish group
Copenhagen / Istanbul
Revised the terms of the deal expired on the first November
Slight downturn in freight traffic in the port of Hamburg in the third quarter
Stable container traffic
The Companies inform
Accelleron initiates partnership with Geislinger to expand service business in the Mediterranean region
Cargotec agrees to the sale of MacGregor to funds managed by Triton
Sale of the value of 480 million that is expected to be completed by the first half of 2025
In the July-September quarter freight traffic in the port of Koper increased by 8.3%
In the first nine months of 2024, the increase was 3.2% percent.
Ok of Ukraine's antitrust enforcement at the entrance of MSC in the capital of HHLA terminalist company
The company operates the CTO terminal of the port of Odessa
Inaugurated the new Peruvian port of Chancay operated by China's COSCO Shipping Ports
Has 1,500 linear metres of docks
More than doubling the value of new orders acquired by Fincantieri in the first nine months of 2024
The sunshine committed for shipbuilding grew by +154,3 percent.
Established the Ship Recycling Alliance to speed up the recycling of safe and environmentally friendly ships
The initiative in view of the entry into force on June 26 of the Hong Kong International Convention
Kuehne + Nagel will acquire 51% percent of the capital of American IMC Logistics
Schindellegi / Collierville
US company mainly operates drayage services
In the third quarter of this year, Hapag-Lloyd's revenues grew by 28.2%
In the third quarter of this year, Hapag-Lloyd's revenues grew by 28.2%
Increase of 3.8% of containers carried by the fleet. Average value of nils up 22.9%
In the third quarter freight traffic in the port of Genoa decreased by -4.9% percent while in Savona-I went up by 15.7% percent.
Decided increase in transshipment containers determined by the Red Sea crisis. Down the cruises
In the third quarter, HMM revenues increased by 67% thanks to the 83% growth in the container segment
In the third quarter, HMM revenues increased by 67% thanks to the 83% growth in the container segment
+116% increase in the value of the average nole per container transported
Evergreen's quarterly financial performance hike
Evergreen's quarterly financial performance hike
Taiwanese company invests 186.8 million to buy new shipping containers
In the third quarter, container traffic at the Eurokai port terminals grew by 9.9% percent.
In the third quarter, container traffic at the Eurokai port terminals grew by 9.9% percent.
In Germany (Eurogate) the increase was 13.6% percent. In Italy (Contship Italy) of 6.8%). Slowing growth at Tanger Med. Damietta terminal will become operational in April
Danaos reports a new drop in quarterly revenue generated by fleet of container carriers
Coustas : With the Trump administration, which has promised new duties, a future reduction in container traffic is possible
In the first ten months of 2024, the traffic of goods in Russian ports decreased by -3.2%
St. Petersburg
The dry goods amounted to 370.8 million tonnes (-3.5%), those liquids at 372.2 million tonnes (-2.9%)
Port of Ancona, in 2023, underlines the AdSP-container traffic grew by 5%
The Port Authority disputes the data released by the Fedespedi Studies Center
Mr vard will build five support ships in the offshore industry.
Designed to accommodate up to 190 people, they will be carried out in Vietnam
Alpe Adria activates new rail service between the port of Trieste and the Malpensa Intermodal terminal in Sacconago
Euroseas order in China the construction of two 4,300-teu feeder container
Quarterly revenue from rentals inj growth of 5.8%
The Analysis of the Fedespea Studies Centre on economic and operational performance of Italian container terminals
GNV strengthens its business department with two nominees
New business manager and new general manager of the company in Spain
On the former Carbonyl of the Port of Genoa, the yards of the foranea dam and the subport tunnel
The AdSP Management Committee deliberated it yesterday.
In Genoa, the Graduation Day of the Italian Academy of Mercantile
Delivered 50 diplomas at the end of the biennial and three-year formative course
On November 27 in Rome, the public assembly of UNIPORT will be held
Meeting on the theme "Italian Ports, a network of businesses in the service of the country and of Europe"
Roberto Nappi, founder and director for 40 years of "Corriere Marittimo", has died.
His career had begun at the writing of the Telegraph in 1958
New EU sanctions to prohibit the use of ships and ports for the transportation of drones and missiles produced by Iran
Masucci confirmed president of Italian Propeller Clubs
New mandate for the three years 2024-2027
The seamen of the Galaxy Leader have been hostage for a year
London / Hong Kong
Platten (ICS) : It is unacceptable ; humanity prevails and they are immediately released
MSC will implement a markup of noli for maritime transport from the Far East to the Mediterranean
Increases of 25% and 18% for containers from 20 'and 40' direct in the western Mediterranean and Adriatic
Completed the dual-fuel retrofit of a large container ship in Maersk
He will be able to navigate methanol. Increased the hold capacity
Environmental authorization of the Region to dredging the quays from 19 to 26 of the port of Ancona
The intervention will cost a total of 16.5 million euros.
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
Conference of the CNEL on the Sustainability of Maritime Transport
It will be held on November 27 in Rome
Intermodal shipments between the port of Trieste and Slovakia are growing
In the third quarter the container traffic handled by HHLA dropped by -2%
In Trieste the volumes processed by PLT Italy in the first nine months of 2024 have decreased
In October container traffic in the port of Hong Kong grew by 0.7%
Hong Kong
In the first ten months of 2024, a decline of -5.2%
In the July-September quarter freight traffic in the port of Civitavecchia fell by -11.8%
The Cruserists increased by 2.7%
Last month the port of Singapore handled 3.5 million containers (+ 8.1%)
In the first ten months of 2024, growth was 6.2% percent.
MSC has completed the acquisition of the majority of logistics company MVN
Geneva / Milan
The Milanese business plans to close 2024 percent with a turnover of 100 million euros.
Conference of Assiterminal entitled "Ports in Connection-ESG, IA, CSRD"
It will be held on December 5 in Rome
In the summer quarter passenger traffic in the cruise terminals of Global Ports Holding grew by 27.5%
Revenue up 23%
SDC freight forwarder introduced artificial intelligence in the management of customs practices
Annually the practices followed exceed 15mila units
The sale of the shipping company Santandrea from the Pacorini to Aprile
The company was founded in 1989 in Trieste
Port of Gioia Tauro, the memorandum of understanding for security in working environments and port operations
Joy Tauro
Will have a duration of three years
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
Conference of the CNEL on the Sustainability of Maritime Transport
It will be held on November 27 in Rome
Conference of Assiterminal entitled "Ports in Connection-ESG, IA, CSRD"
It will be held on December 5 in Rome
››› Meetings File
Sudan govt scraps $6bn Red Sea port deal with UAE
(The North Africa Post)
Argentina enfrenta tarifas portuarias hasta 500% más altas que otros países de la región
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
Paola Piraccini appointed as Legal Technical Collaborator of Spininvest
Joined in magistrate in 1981, he is a retired cassation adviser
The meeting in Rome between the representatives of Italian ports and ports in Florida
Expect a comparison to find common themes on which to set up a benchmarking task
This year the Cruserists in the port of Ancona have grown by 18.9%
25.1% increase in transits and drop by -5.1% of landings and embarkation
Changed Risso constitutes a joint venture in Cagliari
Cagliari / Genoa
Partnership at 50% with Fausto Saba and Riccardo Vargiu
Ok to the 2025 forecast budget of the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Centre North
It presents a surplus of more than 2.5 million euros
In Palermo, the first sheet of the new ferry for the Sicilian region was cut off.
Trieste / Palermo
The delivery of the ship is scheduled for 2026
Global Ship Lease's quarterly revenue records show the first decrease since the end of 2018
The company believes that its container fleet has very good future prospects of employment
DP World signs an agreement to buy Australian Silk Logistics
Dubai / Melbourne
The expected value of the transaction is approximately 115 million
A worker has passed away in the port of Crotone
Joy Tauro
He would suddenly go down to the ground while talking to some colleagues
Torbianelli : well the ok of CIPESS in financing the future Molo VIII of the port of Trieste
Of the estimated 315 million euros, 206.9 are expected by the state
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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