Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Assiterminal and Assologistica write to the government in order to explain that the adopted measures of emergency are not sufficient
The associations ask the suspension by means of zero setting, in order at least six months, of the deposit of the concessori canons which had from the harbour concessionaires and the cancellation of the additional IRES for the concessionaires and 16 former authorized enterprises art. law 84/94
March 19, 2020
Luca Becce and Andrea Gentile, presidents respective of Assiterminal (Harbour Italian Association Terminalisti) and of Assologistica (Assologistica Association, Italian Association of the Enterprises of Logistics, Department stores, Warehouses Refrigerators, Terminalisti Harbour, Interportuali and Aeroportuali), have sent to the government a letter that he evidences as the companies of the fields represented from the two organizations endure a strong impact negative caused from the emergency coronavirus and in which they find as the measures in order to face the situation up to now adopted by the executive, than yesterday it has approved of a specific one I decree that it regards also the segment of the transports and the logistics(on 18 March 2020), to warning of Assiterminal and Assologistica they are not sufficient.
"The current emergency that is involving all with "virulent" modalities and effects - has written Becce and Gentile - it produces and in perspective sure it will produce unfortunately still for months effects of contraction also in the harbour activities that inside constitute the productive interface of the traffic goods of the logistic chain. The field of the terminals operator and the harbour enterprises to service of the traffic goods is operating with great difficulty, expanded slows down, times, heavy operating and organizational stresses and drastic decrease of volumes with consequent damage of the economic accounts: but still it has not been stopped in order not to block supplying of the Country and to still allow with the productive system working to honor the store clerks who still survive. The field of the terminals operator and the harbour enterprises to service of the fleeting traffics - they have specified - is, to all purposes and effects, state stopped for lack of traffics, with obvious damages and repercussions".
"The companies that operate in the context of the Italian portualità - have remembered Becce and Gentile - contributors for and in the Italian State are all economic subjects, that residents in our Country employ city workers: therefore ours it is a productive and organizational context that weevers the territory, economic and social its woven (compromises from the current contingency and from trail that the effects of the pandemic on the other markets are provoking and will provoke)".
"In the decree-law 17 March the 2020 n.18 - they have continued the presidents of Assiterminal and Assologistica - section of the portualità has found, as specific provision to protection of the field, the single forecast of a suspension of the payment of the concessori canons for four months. It is I legitimize to demand that the measures that the government is adopting, moreover with availability of not infinite resources, must find they ratio for the protection and the loyal support for the which rooted productive contexts on the territory and that on and with it they operate and they live, contributing to the circulation of primary assets and people. Ours it is an appeal including and solidaristico in a moment in which everyone Country is operating for the system and for survival of own enterprises and own collaborators: all the associative world is demonstrating to represent a field coeso, mature and with responsibility sense".
"We have elaborated and transmitted to the 11 government March a 2020 - moreover Becce and Gentile have remembered - Common Warning shared between the datoriali parts and the labor organizations (than you we repropose) own integrally to mean the convergence on the gravity of the situation that, restate, produces its effects already today and it will still produce them for various time. The synthesis of the measures that we evidence is meditated and weight based on the specificity of the productive section of the portualità: this we wish finds in your institutional sensibility a particular attention also to strengthening of your role of government of the Country. We restate therefore that he is necessary and unavoidable to recepire in the merit and the substance the specific proposals for the field that we have already represented you (not demanded but it must) to the aim of being able to supply to the system that we represent and its working adequate instruments at least in order to check the criticalities that we are facing today".
Rimarcando that, "in the current contingency, the previewed measures at the moment are not sufficient", Becce and Gentile have specified which are for the two associations "the necessities more establish quotas in order to look for than to resist": the "suspension by means of zero setting, for a not inferior period to six months, of the deposit of the concessori canons which had from the harbour concessionaires shopkeepers harbour operations and/or services to goods and passengers comprised the marine stations" and "the cancellation of the so-called additional IRES (law 27/12/2020, art.1, codicil 210, lett.c) for the concessionaires of which to art. the 18 and for 16 former authorized enterprises art. law 84/94".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher