Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The ANPAN denunciation that associated companies, essential in order to assure the continuity of the marine transport, cannot operate
Assologistica asks Customs to widen not the application of the suspension of the Customs Decisions also to the productive and commercial activities
March 31, 2020
The National Association Provveditori Naval Contractors (ANPAN) has recriminated that various associate companies have codes ATECO that are excluded by attached the 1 to on March 22, 2020 Prime Minister's decree of the ministers and next modifications, that it introduces ulterior measures in order to face the epidemiologica emergency from Covid-19, essential codes - it has emphasized the ANPAN - for being able to maintain the companies operating without to incur in ulterior problematic compared to those that already today the naval field is found to face.
As a result of the effectiveness of the Dpcm - it has specified the association - "such companies therefore are forced to demand the authorizations in exception to the Prefectures for being able to guarantee the supplies to the ships in the Italian ports, with all the potential consequences of the case; they turn out cases - it has evidenced moreover the ANPAN - of Prefectures that have denied such authorizations".
The association has announced that, in the attempt to mitigate the possible consequences, it has sent a letter to the Ministry of the Interior with the objective to signal the importance of the job that the associates of the ANPAN carry out for giving continuity to the row of the marine transport, "whose importance - it has evidenced the association - never as today he is fundamental for the transport of the essential genres in time of lockdown".
The ANPAN has remembered that the association "is active member of the I.S.S.A., the International Ship Suppliers Association, which, from the beginning of the caused world-wide crisis from the spread of the Covid-19 virus, is striving in order to raise awareness all the stakeholders on the importance to guarantee the refueling of the ships, it is of food is of respect pieces, in all the ports of the planet". The ANPAN has remembered moreover that "IMO and WCO have confirmed their engagement to the flank of the ship chandlers in raising awareness the authorities of the Member States to the support of their activity in the several ports of the world, and to the scope they have sent official letters".
About the difficulties at the moment which met from various associates, the ANPAN has explained that "everywhere the system is withstanding, however - it has specified - our association has received signallings of suppliers who have cancelled without prior notice deliveries of provisions and spare parts already
programmed, with consequent increase of costs for the shipowners".
"It never does not have to forget - it has emphasized the association - than the ships in order to work have constant necessity of spare parts, so as the crews of the same ones have the requirement to nourish themselves as which they are on the mainland, and this are so much truer nowadays".
With the today's denunciation, besides launch a outcry of alarm for the situation that the companies of the section are facing, the ANPAN has intentional also and above all to introduce "a demand for formal and substantial acknowledgment of the role that provveditori and contractors they inside have of the marine cluster".
Always in topic of codes ATECO, president of the Commission Dogane of Assologistica, Stefano Morelli, has considered opportune better to esplicitare the position of the association relatively to the critic turned yesterday to the Agency of Customs for the decision not to grant authorizations until the term of the sanitary emergency(on 30 March 2020). Morelli, in manifesting however appreciation for the acts of the Agency of Customs that, with the direttoriale determination on 26 March, has intended to clarify the capacity of bill 18/2020 in the customs field, subordinate to the rules dictated from the unionale norm, has specified that the operators of the field ask the Agency an ulterior opening, having widened not the application of the suspension of the Customs Decisions also to the productive and commercial activities, than at the moment they are not legitimized to operate in order to assure the row of "codes ATECO", so as to be able to allow to place in being suitable procedural instruments that afford to all the operators an immediate resumption of the activities of delivery of the goods with positive glares on the economy, when the connected emergenziale period to the current associate-sanitary situation stops.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher