Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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AIATP, also the marine transport tourist fluvial lacuale and is in serious crisis
Columbus (Filt Cgil): it is necessary to give cover also the thousands of marine ones that, not being in constancy of job relationship, will not be able to approach the performances of the Solimare Bottom
April 7, 2020
Fleeting the Shipping Italian Association Transport (AIATP) has launch an alarm for the important impact negative that the crisis caused from the pandemic from coronavirus is having on the marine transport tourist fluvial lacuale and, collision - it has specified the association - that it risks to sweep up the entire field, heavily dependent from the course of a tourist season that appears already wide compromised.
AIATP has remembered that, with a fleet of beyond 1.450 units, more than 13.500 marine workers between and personal of earth, the cluster transports annually about 38 million passengers for a turnover of 342 million euros, numbers of all respect - it has emphasized the association - that they gravitate around the transport of passengers online and not, to the tourist excursions between the most renowned Italian resorts, to the services of navigation in internal waters.
The association has evidenced that draft of manifest a microcosm strongly specialized that own worry above all for the working seasonal anniversaries and that risk from a part not to be able to work, from the other not to be able to have use of the economic supports because re-entering in the categories identified from you do not decree today emitted from the government from the beginning of the emergency.
"We feel ourselves abandoned - the president of AIATP, Salvatore Gambardella has explained - from the provisions Italy Cure that the Italian government has decreed in recent days. The taken measures up to now do not hold minimally account of the block of and on a national level international tourism that represents the main source of yield of our companies. Our activity is purely seasonal, carrying out itself from April to October, and we cannot wait for the next season in order to resume the full operativity".
"We - Gambardella has remembered - transport passengers, but we represent that added value and a branch of national the tourist system that cannot be forgotten or ignored. We navigate in order to allow with the tourists to admire and to reach by sea the more evocative and charming places that our Country has put on to us and we make it with professionality, with remarkable efforts, but now we need that aid by the institutions without which we risk to fail".
In particular, the AIATP has asked the adoption for a plan of throws again of the investments that afford to the field to exceed the period of emergency in order to face in the more adequate way the next season. "Sure - it has specified Gambardella - the 2020 can be considered already archived item. Own by virtue of this is necessary to restate that the contributive and fiscal companies will not be able to tackle to the obligations for obvious lack of deep".
Restating the worry above all for the destiny of the seasonal workers it is marine is of earth, the president of the association has specified that these "today cannot benefit of the bonus of 600 euros previewed from art. the 29 of decree 17 March 2020 and of the circular INPS n. 49 on March 31, 2020 since the transport fleeting are inserted in a branch of the industrial section and not in that tourist. We ask - it has concluded Gambardella - realizes aids also for our category and our families, as already made for the other truths tied to tourism and the private airlines".
While Filt Cgil has thrown again own outcry of alarm for the state of suffering of the entire field of the marine transport, whose conditions - the national secretary of the union has explained, Natale Colombo - I am of great breathlessness because of the sanitary emergency. "As confederal union of category - it has remembered - immediately we have activated ourselves so that from quickly all the workers of the field they can boast a form of support to the yield and, therefore, besides the Solimare Bottom it is right to strive for the collectability of an ulterior able instrument of giving cover the thousands of marine ones that, not being in constancy of job relationship, will not be able to approach the performances of the Bottom".
"We are asking the government - it has clarified Columbus - an answer adapted to legitimacy of the demand for the protections so as go pursued precise able actions to accompany also the Italian armament that, in this phase emergenziale, above all in the traffic fleeting and crocieristico, is impattando with a crisis unprecedented".
"Our Country - it has continued the representative of Filt Cgil - cannot absolutely deny the berthing in our ports to the Italian ships whose crews have the right to rejoin themselves with own relatives. The marine authority and that harbour one, also intimando the conditions for the disembarkation in safety of all the marine ones on board, immediately authorize the entrance in our ports of all those Italian ships that of it they have made demanded, to guarantee also of the eventual sanitary emergencies that they have on board".
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