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Rejected the consuntivo budget of the Authority of Harbour System of Mare Adriatico Settentrionale
Duci (Federagenti): we would not want to be forced to interrogate to us on who between the presidents of the ports it will succeed to conclude its mandate without being hit or sunk
June 18, 2020
The senators of the Pd Andrea Ferrazzi and Vincenzo Of Arienzo have announced that the representatives of the Municipality of Venice and the Region of Veneto in the Committee of management of the Authority of Harbour System of Mare Adriatico Settentrionale have voted against the consuntivo budget of the harbour agency and have denounced that this will prevent to the AdSP to devolve to the Venetian territory beyond five of beyond 25 million euros of administration remainder.
Ferrazzi and Of Arienzo has remembered that, in consideration of the decrease of the traffics in the Italian ports deriving from the Covid-19 emergency, the government with the decree-law I throw again in fact has previewed the possibility to introduce measures of support to the harbour operators and the enterprises that operate in the harbour and marine field assigning to the Authorities of Harbour System the faculty to have, until the zero setting, the reduction of the amount of the concessori canons and those relative to the concessions for the management of marine stations and services of support to passengers also using own remainder of administration.
The news has provoked the disappointment of the president of the federation of the Italian shipping agents: "going ahead at this rate - the president of Federagenti has commented, Gian Enzo Duci - we would not want to be forced to interrogate to us on who between the 15 presidents of the Italian ports, centers of Authority of Harbour System, it will succeed to conclude its mandate without being hit or sunk, or from "motions of no-confidence" or from judicial provisions"". The obvious reference is to the recent removal from the presidency of the AdSP of Mare Adriatico Orientale di Zeno D' Augustin who is declared decayed by the assignment from the National Authority Anticorruzione(on 5 June 2020).
Duci has found that the failure of the budget of the AdSP of Mare Adriatico Settentrionale, that is that which governs the port of Venice, it could have the possible train of a commissariamento of the president in charge, Pino Musolino, and this, at less than two weeks from the decapitation of the port of Trieste - it has asserted - would provoke heavy perplexities on the future of the Italian portualità and on the risk of a scene "in which to being rewarded they could be only the port presidents whom they prefer to assume with extreme precaution any type of chosen own in order to hold to the wide one from the "torpedo" that with always greater intensity they cross harbour waters".
"It is not - it has observed the president of Federagenti - only a problem of personal solidarity to a president, but also a serious operating problem: already eight ports on 15 have entered in the mixer of distrust or judicial inquiries, to the point to speak about real countdown towards the total zero setting in dock of the choices completed from the former minister of the Transports, Graziano Delrio.
If specific of Venice, the budget on which had given to seem favorable to majority the Organism of partnership and therefore the entrepreneurial categories that in it are represented, therefore the Revisers of the accounts, are rejected for the contrary ballot of the Committee of management in which the local institutions are represented. A choice that for law must be motivated emerging of precise nonperformances and violations".
"Certainly - it has concluded Duci - when the ports would have to print a decisive thrust to throw again of the System Country, affecting in determining way on the productive system, so as the tourist field, the new big wave of distrust properly does not blow in the sails of the harbour system a wind that ago to win the regattas to the Country. And as operators of the field this degradation cannot not raise increasing worries".
Worry is expressed also by Alessandro Santi, president of Assagenti Venice: "we cannot not be interrogated - it has explained - on what will happen tomorrow: Venice - it has emphasized - is a port that needs fast choices on topics as the maintenance of the channels, the dredgings, the income of the great ships. The discontinuity in the governance could generate ulterior criticalities for the solution of problems that in some cases timidly were approaching concrete results and for that they could now appear on a level with real ways without escape".
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