Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The Municipality of Cagliari exhorts the government to activate itself in order to allow the restart of the activity with the container terminal to the Port Channel
Asked the institution for an Agency for the terminalistico job of the transhipment
April 8, 2021
The mayor of Cagliari, Paolo Truzzu, and the alderman to the technological Innovation, ambient and political of the sea, Alessandro Guarracino, has written a letter to the government, addressing it to i, inisteri of Infrastructures and sustainable mobility, the economic Development, the Job and the social policies, the Economy and finances and to that for the South and the territorial cohesion, asking the opening for a technical and political table the aim to reach the auspicious restart of the activity the container terminal the Port Channel of Cagliari and being sped up the creation of a specific agency for harbour job.
Evidencing the necessity to answer to the painful issue of about 250 workers who currently are in state of unemployment because of the arrest warrant of the activity to the harbour terminal, the mayor, specifying that "it is our determination to make of all because the workers resume their job", it has asked "that an Agency for the terminalistico job of the transhipment is instituted"
Relatively to the objective to allow the operating resumption of the container terminal, fundamental condition - it has emphasized - for the development in the field of the logistics and all commercial and tourist the induced one constituted by companies that move in the infrastructural section, in the letter is evidenced that "an operation of scouting becomes necessary through a advisor specialized in the field of the transhipment to the aim to characterize the authoritative subjects that can be interested to the site of Cagliari".
Draft - Truzzu and Guarracino have explained - of "a propedeutica action to the start of new finalized procedures to acquire valid manifestations of interest provided that, parallel, is arrived to the fast institution of the ZES. Without fiscal conveniences, it is difficult to attract enterprises interested to conspicuous investments. We say for a long time: definitive answers are necessary because on the territory social uneasiness remains enormous".
"We ask - the letter continues - the opening for a technical and political table with the involvement of all: national, regional and local actors institutional, obviously with the full involvement of the Authority of Harbour System of the Sea of Sardinia. We consider that not there is more time".
"We cannot - they have concluded Truzzu and Guarracino - waste an enormous potentiality of development and creation of places of work. The same tenacity and sharing of attempts between institutions, than in the recent one passed have allowed to make to remove the landscaped tie that hindered the programmed work on the compendium, must support the political and administrative action to all the levels".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher